Vidya confessions thread

I have never played a Devil May Cry game. Or a Kingdom Hearts game. Or a Persona game.

I think I hate video games. I think many are designed as slot-machines and I think the developers either don't know, or do know, and don't care.
I think writing in VGs are sub grade-school level and I'm embarrassed that the medium hasn't yet evolved into something that resembles an art form that can touch me the same way movies, books, painting, whatever can.

I keep checking up on new game releases to see if anything new excites me, but I keep seeing the same mistakes done over and over again.

I think Papers Please is one of the most well executed stories in game form to date.

I wish I could just matrix-learn game development/programming and just show everyone how it's done.

Help me, Padre, I'm so full of hate.

>depression/blandess kept me from playing most games people have played more than they can count.
>have trouble playing a single player game because have no one to talk about game with
>every game nowadays looks like a copy of something else

Kingdom Hearts is a trash series user. You're not missing anything

i've never played a japanese game other than the earliest pokemons and gran turismo 3.
tried deadly premonition and some faggy ass shit set on some ice world once - literally the worst games i've tried.

Sup Forums is mostly a bunch of faggots for being so enamored with that nipponese crap. i don't even know why i bother coming here

I have never ascended in NetHack.

I play Atelier games for the alchemy and music. I don't even notice the plot when I try to mix/max my items.

I spend more time listening to a games soundtrack than playing the game itself.

Where is this paining from?

this desu
when people talk to me about how story in video games matters, i laugh
i have yet to see a game with a story that can rival a good movie or tv series
they are all cliché ridden generic shit

I think Fallout Shelter is a fun little distraction

I've only been playing dwarf fortress and hearts of iron for the past 4 months.
I per ordered shadows of war gold edition and don't care about the controversy.
I am very skeptical about most games and down right hate them. For instance, Tyranny II is a retarded visual novel with rpg elements. I also don't think there's anything wrong with Wolfenstein it looks semi fun.

I often post pictures of Narcissa in order to derail a thread

You fucking monster

I've beaten fable 2 at least 70 times and I love it

Sometimes, when I play for the story, I use cheats to push to the piece of the story.

nothing wrong here, I applaud your superior taste

jesus christ what is wrong with you

I like the look of Glass Armor in Oblivion.

I bought gta V 3 times

I think the original half life has aged like shit, and its borderline unplayable when you go back to it.

I've put about 100 hours into PUBG.
I've only landed in high traffic areas like military base/school maybe twice. Most of the time I'm playing to last. I've won 3 times with

Is that father mother from Zeno clash?

Half the reason anyone would write for a videogame in the first place is because they're not good enough to write for anything else. Just look at Kojima, praised for being one of the better writers in the industry, which he isn't really anyway, and he just want to make movies instead. That said, the writing in videogames is often on par with a lot of modern movies and TV shows, but that says more about the movies and TV shows than the videogames. I haven't read any newer books in a while, so I don't know how they compare.


well it's better than hl2 after few or tens of years

You should play DMC or Persona, or any MegaTen for that matter. I don't know about KH because the setting is so offputting that I haven't bothered with them.

I quit games as soon as I start failing because I lose focus


I think that the FreeFlow combat system (AKA Bamham combat) could be one of the best in the beat 'em up genre, even for hardcore gamers, just with a few tweaks.

>i have yet to see a game with a story that can rival a good movie or tv series
>they are all cliché ridden generic shit
Yeah, movies, tv, and games are all cliche. Whats your point?

Narrative, story, setting and visuals are great but boy do I hate the gameplay in Baldurs/Pillars. How can anyone enjoy that mess over some fine tuned, clean turn based combat?

I think Undertale is one of the best games ever made

Kingdom Hearts is overrated garbage

I have strong feelings for Makoto that I don't know what to do with

All Mario games are boring

I never beat the temple in F2.

i never finished ff 6, 8, 9, 10, 12 even tho i got pretty far on all of them

Street Fighter V is the first fighting game I've ever tried to truly get competitive with (if we don't count Smash 4). I enjoy playing it.

I missed out on playing (U)MvC3 competitively because I was a poorfag.

I often have motivation issues when playing vidya. For example, I just finished up my second playthrough of Samus Returns despite having it since release. I went over a week without playing it and didn't realize it was that long.