What's his name, Sup Forums? I'm sure almost everyone on this board would have heard of him by now

What's his name, Sup Forums? I'm sure almost everyone on this board would have heard of him by now.


solid snake

What the fuck is that giant schnoz doing and why haven't I noticed it before? Why am I also beginning to notice that he literally has no eyebrows?

Superior Sovereignty

Baby Boomer

David Bowie

Jack John

Big Guy.

Beard is key.



That Guy Who Has A Clone Who Saw A Russian Gunship, Huh?

Enourmous Authority

Large and in Charge

Colossal Colonel

ugly serpent

keither sutherland

Above-Average Sizewise Chief in Command

Solidus Snake

Dominant Director

Bib Bobs

Large and in Charge

Biggus Dickus

Uncovered serpent