>on rails only in the new Battlefront
fucking LAME
>on rails only in the new Battlefront
fucking LAME
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Is it like the ship in the Rogue One DLC map, like a sip that circles around the map and you can fire in it?
That's quite shit to be honest
Why though, were they worried it would cause unbalance by allowing players to actually work as a team?
literally exactly the same
Wow, I was a tiny bit interested in getting Battlefront 2, Fuckin dropped.
Wait, you can't even pilot shit in this?
How the fuck does a game from 10 YEARS AGO have so many more features and gameplay options than one coming out now?
What N64 game is this screenshot from?
Pretty sure it's because you can just spawn them, a constant transport would make every game stupid as hell when 6 guys come out and fly to the point every 20 seconds. They shoulda just made it a map spawn instead
>on rails
>can be damaged
you need loot crates to get cards that make it more survivable :^)
there would be a limit of one or two per map
Can't they just copy bad company 2 instead?
Because the maps are tiny as fuck and 20v20.
In battlefield bad company it was something like 16v16 and you had "only" one or two helicopters by team.
DICE nowdays rely on shiny graphics and PR.
Shiny graphics = small areas.
they're purposely making it retard-proof
ironically, the best content that's been out so far from EA's BF stuff is their beta Hoth map, which was imbalanced as fuck and was really fun
>tfw turning the tide of battle with 3 friends as rebels
>we run around getting that fucking orbital strike
>wait till AT-AT is vulnerable
>throw 2 orbitals at it, fucking wreck it
I miss Pandemic's Battlefront games though
>Snowspeeder is cabling me up
>take a step back
>get the angle to shoot the Snowspeeder
>the AT-AT cannons are absurdly powerful
>1 dead shot and it's down
we can't have this though, too much fun
It's like everything I read about these games makes them worse and worse. Jesus fucking christ. Is it really that fucking difficult to match a game from the year two thousand fucking five?
Those are such dated mechanics user.
but user
user, they added the clone wars
everything is alright now because they added clone wars which the last game didn't have :)
stop nitpicking :^) they added clone wars
Did your shitty game from 2005 had lens flare, motion blur, or SSR uh?
Then why don't you stfu?
they also added disney wars though
>Did your shitty game from 2005 had lens flare, motion blur, or SSR uh?
No but it was a video game
>mfw i've just played Battlefront 2 Classic online, piloting LAAT with 5 Sup Forums lads, ambushing fucking CIS flag-ship, destroying it from the inside
What a fucking timeline.
Yes, it's easier to lauch frostbite SDK, copy-paste 2015 game, make some clone\droid models, and start shilling about this all over the internet for two years, hoping someone will buy it.
all this pop in lmao
You people will cry about anything
It looks fun
how the fuck do you screw up the LAAT? its all about landing troops on the battlefield, is it really because dice is so against vehicles spawning and landing on maps now? Surely they know everyone wants no on rail sections
>a first order solider says grenade in play
>everything has a cool down nothing uses ammo
>can barely hear the distortion helmets in star wars brings
what is up with this game and its lack of care. I know its EA but after all the shit they pulled did they really think removing tokens and adding classes would fix all the issues people had
can anyone tell me why vehicles do not spawn on map when the point system would work perfectly for it. Is it just cause EA wants them to never be used if your a high scoring player
Because it would require implementing actual things. Haven't you noticed how much the gameplay of EAfronts is doubled down? Its literally a benchmark with the ability to walk and shoot. Nothing more. Compare it to the old battlefronts gameplay possibilities, and don't even try to compare it to the canceled battlefront 3. It's like comparing tetris to a fucking metal gear solid.