Was this the single biggest Fuck you to a fanbase in Vidya history?

Was this the single biggest Fuck you to a fanbase in Vidya history?

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Sword of the stars 2

Valve is still a saint compared to big publishers considering the shit they pull off daily.

You know, HL3 would be nice, but looking at the current state of valve I think their decision was for the best.

When Sam Fisher turned into Spider Man and went on a rampage to find his not-actually-dead daughter then wound up saving America.

It's okay, I can live without it. Wolfenstein's TNO pacing reminded me a lot of Half-Life games, and Doom 2016 was pretty good. I don't think people who enjoy single player FPS have much to complain in recent years.

There's no legitimate reason it didn't get made, so no.

>waaaah I don't feel like working on Half Life ;_; waaaaaah
Valve employees need an "Attitude Adjustment".

I like the co-op in this game

Cant fuck up the game if its never made ;)



He looks like he's grinding through a rail like Sonic

idk I like the Splinter Cell games for the gameplay mostly
sneaky tactical shit ftw

>I don't think people who enjoy single player FPS have much to complain in recent years.
Specially when the classic ones have content made for them, that is still made after all those years



PM'd you the ending ;)



I'm still mad

>endgame room is a fucking untextured, unrendered white god damned room with a pulsating purple vagina in it
fuck i was mad

Is it cancelled?

Its dead. Marc Laidlaw killed it a couple of months ago.


the vidya industry is the single biggest fuck you in vidya history

Who cares? HL2 was a tech demo. There's not gunna be a HL3 until they have a new shiny Source engine with groundbreaking graphics to show off.

>until they have a shiny new source engine
>*Makes artifact with it instead of hl3

Portal 2 was pretty damn good

They should have kept the alpha gameplay.

Portal 2 was 6 years ago.



Dungeon Keeper mobile
EA in general
Mass Effect 3
Mass Effect Andromeda
Steam (and any other overpriced digital distribution)
World of Warcraft: Legion
Console upgrades after the initial Christmas rush
The cynicism of the fucking industry, to the point where if a dev or publisher acts at all human it's hailed as groundbreaking and miraculous

Hmmm, it's hard to choose just one thing

what the fuck are you smoking

Nah, Half Life 2 was.

>Steam (and any other overpriced digital distribution)

I know they don't have the kind of sales they used to but come on man, what do you want.


He might be Australian.

>no discs
>no boxes
>no manuals
>no artwork
>not overpriced
"But sales user!" Keep sucking that multi-billion dollar cock.

Not even Aussie. I fucking hate Australia.

its called supply and demand you fuck, 60/70$ is the standard because people are generally willing to pay that much for major releases, meaning any lower and they lose money because the increase in extra sales doesn't cover the lowered price and any higher means they lose too many sales. Do you even basic economics. It's not like steam costs more than any other option.

>Not even Aussie. I fucking hate Australia.
Fair enough, I thought it might have been the case because they have to pay out the fucking ass for games, even on Steam which costs a lot even before you take into account exchange rates.

It was supposed to be the shitty chinese free-to-play command and conquer game
they couldn't finish C&C 4 in time so they just used the shovelware the had instead