How powerful a processor (and maybe graphics card) would I need to run a game like Battlefield 1...

How powerful a processor (and maybe graphics card) would I need to run a game like Battlefield 1, Witcher 3 or Destiny 2 at 1440p / 144hz? I'm trying to build a rig which can pull at least around 100 frames in most new games


And performances will degrade with time unless you de-bloat your PC.

De-bloat with what? Just normal cleanups and removal of shit I don't need?

ccleaner probably

What? How would that affect your GPU/CPU performance at all?

>4gb 1080
i don't think tha't enough for 1440p and 144fps

It's 8gb, not sure why it shows 4

If you're going for 1440p/144Hz you're not really going for budget so
1080 Ti/Ryzen 1700x

>Ryzen 1700x

top priority -> CPU, G-Sync monitor
cpu -> wait for 8700k or go for a 7900x
vga -> 1080ti hibrid

7700K+1080ti sli

>1k cpu for gaymen
>ontop of paying up 200 for memesync

GTX 1080 and a Ryzen

>7700K+1080ti sli

>buying Intel

try running bf1 at 144hz and 140p retard
and that its not even 30% of the pc budged

>Battlefield 1, Witcher 3 or Destiny 2 at 1440p / 144hz?

For 144Hz you absolutely need an Intel CPU as it's simply better at getting more frames. For the GPU, maybe a 1080Ti since 1070 gets everything 60fps ultra at 1440p.

You won't get 144fps constantly with max settings, you'll need to lower settings on Witcher 3.

An 8700K and a 1080Ti would do the trick.

and for smoother experience on the 120-100fps you need a g-sync monitor

OP's pic can run bf1 at 1440p 100+ and you want him to drop an extra 3k?

>buying and shilling for amd

>buying and shilling intel

R5 1600 should do fine

try playing the game first kido

Yeah, the 1700 is usually a much better buy
Comes with a cooler, is cheaper and you only get like 50MHz less when both are overclocked

I've got a G-SYNC monitor, I don't even use G-SYNC. Not a fan of the technology.
Did he even state it was his rig? If so, then:

Overclock to 4770K to around 4.4GHz
Get some 2400MHz RAM
Overclock the GTX 1080 to around 2000MHz

You should be fine with 1440p 144Hz with these changes.

>not wanting the best experience

>Comes with a cooler, is cheaper
> overclocked
so the cooler is useless , same as the cpu
try running bf1 its a cpu hog

>I've got a G-SYNC monitor, I don't even use G-SYNC. Not a fan of the technology.
have you set it up right?

Yeah, I disabled G-SYNC. I've used it before. I just don't like it. I prefer to set a game to run at a consistent fps on a certain refresh rate. For example I run Dragon's Dogma at 100fps locked 100Hz since I average a bit over 100fps on 1440p.

what are you shills smoking

>not buying Intel for gaming
Good job, you drank the Sup Forums Kool Aid.


is a 1070 good for 1440p 144 max ultra?

1440p 60 ultra

its 2017 retard


Which monitor is best for 1440p 144hz? The Acer predator series or the ones from Asus?

First learn how to overclock what you have, buying k series intel CPU and not overclocking is just stupid. Are you running 16GB stick + 4GB stick?
Also be smart and don't ask questions you want decent answers on memeboard, you don't have to thank me.

1070ti comes out this month
don't walk the plank just yet

Pic related murders everything out at 4k/60fps and 3440x1440 @ 100fps (about same performance demand as 1440 @ 144fps)

I also have a pc in my living room with a 6700k and a single 1080 ti on a 4k TV and 1440p 144hz monitor, also does fine. Long story short, a 1080 Ti is what you're after. One, not two. Two is just for compute processing and GPU based rendering / conversion.


not an argument

Asus PG279Q.

They're identical but having experienced both and being an owner of the Asus, the Asus is the better option based on the stand. One thing to note, is that the Asus has sold more therefore you will see a larger number of negative reviews.

There is a 4K 144Hz HDR monitor that's going to be released next year. I'm going to upgrade to this, maybe it's a bad time to get 1440p now because it's sort of like '1600x1900', not a true supported resolution for many forms of media.

the 5gen its deprecated retard, they where the best of the best, but the no longer sold those they were replaced by the x299

my bad


go find your wrangler,tard

posting a 2016 benchmark....
with vanilla bf1

so? ryzen is a better all around cpu, but for gaming (especially at high refresh rates) intel higher IPC helps.
Also, you can see the difference with HT disabled, doubt more cores will give much more

I can't even understand what you're trying to say, English or 日本語. Speak one or the other.

This, I have a PG348Q and a PG278Q myself they're both great with no major defects. I tried the x34 from acer... Replaced three before i got out of it with lemon policy.

Maybe it's luck of the draw since the panels are made by one manufacturer in most cases.

For the guy who asked I noticed there are other brands that use the same AHVA panel found in the Asus but it's cheaper as it doesn't carry the Asus tax.

Pretty much this, anyone with a 144Hz or a 240Hz needs an Intel CPU. Ryzen is great for 60fps gaming but for enthusiasts that wish to push high fps in many titles, Intel is the only choice.


for less

Anyone have experience with the Acer Predator xb271hua? It's 1440p/144hz, but TN, it's on sale nearby and I'm considering it

It's 250$ off (in my currency)

Acer has awful build quality

Maybe not cc cleaner, recently had a security breach so instead of cleaning out your computer it throws in malware. It's fixed now but from what I've read it's still at risk and the way they breached the program can't be fixed without rewriting the whole damn program.