Filename thread

Filename thread

Other urls found in this thread: of the Boreal Valley


















is this samurai jack?












These are always painfully obvious but I love them so much


>tripfag enters the thread




>how to win the presidency




It's possibly THE most autistic hobby, you should be ashamed


>being stupid



dumb oney poster


Oh right the tranny, my bad lads

>making filenames to go with your replies

anyone got a better name?



what the fuck is this

Don't most bottles don't break that easily though?



KEK that's good


Muslim Music

Before this thread gets deleted
Why do all filename threads get deleted?

An empty bottle isn't too hard to break, and the guy clearly has a thick skull with very little in it.


Mods have come to hate them in recent years. Don't know why, they're usually pretty amusing.


not really but charlie is hot

Samurai Jacks off


yes it is

this actually looks good, i never got into the show as a kid; should i start on the CN show or just the reboot or whatever youd call it?

>tfw doing this

The quickest way to an answer on the internet is not to ask a question, but to post the wrong answer.

the Adult Swim is a final season to close it off and takes place 50 years after the original series
there's a copypasta on Sup Forums that details the essential episodes but really it's all good enough that you can start from the beginning, watch every episode, and not regret it


Watch Season 1-4, watch about 4-5 episodes of S5 then stop.


>le dark sole is easy xD

mods are newfags who don't know what is Sup Forums anymore but they sure have no issue leaving furry threads intact


Nice job retard. The joke is

how fucking new are you...?

almost didnt catch it

Now's when you say you were only pretending to be retarded.

It can't be.. can it?


>is this samurai jack?

If you look closely, it's loss. Everything is loss.




what cartoon is that ?





I still don't get it.

>link in spoiler
You're the worst kind of person

took me a second

>DSP drinks a beer of the Boreal Valley

Then why'd you reply to it in the first place, dingus?

>there are "humans" that actually like this garbage.

Don't bother, Samurai Jack should have never been revived. It goes strong for 3 episodes and then crumbles to shit pretty quickly, the ending of the series is very rushed, unsatisfying and full of plot holes.

get off your phone, if you can't handle the inconvenience of using inferior hardware