who were your heroes Sup Forums?
Who were your heroes Sup Forums?
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pohatu was best toa
the GBA game was garbage
>seperating earth and rock
This still confuses me to this day. Ice and water makes sense because at least their powersets are different, but what the fuck is the difference between rock and earth? If they wanted a sixth they should've done nature or some shit.
The DS game had suprisingly good graphics and neat mechanics, too bad the gameplay itself was bland and uninspiring, it felt like a lot of wasted potential
Isn't that Lewa already ? I always saw him as the forest dude.
Any answer that isn't Matoro is wrong. He's the hero.
He's Air
Maze of Shadows was pretty good, I've still got it today. Toa Metru best Toa
I know you're the OP Jack.
>the mask of the rock toa had the incredible ability to see in the dark
imagine being THAT guy
also, funny I see bionicle, I was talking to a friend just before and he told me that the stand's powers in jojo's bizarre adventure reminded him a lot of the bionicle masks
i had the white green and black toys
those were the coolest
Bionicle Heroes was dope as fuck
One was desert, the other was caves
It probably made more sense when Pokemon was popular, with Ground and Rock
I had the red as a kid, I think I have the majority of parts left in my big Lego briefcase full of Lego somewhere in my old room along with plenty of other incomplete kits.
>starts off as a pretty run of the mill story
>ends up having the most complicated storyline and lore in history, to the point where it takes about 12 pages just to show a coherent timeline
>that blue nigga for her color and claw
>green nigga for his helmet
>white nigga sword
>brown nigga got a kind of alternative yet still talented helmet design
those flash games were fucking amazing. they were the first time I ever experienced atmosphere in a videogame
gali is a girl
Onua's mask is the Kanohi Pakari and it gives you super strength.
I still remember this shit
I want to kill myself
fuck, you're right, I remember specifically one of theses guys had a mask that could let you see in the dark
Am I just a manchild for unironically enjoying the bionicle story still?
Bionicle lore is no joke. People fuck around with shit like DEEPEST LORE, but it really is a fucking huge setting and interesting with the original concept being born from a guy with cancer and viewed the pills as canisters for heroes to stop the bad cells from killing the body. Compared to almost everything else it's unique and genuine.
first post best post.
Pohatu was best toa ever.
Kicking shit with it was awesome.
The lore is surprisingly in depth and genuinely more well thought out than a good majority of modern day fiction. The twist about the island being a giant Bionicle still gets me good, because it's evident that they planned it out since the series conception.
no, that shit was actually good, and still is one the dumbest but greatest storylines ever
take the alternate universes arc, where the toa of light fucks off to other universes
>that one universe where matanui dies and everyone has to live in one shitty island
>that one universe where teridax is actually a toa of light
>that one universe where it's just infested with creatures of darkness that eat light and are always hungry
also let's not forget
>the red star that the island of mata nui used to create prophecies ended up being a massive ship
>the island was actually the god, who was a massive robot
this shit got me good, so fucking awesome but the thing that got me good was the fact that teridax still won and took control of mata nui's body, that ending fucked me over so badly
I still have that Bionicle Myst style flash game saved on my hard drive. The atmosphere is so good. I wonder who made that game?
How did they came with a fucking space marine helmet for Tahu?
templar studios
I tried to fix him, but he ended up quite /ADVISED/ without the proper neck and is missing his left foot since I couldn't find it.
this image offends me and makes me sad delete it immediate
posting best boy
>bought the mask of light game for PC because i found it for 2e on my local game store
>it doesnt fucking work
i just cant bother myself to surf internet for hours to look for fix to just play the game for 1-2 hours and then dropping it
You're right. I should.
It was Whenua who had that power.
I agree, it's a fucking stupid power.
That was the OTHER Toa of Earth, this guy.
I do remember in the books at one point he night visioned so hard he saw through a shitload of rock, essentially X-Ray vision.
the chad of bionicles
>literally gives up and is captured
>gives up his chad powers and becomes and old shit for the greater good
>even then, sacrifices himself so that the virgin toa can beat the shit out of teridax
i'd say it classifies
they are the same dude in the comics they find new masks but at the same time the bohrock are unleashed.
Since we're talking about Bionicle games, I could swear on my left nut that there is a 3D adventure game for PC that came out before the movie tie in one. It's not the animated click and point either, it's something else entirely but I can NEVER find any information about it.
Nah man, the Toa Metru were the elders from the original series. The whole Metru Nui arc was a giant flashback.
man I still have like 3 unopened canisters of the Brown dude.
Is this shit worth anything yet?
it's Bionicle LOMN. I've tried for years to find it, even contacting the devs but the ONE guy I've found who confirmed that he did have it apparantly lost it. last I heard he promised to check in his house in las vagas about a year ago
Fuck that shit, Bohrok Kal for life.
fuck man my memory is garbage, I need to go back and try to find my comics. I loved reading that shit when I was a kid.
>lego club only sending one every other month
at least I could make up my own adventures to pass the time
they changed it to one every two months
>all those online flash games that you'll never play again
What, really? Source for that? Legit interested.
>Sup Forums does a thread about Vidya
>console wars, wojaks, hate, and shitposts out the ass
>Sup Forums does a thread about [literally anything else] and it's amazing
>played the shit out of bionicles as a child
>played the flash game
>read the backstory
>came up with my own story and acted it out with my toys
>mfw all of this actual lore
how the bohrok kal died fucked me over as a kid
>one of them had electricity run through him, overloading him and fusing his parts together
>one became a magnet so strong a massive fucking mech crushed it
>the sudden surge of Vacuum power launched one through the island, into space, and it entered a low orbit around Aqua Magna.
>one of them lost control of his powers and melted a hole in the ground under him. He fell through the ground, presumably all the way to Aqua Magna's core.
>one of them had too much gravitational power to control, creating a black hole and sucking itself into.
>one of them lost control of his sonic abilities, which vibrated until he reached a frequency that caused his metallic body to fall apart.
why is wojack turning into frampt?
There's a meme about any board discussing on topic things results in shit posting because theyve discussed those topics to death
the underwater one was kino
>yfw mom and pops never got you the remote controlled crab rahi
>tfw you were the asshole friend that had ALL of the bionicles
not quite "all of them" but still. I'm putting together a shelf display on all the Mata/Nuva toys and all I'm missing are two Bohrok-Kal and like, half of the Rahi
that's what every other month means user...
Wait, I thought the Toa Metru / Metru Nui story was the last time the plot was any good? The following generations seemed like directionless shit.
i read that wrong user. sorry for being brainlet
>the sudden surge of Vacuum power launched one through the island, into space, and it entered a low orbit around Aqua Magna.
holy shit thats hilarious
arent they robots too so he could technically still be alive?
>He doesn't know.
fucken no one had all the Rahi
Real talk though, did any of you guys have the bike-like bionicles? They were released before these dudes and had nothing to do with the lore. I mostly just wonder if anyone remembers them and their cool gimmick to launch their front wheels.
I stopped keeping up with the lore after the undersea arc, since the books stopped coming out. What happened after?
it's stated that he's probably still alive orbiting the planet
>Had all the bionicles
>Combined them to make the super forms in the booklet
>Couldn't put them back together again because missing parts
>Only a fraction of complete old school bionicles sitting on my shelf
>Everything is is just missing and incomplete
I was fucking stupid as a kid. I want my Rahskhi and Bohrok back.
>fucking underwater wings on hahli
>that giant anglerfish
>the giant ship made of regular lego
>when matoro sacrificed himself
I'm going to just say "jojo reference"
I'm sorry for correcting you, I've been here for too long
Is it just me or were the movies after the mask of light all shit? Like I remember the mask of light one being the shit but like everything past that was just ass and all over the place
fuck loads happened, I recommend going to the wiki, seeing as it's still up.
but shit gets intense after the underwater arc
Are you talking about Slizers?
>For Faber, the inspiration for this new, illustrated narrative came from his recently diagnosed brain tumor. The tumor was benign, but it would spread if he didn’t take a daily injection of medication.
>Reflecting on the illness that fired his imagination, Faber “had the thought that when I took these injections, I was sending a little group of soldiers into my body, fighting on my behalf to rebuild my system. Then it all just came together.”
>Faber imagined the toy canisters as vials of medicine drifting toward the head of a giant, comatose robot that was infected with a virus. The medicine’s active ingredient was an army of nano-size creatures that arrived in pill-shaped capsules, entered the titan’s body, and fought to liberate it from the virus. The story played out in a microscopic world, but for its “part-organic, part-machine” inhabitants, the scale was sweepingly vast.
>Faber provided visual depictions of the island and its inhabitants and also suggested to his colleagues at LEGO a name for the new toy: Bionicle, a combination of the words biological and chronicle.
From Brick by Brick.
>remote controlled crab rahi
>Elder god tier
Remote controlled crabs
>God tier
>Good tier
Those weird bull/lion guys
>meh tier
The boxing glove robots
>Your parents never really loved you tier
The dragonflies
Almost missed this Bionicle thread, I fucking love Bionicle G1 (only have a Hau from G2)
I had a Pohatu since I was a kid, kicking shit was great, thus, Pohatu is my favorite. Lewa's Axe was cool too.
I actually liked the Bohrok more though, only canister set I managed to get all 6 of.
Skopio XV-1 is my favorite set though.
Same, it's just one big mess of abominations
>I want my Rahskhi and Bohrok back.
Uhh, I'm selling some of mine, if you're interested
>"matoro's coming back, right?"
>"he has the mask of life, so he can just come back to life, right?"
>"he'll meet the rest back at metru nui"
If you don't give a fuck about buying stuff used, old G1 bonkles are pretty fucking cheap on bricklink. Hell, if you don't even care about the packaging either you can get entire teams together for like a tenner just getting the sets lose..
What the fuck did they actually sell that
Legends of Metru Nui was pretty good. I never watched the later ones.
>tfw barely any good bionicle games
I wonder if that skyrim total conversion mod is still ongoing
holy shit user I love you so much.
Pic related was my favorite, dude was too cool for school
any one remember the lore for these guys? I was way to young to even know what the word lore was when I played with them.
No, this thing.
Mask of light was shit, Metru Nui was unironically pretty good, I don't remember enough about the Hordika movie and I was tapped out by the time the glatorian movie came out.
Manas crabs
Nui Jaga-combined into Kahu (Bird)
Kane-Ra Bull and Muaka-combined into Kuma Nui (giant rat)
Tarakava-combined into Tarakava Nui (bigger one)
Nui-Rama, combined into Nui-Kopen (Wasp)
The Acid Dragonfly? No, that's just a minor game enemy. The dragonfly set that other user is talking about is a dual model set with giant clawed dragonflies with masks for eyes.
Look at it with Pokemon logic, fire
I had one of them. I thought they were cool but they were really flimsy if I remember.
>they used transparent masks as eyes
that shit is pretty genius
post YFW they revealed it
The mask collecting was one of my favorite part about Bionicle. Kinda sad they ditched it after Nuva.
Read the Ignition comics.
Those mask packs were cool
>save up like a month of allowance and buy like 10 of them
>just got a ton of recolors, only one gold mask
fuck them
>bionicle is dead
water girl, build her lines to rappel on with hooks, pretended my desk was water level
>it is the year 2017 and there is still not a single good Bionicle game