I already played it on an emulator. Pretty bland and boring to be perfectly honest

I already played it on an emulator. Pretty bland and boring to be perfectly honest.

I miss clover studios, platinum is good but just not the same.

God that shitty fucking artstyle

I pirated it for the Wii, deleted 10 mins in because my eyes were bleeding. Turns out that the game is really supposed to look like shit

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with this ghosting effect?

Any chance of a mod that removes it?

Furry porn ruined this game.

>having taste this shit


Clover had variety, Platinum is just a million DMC clones.

Everyone who made God Hand doesn't work at Capcom anymore.

If the art style is your complaint, you should go play another game, friendo.

Stick to Cuckhead, you tasteless mutt.

It would be nice if Capcom would port it to the Switch.

The art style would be perfect IF they didn't do this fucking shit.

That's not part of the art style, you moron, that's a post processing effect. At worst you'll be able to turn it off on the PC version.


It's portable and you can play it while comfy in bed or at your girlfriend's house.

>switch owner

I want to FUCK the sun!

Because it'd probably get more sales than it would on PC or Xbox. Because it's a type of game that Switch owners would likely enjoy more and because Switch's first half of 2018 looks sparse as far as big 1st party titles and Nintendo needs to add more filler to its line up.

You're shitting me. I can play best zelda on pc now unemulated? Schway.

How will sonybros even recover?

You know, Islam is becoming more popular. What nine-year-old wouldn't want to play a Switch before her boyfriend of 35 rails her?


it's better than Zelda

I'd never thought I'd read anyone from here say this.

it takes everything bad about Zelda and mashes it up into an "artistic" piece of fluff. All sizzle, no steak. Boring as fuck game and unless you're a huge weeb you'll be confused at what the fuck is happening at the end

>No pc collector´s edition
>No pc Boxed edition
>No pc fucking case Edition
I´ll pirate it.

>god vs evil god fight
what's confusing exactly

Don't buy this game, don't give capcom money for this revisionist version of the game that pretends clover doesn't exist

There wasn't a PS3 boxed edition either. Only in Japan.

>people actually believe this
The only thing Okami has going for it is its style and soundtrack. Okami takes the worst parts of Zelda and amplifies them. Baby mode difficulty with terrible padding and a boring story with unskippable text that moves at a snails pace.

Damn, it doesn't even list Clover as the developer.

the shit with the moon in the snowy area

>baby mode difficulty
Yeah Zelda is hard as fuck right
Wind Waker, TP and Skyward Sword all have way more padding than Okami

I've been saying schway since forever, man. It's a fantastic piece of slang and i wish more people would pick it up

>emulate on pcsx2
>use Remotr on a phone with a bt controller


and i pirated that too.

>i pirated that too.
You mean japan right?

I accept that it's stupidly easy but it has a far more engaging story than anything that's ever gone under the Zelda name.

>everything bad about zelda
I don't see as much mundane pressing forward toward destination because the areas are smaller and more cluttered
You'd right about the handholding though, but you'd still suffer that if you played Zelda, so might as well play a game that doesn't look and sound like shit while you're at it.

>The only thing Okami has going for it is its style and soundtrack.
Those are the only things any of the 3D Zeldas have going for them though. Play a real dungeon crawler instead of Zelda for gameplay.

Looks fucking great.

>Interactive loading game screens from the original game are also included.
That's cool and all but did they remove "Reset"?

Captcha: Caution

yes i pirated japan. but only 3 islands.

>Using the worst Zelda games to prove your point.
user, you're embarrassing yourself.

>playing the shitty version

>Hating the art style
>Literally the shittyest taste imaginable.

>using half the 3d series to defend yourself

It's a game where you draw things and use them to fight. It's not supposed to be ultra hard you idiot. How have you missed the point of this game so badly.

Same thoughts. Loved the art style and setting, hated the game

Damn, you must have shittaste. It's literally the opposite of that. Like, literally the least "bland" game there is. Unless you don't know the defintion of bland.

And both emulator versions are fucking horrible so your opinion is worthless anyway.

Then go play the disgusting shitgames you usually play and don't lay a finger on things you don't deserve.

I still haven't finished this game on PS2.

I mean, good to see more good games on PC. I hope it is a good port. Any idea if they're putting it on GOG as well?

>disgusting shitgames you usually play
lmao you seem upset. I'd love to hear what games you think I play, considering I don't play anything from the past decade and hardly play games at all anymore.

Why would you be on Sup Forums then? I assume you play disgusting, overrated trash like Dark Souls because you are just the kind of person it attracts. Probably even western cancer.

>considering I don't play anything from the past decade and hardly play games at all anymore.
Really surprising.

When this is the kind of people who don't like Okami, I take a lot of comfort in the fact I like it.

It's sad that this board is filled with people like him, though. One of the downside of anonymity is that I can't filter them.

To shitpost about every single game. Imagine the shitpost potential when you hate games in general.

>It's up
The store page is up? That's all you wanted to post?

>more engaging story
Only idiots play games for the story.

>mfw own a Switch
>mfw purchased a Switch for my GF to play Salmon Run with me while we snuggle in bed
>mfw she repays me by using her artfag skills to paint me a canvas portrait of Mai waifu
>and then cosplay her in bed

Yes. Mark your calendar.

I remember the bosses being so easy that you could beat them before they even got to show all their attacks.

Crimson helm was a fucking joke of a boss. Ninetails was the only boss who wasn't a complete pushover.

Good bait, shit lord.

And did they remove Clover from the credits again?

tell he who this qt is please it won't let me search for it myself

Relax, someone will mod Reset in the game
Also, what song plays during the credits since they removed reset?

Found it. It's fairly easy to find if you aren't using a phone.

I even found the name for you, so hope you enjoy.


First Nioh, and now this?

Alright, I've fucking had it.
This is the last fucking straw they went too far now


it says her name right there...

Looks like Google doesn't like animated images, for some reason.

Here's a bit of education for you.

You could also use the thumbnail (not the full image) in the Google Search in order to make it work. The thumbnail ends in __s.jpg for Sup Forums images. Just right click on the (not opened) image and select "Copy Image Location" to get what you need, then you can use the Google camera icon to search for it.

Although for your hard work, the title is 魔法の妖精 ペルシャ or just "Mahou no Yousei Persia".

I actually did find it. Thanks anyway though.

Fuck off falseflag fag, everyone has know about Okami HD for months.


Got Okami HD on my ps3 haven't touched it. Is PC definitive version?

PC is the same as the new PS4 and Xbone versions. But yes, this latest rerelease is the definitive version, until the next rerelease.


It'll probably be slightly shinier. If it's anything but 4K/60 on the base consoles that'll be a travesty.

Personally I have more luck with Yandex than Google these days, doubly so with webms.

>Look for anime image with google
>Guess is "cartoon"
>2 links to Cartoon Network and nothing else
>Try Yandex
>A dozen or so links of the actual image

Like that very image Google had problems with yet Yandex worked fine.

>Nioh is coming to PC this November
I thought this was a troll until I looked it up. Guess i'm buying it again.

>Platinum is just a million DMC clones.
What is Wonderful 101?

>What is Wonderful 101?
101 of those DMC clones, all put together into a single game.

Kiddo, this is a 18+ website.

That's exactly how I found it. Google is fucking useless.

I always had boner for PS2 version, years later I emulated it in software mode for fog and blurriness. Always thought it added to atmosphere of painting. Wii version looked kind of too sharp (same as hardware emulated PS2).

2017 was a great year

he said Wii not PS2

are they at PlatinumGames?