Melee HD

name one (1) solid reason why Melee HD should be a thing instead of Smash 5, Smash 64DX, or Nintendo vs Capcom?

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I would rather get Pokken 2 over any of those

There is no real reason. Melee will die when people stop playing it. Until then, it's not going anywhere. I don't see it living more than 10 more years and that is pushing it. An HD version would only be accepted if it was as close to the original as possible and at that point, why not just stick to the original? It's free.

>hd stages and updated models
>nostalgiafags can choose to play with original melee stages and models

>Release buggy game on purpose


>fix game and rerelease it, turning off the only crowd that would play it

why would anyone make this choice

Meleefags should consider suicide. They're K-Style faggots of Smash Bros.

Pick one.

if GCN Mini becomes a thing, there won't be a valid reason for a Melee HD
unless it's the PAL version

>>fix game and rerelease it, turning off the only crowd that would play it
I'd hope they'd remove shit like wavedashing or whatever just so I can watch butthurt Meleebabies cry forever as the last of their Gamecubes burn out.

Can Dolphin ever take over for physical games? Melee HD seems unnecessary.

10 years sounds likely as a maximum lifespan. At least mainstream, with regions regularly interacting and such. It may survive for another 20 years in small pockets with people who don't take it that seriously. At that point, metagame progression will have stopped, and the best players would lose to the best players of the past.

we already reached Peak Metagame tho, the tiers wont change save for some gimmick someone takes advantage of every once in a while

god i wish pm wasnt dead

there's even Super Smash Bros 2. where every fighter Project M looks like Melee. They even got proper Melee Intro Wolf costume and E64 Lucas

can't wait to play as "Smash 2" Lyn soon

fuck Warchamp for selling out to Icons

The metagame can still improve, there's still room for improvement and the best players for making that improvement are still playing.
For example, top players generally are bad at the Peach and Puff matchups. Skills in these matchups will improve, and these characers will eventually disappear from top 5.
I don't really play Melee, so I can't make advanced statements, but couldn't flowcharts also expand in general?


As far as character tiers go, we've more or less reached the point where no major changes can occur. If anything, Marth and Falcon might rise one spot, Falco might drop and Puff might drop. I don't see anything else really happening.
The same 5 players have dominated the game for 7+ years now and only a few other top 20 players have managed to take sets off of them. The number one player honestly seem at least two positions higher than the second. It's pretty ridiculous.

Why is it that legacy or smash 2 shills can't post properly? Nobody wants to play your mod.

Armada is not unbeatable, he has major flaws that can be exploited. Most of the gods beat his Fox without major difficulty, and Peach is a weak character that in the long run will lose to all Foxes, Marths and Puffs. Armada's only long term alternative is to improve his Fox and maybe pick up Marth, but for example Mango has no problems with his Fox. His Fox doesn't reach the same level as the other top level Foxes.

Also, we may see a shakeup in the top level soon. The doc kiddies are just starting to take sets off the high level players, and are making noteable placements at majors.
The reason the top 20 players haven't caught up to the gods is probably that they are too lazy or lack talent, but we get new chances at new top players when the players who have joined since 2013 start making placements. Those are players that have continuously improved, we have seen no stangnation like for the regular top 20 which have been playing for 10 years with no improvement. The doc kiddies have not stangnated, and may keep climbing until they are on the top.
It's exciting to see this new generation climbing the ranks, it gives hope for the future.

>talk of a free build of a free mod is shilling
was it autismkino?

There is no way to predict what will happen with Melee, it's simply an unprecedented situation for a 17 year old game. There has never been anything thriving this much as a competitive game almost two decades after release - we'll just have to wait and see.

Nintendo would sm4shify it
I'd rather have smash 5 with less floatiness and magnet ledges

Smash 5 will be Project M as to Smash 4 was to Brawl+
mark my words

Most players are still people who were playing during the 6th gen. This generation will eventually grow up. If we can see Melee in large scale recruiting people who were born after the release of Brawl, and who didn't have Melee in their homes while they grew up, then we can say Melee has a bright future, but if it remains a game just for the generation who grew up with it, then it will die as people quit to live real lives.

It shouldn't. The few people it would pander to would never be satisfied by it. It's a lose lose situation. They shouldn't port Smash 4 either and the retards who've been begging for a port to the Switch fucking disgust me. Wait for a new Smash game you faggots.

>They shouldn't port Smash 4 either and the retards who've been begging for a port to the Switch fucking disgust me. Wait for a new Smash game you faggots.
fucking THANK YOU

I have no idea what you just said. Are you saying Smash 5 will be to Project M what Smash 4 was to Brawl+? Because that makes no sense.

you should play the mods and see for yourself
then come back with a in-depth explaination why Sm4sh wasn't an official equivalent to Brawl's pro-competitive fix up


How do you mod Project M 3.6 if I'm using the gecko homebrew version with a WBFS version of Brawl? I want Lyn, Knuckles, Ridley, Geno, and Waluigi.

Why not just play a real fighting game instead of trying to fix an old one that can't be ported and would have to be built from the ground up?

Shouldn't it just be a matter of throwing some files on the SD card?

yeah, real fightan like Infinite
right Capbros?

>shitendo vs capcom
This is so stupid like holyshit.
Is like the Kelloggs vs Namcot

Melee community is legitimately retarded. They constantly pay for tounrmants that the same 5 people win. They would buy the game again and just to think they're "supporting the scene"

>Is like the Kelloggs vs Namcot
what's it like to have shit taste?

Doesn't have to be a capcom game, Fuck Evil Zone for ps1 is a better game then Melee.

Because I don't want melee faggots to be happy.

Smash is a fighting game.

A real fighting game would be your best choice if you wanted the really off the wall characters. If Capcom could make Sentinel work then they could easily make Ridley work

I would, but I have no idea what a real fighting game even is. Can you explain it to me?

>so contrarian he has to choose the plebbiest fighting game to mock evil Melee

Well to start off something that's not a party game first off. if you really are at a loss try Arms, that might be a good starter for you since you are a Nintendo fan. Making an assumption so feel free to correct me about the Nintendo thing is wrong.

Party game

Would Wii boxing have been a better choice?

I'm not asking what games are fighting games, I'm asking what makes a fighting game.

Not a big Smash guy myself but I never really understood the bickering about genres. Does Rock Band being a party game mean it's not a rhythm game?

Look, mate. If a new Smash comes out and doesn't have Ike, I don't buy it.

It's that simple.

>the bickering about genres
Autistic nitpicking. You smashfags can't play with us big boys because you're not a real fighting game.

Party game isn't really a proper genre. It's just an umbrella term used for games that are easy to pick up and play. Hence, why it's popular at parties.
Feel free to prove me wrong with a proper definition that doesn't include most video games ever made.

Wasn't Smash the second largest game at EVO, the single largest fighting game tournament in the entire world?
Really activates those almonds.

if ALL of Ike's flames aren't blue, i'm gonna freak

yes, and DBZF is next in line to kick all the FGC asses after years of mocking of Budokai games not being FGC worthy

I'd try my fucking best to get good at traditional fightan games just so I could play Nintendo vs Capcom.

>Nintendo vs Capcom.
I've wanted this for a decade. I was hoping that since USFII was selling decently on the Switch, that it'd open up for more Capcom fighters on the system. It's farfetched, but I'm still holding out hope.

>It's farfetched, but I'm still holding out hope.
it's actually pretty realistic

Eh, we see interviews like this constantly. ''X would LOVE to do Y.'' articles, but they never really amount to much.

there is no reason for melee hd to exist. they are the same type of losers who still play cs1.6. a pathetic minority who invested so much time learning the old mechanics that they can't bear to move on, or else all of that time - time they'll never get back - will have been for nothing. they don't want to move on because it's the only thing they've been good at in their entire lives. they are an elitist minority who don't want to start from the bottom again. that's it. literal autists. you see this in a lot of online games - many such cases

CS1.6fags are pretty much the Melee of Arena FPS (or in general)

People get to play the best official smash game online for the first time outside shitty netplay.

You can say this about any fanbase who prefer an older entry in a series.
>Morrowindfags are the Meleefags of TES
>Adventurefags are the Morrowindfags of Sonic
They're almost always correct.

Melee is great and doesn't need an HD remake. It's not needed just like how SSS DX wasn't really needed.

PM is also great but dead because nintendo, goymr and twitch. My only complaint about that game mod is that it tries too hard to be melee that it ends up failing at it in certain aspects.

Sm4sh is great but it's not my thing. Great fighter cast.

You are subscribed to VGBootcamp, right, user?

>Wind Waker HD sold like shit
Maybe because it was released on the Wii U

>PM is also great but dead because *Warchamp, goymr and Twitch (via Nintendo).
Warshit axed PM in favor of paving way for shitty Icons

and would Melee do any better?
the WiiU version of Smash still hasn't outsold Melee as of yet, sadly.
makes you wonder why the 3DS version and Amiibos had to be experimented on the 4th entry of Smash to salvage it

>is a Community Council leader of Wavedash Games

>and would Melee do any better?
What do you think? There's a huge competitive scene that's still somehow growing after 15 years of playing this shit.
An HD version would be so much more accessible and be insanely convenient for tournaments, since you wouldn't have haul your fucking Sony Trinitrons around everywhere.

a version of melee that doesn't need CRT tvs would be nice

Why can't Melee just be played on Dolphin again? It's stable, looks better, has no input lag and requires way less equipment to set up. Is there a reason for this shit?
Isn't SSB64 played on emulators with the 19XX mod and shit? Fucking hell.

Lol no. Nintendo is literally a haven for autistic fangames. If Nintendo decided to release a Melee HD, whether it's just a remaster or a remake, autistic Project M fags will never cease to quit their sperging just like AM2Rfags are doing now

the thing is that barely anyone plays SD Remix, 20XX is just a niche Melee bootcamp, and mods could be only play in non-Nintendo sanctioned tournies and stream sites like Hitbox.TV

since Meleebabs wants to keep their scene lively and wild, they are mostly gonna stick with what they can gain in the wide open than some where closed and pretty much in the verge of dying.

of course a GCN mini that lets you play Melee decent on non-CRT tvs and online support (ala Netplay) would help magnitudes for their scene