Risk of Rain


going 3D was a mistake

So, what's your brilliant idea for a RoR2?

not going 3D

that is a lack of an idea

I think it will be good


Summoning skeletons.


>zoom scale and distance
Those new Engi attack icons look interesting.

what game?

Rip. The concept seemed interesting.

Ask the dev.


top laff

Looks like it'll be boring. The great thing with a 2D environment is that you can convey large distances and large quantities of enemies at a nice stable scale. With a 3D environment everything looks way too big compared to the character and enemy models.

same shit, more maps, more characters, more items

calling it now RoR2 is gonna be unplayable shit

wwtf I hate borderladns now

That's not an idea, ideasguy

not an idea, its a solution

I'm still sad this didn't come together

What is this?


Gibhard, a rogue-FPS made some artguy from Overwatch. Release date: TBA

Thanks user
That last screenshot's art style is pure sex

hello hopoo

Those gifs look like sex. Fuck you haters.

I wasn't sold until this gif


no one cares
fuck off and go fucking bully a game dev elsewhere you gamergate shithead


3D is fine, BTW.

I feel like a lot of the character of this game came from its look. The gifs are nice because it *does* look like it might playable and that's a relief, but that's it.

While I hope it's good, I really would have liked another 2D game.

Infusion is, was and always will be for gays

Give me syringes and goat hoofs.


0-3: Fap
4-6: Host
7-9: Sleep

You played yourself.


Are they kikestartering this shit?

I fucken loved RoR.

I just wanted to fap t.b.h

This distresses me.

Everyone bitched when Splatoon did it.

that doesnt count because nintengay already rehashes everything

>AAA Team-based accessible shooter

>Obscure hardcore indie gem


Such is the way of things, but one can still dream.

>missed it


Reminder to always loop

4D checkers

>can we expect a september update? Yes!
>release update on october


Looks good. I hope those floor textures/terrain are just placeholders though.

You fellas still going?

Level 4 right now

Alright, I'll be down to join when you've finished up. Gives me time to finish this episode of House

Serious engine

i can only imagine the horror of looking through your scope only for an overloaded worm to cover it completely

Thank you :^) for shielding us from the cremators

You're lucky I didn't stay on the ropes



>sniper actually has to use his scope now
>mfw metnid changes mains


>mfw I have to buy a gayman PC to play it but probably won't be able to

I didn't know risk of rain looked like that!

That's a big golem

Anyone know a comparable font to the damage numbers? I really really like it

opan when


>implying that will stop me from playing best survivor

My boy HAN D lookin good.

I hope jetpack sucks major ass

If they can pull it off this could be better than the original. I like OG Risk of Rain but there's no denying that the combat can get really sketchy at times, with this going 3D dodging projectiles and hitting enemies could be a lot more fun.

fuckin open when t-bone

>implying jetpack will be in the game at all



What's his endgame?

The visual clarity in those screenshots is awful. The color palette, contrast, lack of shading, fog and repeating geometry makes it straining to look at and track objects.
Why even go 3D if you don't have the budget and/or personal talent to pull it off?

getting huge

finding a host

>maybe if i insult the dev where he won't even see it the game will improve
makes me think

Unity LMAO

Wait, is this real? I thought it was bait.

No fucking way

Better to try something new then shitpost on Sup Forums.


RoR2 might just end up being the only good loot and shoot ever made. No, Borderlands and Destiny are not good.

Is it a loot and shoot when you dont even pick up any new weapons?


Nah bro

Bump bump

Risk of No Hosts

Improved RoR clone but it's 2D and not 3Dshit when?

There's nothing wrong with transitioning into 3D

>where he won't even see it
Hopoo knows about the Sup Forums threads. You bet your ass he reads shit here.

Still too early to call "IT'S SHIT"

Maybe explain this to them at their devblog in an anonymous ask-post, so they can improve on that?

The power of red chests says otherwise.

>character is still positioned in the middle of the screen
These people are trying to make an action game yet they know nothing about action games.


Standard arena multipayer is average right now. BR is thus becoming popular.. survival..

Yo i can't join


I kinda like how the devs are making the effort, it makes me a bit sad they didn't worked a bit more on the online for the first but w/e, i'm going to keep an eye for this and hope it doesn't flop.

Also, pic related, who else expects him to be back? I have hope.