What book would you adapt into a game if you had the resources?

What book would you adapt into a game if you had the resources?

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The Great Gatsby


Heart of Darkness.
The real deal, survival simulation of going upstream through the Congo river in some shitty steamboat that needs to get repaired all the time.

Lolita dating sim

Deltora Quest

The Dark Tower or just The Gunslinger?


Blood Meridian

I would say the series, but obviously it would have to be a point and click adventure. If you were just to adapt the Gunslinger, it could be an action game or a FPS which would be more satisfying if you ask me.

>Deltora Quest


Alliance-Union verse fleet combat.

I would have posted the same, but since you already did, I'll post my second choice instead.


The Wheel of Time series.
But it would have to be some grand strategy, either CK2 style or Total War.
I am not happy about first person shooter twot game they made that nobody remembers anymore.

One of the Malazan books, only you play as

Either that or the ranger's apprentice, make it play like Theif with a greater lethal toolset. That way we can make a series and the final game will be your bloody revenge against the people who killed your wife.

Not sure how it would work, but Hyperion.

Oh shit son

Dune as a depressive, bleak sci-fi ARPG.

earthbound like rpg, to keep the bizarreness.

or maybe House of Leaves ;)

Would be pretty based

Maybe 1984


Mite b interesting. I can see it.

Still a tragedy this book isn't more recognized.

more the general concept than the exact events of the book
would probably be better as a tv series though

The one you posted. I want it set after the fall but before the gathering. A post-apocalyptic medieval western. With magic and shit.
A CRPG preferably.


>The Quixote as a book exists within the Quixote
>Earthbound as a game exists within Earthbound

House of Leaves as a videogame would work. I don't know how, but perhaps as a mix of many different game archetypes; adventure game, puzzle/point and click, "cinematic walking simulator" and survival horror

Roland is a really fun modded class in Doom 2. Has a dead eye item which works on a cooldown but turns his revolvers into godlike weps for a bit. Way too strong for vanilla maps though

>Speaker For the Dead

Link. Google sends me on a wild goose chase.


>be mediocre writer
>write something mediocre but interesting enough to get other, better writers contributing to your oc donut steel setting

Jkjk I liked it to but hadn't the patience for all the sequels

We happy few meets stalker

Isn't this the book that's basically Berserk but in space?

>adult adventure game
>a fully explorable DeepArcher with appropriately dated graphics, various side things you can do there

It's not Pinecone's best work, but I can't help thinking there's a lot of potential for an interactive adaptation.

Can't find that one site all the wads are pulled from on Doomseeker I imagine it'll be in. Was in a mod called something similar to ''Lost Rarities'', a massive collection of class mods of varying quality

R A Salvatore's The Demon Wars saga - half religious/secular politics like crusader kings, half killing the shit out of goblins and giants.

>not a nigra



It's not a good work of fiction.

Thanks user.

I've asked the /VR/ Doom thread if any of them remember the name so maybe they'll know exactly what its called. Its a bit hard to find since you used to be able to just search DBZone on doomseeker and it had a pretty popular 24/7 server, but the creator is ashamed of it or something and told people to never host it again so that server is dead

In the book he is described very sparsely. Its so the reader can insert any person in the role of Roland, even themselves if they wish. But what is described of him is
>Blue eyes
>Pale face
>Dark hair
>Medium length hair that falls in his eyes

He could be Idris Elba if you want, but he has blue eyes. I personally imagine him as black, just because Idris Elba embodied him.

Any of the good chinese xianxia web novels, a nice ancient china setting, and interesting cultivation.
Ideally a disgaea type game where you just slowly become a god.

he's supposed to look like clint eastwood you nigger apologist

wow, racist much?

Damn. I figured I'd play some Doom because my current pc ate shit and now I'm on a 14 years old laptop. Thanks for the help user.

Thats who Stephen King based him on, but I think hes a lot beefier. Also, Clint Eastwood has brown eyes, and it is a big deal that Roland has blue eyes in the Drawing of the Three, so he obviously isnt a carbon copy of the man with no name.

Is this bait? Please don't make me pull shit from the books that says he's a "long, tall and ugly" white dude.

A princess of mars.(complete with everyone being naked.)


Malazan Book of the Fallen

get the fuck over it
I'm tired of media pushing blacks in everything

You're on Sup Forums
As an adult
Don't get slighted by every thing people say

The Dark Tower movie had perfect casting, even though the film itself was a mess.

I wanna play as Eddie and shortcircuit advanced AI by telling dead baby jokes.

Detta calls him as honky.
He's white.

>not an economy sim where you play as Tehol


Words hurt user. Apologize to that guy right now.

>clint eastwood with blue eyes
>a nigger

liberals will try to say they're exactly the same

How do you explain Detta calling Roland a honky motherfucker?

I know you're just baiting, but Roland is white.

Fair point. Ill cede to you.

Checkmate, atheists.

The guy is a dumbass lmao, there are clear parts of which roland gets called a honkey (basically white trash).

Hes a white cowboy to put it simple



Maybe mistborn. I know it's newer shit, but the setting might work as a decent game

Hyperion Cantos CRPG

Alright, now apologize to everyone here for your stupid comment.

As long as it's set before everyone gets killed/quits and they travel to Pajeetistan, only for the remaining OGs to get imprisoned and the entire narrative shifts to a bunch of people I don't give a fuck about.

>Pale face

As much as I love Croaker in all his hypocritical glory and his love life with the literal queen of darkness, how would a game about them work?

Some sort of top-down RPG? Im thinking Divinity style?
Or perhaps RTS during their campaign against the Forces of Ligh

>final boss is the Shrike
>if you did the right sidequests he dies when you touch him
>if you didn't, he's literally unbeatable


>that's basically Berserk but in space
I am aroused and intrigued

A fleet of ships stuck in the enemy Capital system. You're a legendary commander who was recovered from a Cryo Escape pod on the way there. You launched out that escape pod 100 years earlier, when the war started.

Your reputation was made up by the government for propaganda, but all the experienced Fleet Captains on both sides are dead, and have resorted to just flying in straight lines at each other.

Would probably just be like homeworld or something.


>his love life with the literal queen of darkness
Lady and her relation with Croaker is one of the worst parts of the story IMO. Later on she sort of grows into her place and things become more natural, but for most of the story their love affair is so goddamn forced and doesn't make any kind of sense at all, and Lady's personality is just kind of shit.

As cool as she is in concept, she really just doesn't work for me, both as a character and as Croaker's love interest.

>build a city
>eat smaller cities
>make city bigger
>eat bigger cities
>roll around the post apocalyptic world in your giant city-tank


I find that Grim Dawn is the closest contender to Roland's world. Also you can blast shit away gunslinger style.

The one I am writing.

Let's forget the shitty movie for a moment because it completely missed the point of the story.

It would basically be yet another a zombie survival sim except with the hidden twist that no John, you are the monsters.

I think the fact that their relationship is so shitty and forced makes the interaction more believable. Lady at that time is at her most vulnerable since she lost her power. And here comes the historian she liked to mentally torture just for the hell of it. Should she bite now? Is she normal? Can she be normal? What would that entail to the Lady of the Dominator?

And Croaker knows he can't trust her because she was just the Dark Queen, not to mention he was present during times where Lady was at her darkest.

The conflict, confusion, and awkwardness seems realistic to me, at least to 2 people who had ideas to each other, which was quickly shattered, but bereft of anything save themselves.

TLDR; Black Company VN when?

Would probably have to play as a cover shooter/RPG.

The Rats in the Walls. It would be a 2D party-based RPG with artwork like Mark Mignola's illustrations in Hellboy.

The Magician series by Raymond Feist. And I mean every book he's written in the long series. An RPG set in that world would be amazing

A 3rd person RPG with powers based on Allomancy
Physics based puzzles using iron and steel would be fun as fuck. Dont know how Atium and its fellow special metals would work though.

Anabasis with space ships is good, user.

I would kill for one.

Fuck I was just about to post this. It seems made for a video game. Warring over resources, fantasy magic power armour etc etc.

First person brawler game, fighting game, action.

you beat up commies, ruffians, riff-raff around town.

you don't have health points, but a Pondus meter, and you need to have it be over a certain threshold at the end of a chapter or you're replaced by a weak priest.

Definitely the Honor Harrington series

If I have to choose a specific book, obviously I pick Honor Among Enemies because HMAMC Wayfarer is the coolest spaceship ever conceived

We need more games with tactical large-scale space combat, because so few of them do it right, and the Honorverse space combat rules are fantastic

And Honor is my waifu


IT except you play as Pennyvise trying to eat all the children of Derry