What went wrong?
What went wrong?
>30 USD
There you go, it's supposed to be free.
Also, Quake III is still the GOAT.
Want something free? Open Arena.
Want something that looks nice? Doom 2016
people are not interested in games with a big learning curve. this is a dead genre. let it rest already.
Like 95% of the playerbase uses the bethesda client
people don't like arena shooters, too hard
Help me finish my backlog, first one to roll 5 gets to chose
If I had to guess: old elitist fucks drove the few newcomers that paid for this one away. So now only veterans play it
Dragon's Dogma
Dishonored 1
San Andreas
They haven't updated anything substantial in months and there's still a bug where direct rockets do 0 damage.
Shit netcode, but the thing with Quake Champions is that the majority of people who wanted to play it got the codes for the full Bethesda.net release during the Alpha/Beta, which dont add into Steam numbers.
Sleeping dogs
[citation needed]
>it's another "QC is dead" thread.
Where is the october update? Where is orbb?
Tenchu 2
Sonic shuffle
This, literally every arena shooter after Q3A has failed. It's over user, the masses don't care for high speed skill based shooters.
I vividly remember threads of me telling you little shits that the game is bad, AFTER I played the fucking alpha.
But no, you knew better, classes and moba tier abilities and passives were good and they totally didn't outsource work to a shittier slav dev.
Everybody pretended to be a Quake player who is for some reason really pumped for this. "This is the change we need! The game is fun! Normal AFPS is ded!"
You know, this was an opportunity, if enough people had united their voice we could have gotten them to change shit, but no, you fucking faggots had to protect a game that you never played, just because you thought you would look cool if you defended Quake. Fucking kill yourselves.
>30 USD
>Same price as PUBG, one of the most played game on PC right now
No, what happened is that they didn't learn from recent games: If you want your game to succeed, suck streamer dick.
passive and active abilities in an arena shooter
also $30 with loot boxes
not playing the glitchy overwatch clone
>implying there is salvation for this pile of shet
>Hear quake champions is free
>Go to steam
>"Maybe it is only free with shitty bethesda launcher"
>Download bethesda launcher
>Look up quake champions
>Uninstall bethesda launcher
If they never announced that the game was going to be free i would have probably bought it. But when i went to the store and saw it was $30, that was $30 more than i thought it was. Felt like a bad deal.
>mfw i can't read
>Normal AFPS is ded!
They weren't wrong about that one.
>What went wrong?
People making 'what went wrong' threads about a F2P game that is in beta and still hasn't gone F2P yet