Find a flaw

find a flaw

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cringy story.

The beginning leaves a bad first impression of the rest of the game

microtransations, co-op horror done absolutely wrong, fuck it action game, etc.



The ending

the whole game minus the outerspace exploration segments.


Who the fuck tells developers of a horror game to make their franchise none-horror?

>2 weapon limit
>Universal ammo
>Weapons from the previous games got neutered in favor of the crafting system
>Most of the enemy roster is very underutilized, you just fight melee mooks all the time
>Story isn't interesting like in the first game nor is it fun schlock like in the second, it's just SHIT
>Doesn't even attempt to be spooky
>The co-op manages to feel like an afterthought even though the game was (allegedly) designed around it
>Shit pacing, longer than it needs to be


>universal ammo created to justify weapon modding, which in turn was made to justify microtransactions

>Who the fuck tells developers of a horror game to make their franchise none-horror?

Analysts and marketing. They don't have any real understanding of games and simply look at numbers like
>cod is selling really well now, it's trending, let's make X game more like it and add microtransactions in a singleplayer game to maximise our profits
>also, this game needs to sell 5 million or we cancel the series, since it's not profitable enough

You should read about the development of the game. EA made them do it. The original lead developer wanted it to be even more of a survival horror game than DS1, but the publisher made him include things like coop play and microtransactions under threat of losing his job. This was because they had data and focus groups and all the other things that fuck up good creative projects.

That's why all good horror series go to shit: they don't sell as well as action games, and publishers want every franchise they have to sell like Battlfield or COD.

not sure why it linked that, sorry.

True ending is DLC.

1. The customizable guns increased and deepened the progression system. The guns being customizable allows the user to create weapon configurations to their liking without being restricted to a specific weapon model, like the Plasma Cutter being strictly a pistol in DS1 & 2. If you really wanted, you could have a Pulse Rifle with a Javelin Gun attachment, or do a Line Gun fused with a Shotgun. OR, if you're a purist, you could feasibly construct any of the OG weapons from the first 2 games without all the crazy attachments. Though out of all of these weapons, the Conic Dispersal of DS3 is by far the best weapon in the entire series, and one of the greatest "shotguns" I've ever used in a video game. Having enemies blasted away by a Conic-Shotgun fusion because of its Javelin Gun attributes is the best thing about DS3, and the power of such weapons can be increased to the maximum using a far better Node system. It's confusing at first, sure, but there's a learning curve here. Regarding the system as a whole, should it have never been implemented? If so, what would we be left with? A lazy rehash of the first 2 games' systems? Everyone likes to complain when a sequel remains the same, but they all cry their eyes out when it's too different, so I don't know what to tell these people. At least DS3 had the guts to do something different, which I say worked.
2. Crouching is a no-brainer, especially with Humans running around shooting at Isaac and whatnot. Him being forced to stand during a bullet hell would actually be the REAL out of place thing if the cover system did not exist.
3. Universal Ammo needed to be implemented due to the sheer number of weapon configurations presented by the increased customization. RIP your inventory otherwise. Also, if you reload with a full clip then that full clip is destroyed, so it's not like there isn't a penalty here for having this kind of ammunition.

cont in next post

And it's an hour long dlc

4. I agree maybe at 30% with the Snow Beast being a tad too annoying to deal with. Otherwise, the Nexus was an interesting boss due to it being present for a long time before you even fight it as a sleeping giant. The Blood Moons are great simply for that "WTF?!" affect/effect. I do see that the Moons are hit-or-miss with most people, but they didn't just come out of nowhere: they were hinted at the entire game. The enemies that shine here are the Mini-Bosses and Regular enemies, and let me tell you, getting swarmed by Regenerators while traveling along the rail system on that ship was horrifying, but in a good way.
5. Well it has already been a 3rd-Person Shooter for 2 games before 3, so going further into that territory seems like a rational progression, especially with 3 being the most action-oriented in the series. However, this leads me to question exactly how Dead Space 3 became EVEN MORE like a 3PS? The only thing I can see that would make it more so would be the cover system, and I don't see how that's a problem.

cont in next post

6. Explaining why the story is as great as it is would require an essay spanning length far greater than this entire comment, so I'll instead implore you to go back and experience the story again. However, to prove that this is the best story, I'll present the opening acts of the game: some of the darkest narrative I've ever seen in any game. Isaac, our buddy who's survived through the absolute worst shit, gets no reward, and lives in a shithole while his mind goes down the gutter. Then his (soon-to-be confiscated) home is broken into by 2 unforgiving soldiers who force Isaac to act against his will: Carver literally only gives him a weak-ass pistol to defend himself with, but being the hyper-badass Isaac is he's more than able to manage. If this wasn't enough, now there's a bunch of crazy religious psychopaths running around causing wanton mayhem and destruction, which results in a Marker being activated, presumably millions of people being murdered, and Isaac escaping certain death to fall onto a humongous pile of rotting corpses to be awoken maybe an hour later. He then gets attacked by zombies, uses technical wizardry to find his own escape route out of the city, kills a horde of crazies once again, and if that weren't enough narrowly escapes on a ship heading out into space. And all of this happens only within the first Chapter of the game spanning 19 Chapters: technically 20 if you count the Prologue. Chapter 1 of Dead Space 3 has more story than all of Dead Space, and the first third of Dead Space 2.
7. I'll agree about the dialogue thing only really for the Prologue. They could've incorporated a better character for the player to control rather than that noob ass soldier, but given that the Prologue takes place 200 years before the main narrative it doesn't really need to be anything mindblowing. I think the best way to do this would be making this character mute, but that would dehumanize them a tad.

Universal ammo
odd and confusing weapon customization, I ended up with random shit throughout the game because I wasn't intelligent enough to understand.

fucking KYS autist

Voiced protagonist
Terrible boss battles
Mediocre puzzles
Shitty story / characters

Still better than DS2 though.

the game was fun. The most of the scares are replaced with jump in and out co-op and not to mention any survival elements(in the main game) out the window. That being said the crafting and Carvers missions are the best part of the game. Some cool elements where the somewhat non-leaner side mission and the different game modes and the mid-game scavenger bot . But due to the more action orientated game play, the need for dismemberment (the series's defining feature) is next to non-existent or redundant.
As for the miro-transactions IDK WTF people are complaining about since the bot GIVES you currency to use at the store.
>tl;dr crafing fucking rocks but difficulty and action suck

Threadly reminder that Necromorph moons make no sense


>get marked
>make necromorphs
>pull necromorphs into huge balls of flesh
>make pointless necromorph moon
