>even up-to-date computers have issues running this game
>runs on chink servers so constant network lag
>will never get fixed
I'm glad Fortnite is destroying this flavor of the month piece of shit. It has its own problems but it's still leagues better than PUBG
Even up-to-date computers have issues running this game
>want to play PUBG
>can't play it on my decade old shitty laptop
>not available on consoles
>only have a PS4 and they haven't even announced yet if it's coming to PS4 because microsoft paid them exclusivity
>only have fortnite available to play on PS4
>shitty retarded cartoony graphics
>decide to give it a try because I'm bored as fuck
>best game I've played since Yakuza 5 came out
Epic is really stealing their public on consoles which explains why they were so mad about fortnite copying "their" genre.
did mommy not buy it for you? poor wittle guy!
>playing Le Funny Goofy Badass xDDDD Cartoon Style copycat
u guys dont realise fortnite is going to be infinitely more popular? its very simple
1. it runs on almost any pc
2. its free
pubg is dead honestly, ull have ppl like u that just need the more realistic graphics etc or they cant enjoy it but the majority of ppl dont think that way
Yea that 60k viewers on pubg and 9k on fn on twitch..... Yea killing it
It's also available on consoles. A lot of people like me were waiting for it to release on consoles and now we're playing Fortnite. If PUBG released tomorrow on PS4 I wouldn't buy it now that Fortnite is free and I've been playing it.
i usually have 80-100 fps on my 1080ti in 1440p
what are you talking about?
Well you don't have to watch Fortnite on twitch, you can just play it since it's free and requires much lower specs.
You mean Battle RNG right?
Toontown and war craft... Same thing
>runs no problems
I laugh at niggers like OP that pretend this game runs bad. Even TotalBiscuit did it because he is asshurt about the game's popularity.
holy shit, you really are a baby
Honestly it's why I have been trying that Fortnite Battle Royal. It's the same shit as this but I didn't have to pay for it. Anyone know if it's worth getting the early access for the single player mode? It looks nice but I don't know if I should put 40 down on it or just wait the few months.
Lol at fortnite shills.
It will only ever be popular on ps4, and that's solely due to ps4 not getting pubg
I heard PUBG is optimized like pure shit.
Like, some people can't apparently load buildings or some crap.
it's pretty popular on PC too...my friends with Xbox have started playing it too waiting for PUBG
you all know two things can be popular at once, right
Fortnite came out a fucking week ago and it's been doing great. Be real with yourself
Fortnite is fun even if you die it only takes a couple mins and you are straight back in game
Personally on mine and my friends rigs it runs fine for a game or two
Than slowly begins to shit the bed until we have to close it and restart, I think it may have a memory leak or does that chrome thing where it eats up your CPU
They need ssd's
it has a basically confirmed memory leak
the game is actual shit if you're not running decent hardware and launching the game from an SSD
The game eats a lot of ram, that's it.
It's not a leak but it can, by itself, use like 6-7 gigs and that murders computers that have just 8. I had the clay building issue, bought an extra 8 gigs for cheap and fixed it.
I have pretty mid range rig, but have zero problems running PUBG.
Except CPU fan going like crazy to keep the CPU from melting because of retarded coders.
What were they thinking when they made this? All successful online games are designed to run on very low end systems. Why did they go the way of realism?
>just bought new parts for my computer about a month ago
>decide to try this out
>first couple of matches play out just fine
>all of sudden
>if I played one too many games in a row the game will start to freeze up and I have to go into task manager just to quit
>even then it makes Steam think I'm still playing and slows my computer down
Not to mention there's always supposed maintenance hours but then when that's done the game still runs like shit or even worse
Playerunknown's biggest flaw was not optimizing the game at all and since Fortnite apparently is optimized now everyone is saying that's better so fuck him
>things that never happened
You sound like you are just a retarded computer user. Your computer probably deserves better.
t. never actually played the game
not that user but you're delusional if you think that shit doesn't happen all the time
how exactly is it user's fault? I get that shit too, though not to the same extent, and I've read up on people having the same issues
you sound like a real winner user
>all these fags saying there's fortnite shills
They're both shit you fags try so hard it's pathetic :)
Fortnite is pretty fun but it's starting to feel very repetitive already and I've played maybe ten hours. Don't know how these battle royale games are the only thing some people play
Runs fine on my comp and I am a software developer so I know computers. Anons probably running OBS or has background processes running he's not aware of.
Ive played both. Its quite apparent that none of you poorfags have played pubg becuase fortnite is hillariously bad compared to pubg. Seriously its not even close, it feels and plays like a shitty free knock off lmao. Pic related, fortnite players pc