>It's an open, innovative, complete RPG experience!
>Oh but 80% of all stats and skills are borderline useless and fuck you if you thought the beginning should be anything but unplayable unless you build an extremely specific way
Is the love for Fallout 1 and 2 the epitome of nostalgia blindness? Or just textbook contrarianism/elitism?
It's an open, innovative, complete RPG experience!
Other urls found in this thread:
I played it a few months ago it's pretty good
>i didn't train any combat skills
>why does my character suck at combat early game
>"It's an epic roleplaying experience! You can play how you want!"
Except for the part where you HAVE to build specifically to get around an encounter to not die hundreds of times.
>"B-but you can get through it! At least the dialogue isn't hamstringed by a voiceover!"
Yeah, sure, typical that you'd try inflating your shit game by referencing a later title in order to justify your shit opinions. The dialogue in F1&2 is fine, but it's not special. Your game broke average, congrats
Pic related is shit, too. Fallout 4 is shit. New Vegas is shit. The entire fucking thing is built upon layers of shit. Fallout is irredeemable garbage.
I played New Vegas for thousands of hours, love Dungeons and Dragons etc. and all role playing games but I simply could never get interested in Fallout 1 or 2 or in any other of these ill-constructed clunky old games.
Fallout 3 was "meh"
It introduced a lot of peeps to Bethesda though
>beginning should be anything but unplayable
what the fuck are you talking about ?
Aren't most old school CRPG like this ?
Yeah, you're right. The game was painfully average, but after the 50 hour mark it becomes a dull slog through brown fields or grey concrete with a vomit green filter on everything.
git gud
so why can't you name this encounter since apparently it's just one, it would certainly give more credence to your claim besides showing what a baiting redditor you are.
I mean this one encounter that you just HAVE to build specifically for would surely stick in your mind better than that.
>what the fuck are you talking about ?
>trains combat skills that fit the character you have in mind
>doesn't get that weapon at the beginning of the game
Nice! Innovative! Immersive!
t. brainlet that got fallout from the steam giveaway and got btfo
>Fallout 2
>Forced to play a fucking mongoloid with melee skills in order to get through the scorpions
run past them like everyone else does you fucking sape.
anyone who actually took the time to fight anything in the starter temple is a mouthbreather.
You do know that you can run through the cave right?
I can understand the Temple of Trials, but you can runaway from the rats ez. also what skills are useless? pretty much all skills are used in someway. just because they are not used in skill checks or explicitly does not mean that they are not used at all.
saged for b8
you could run past them or sneak past them.
>Dude I got the big guns skill why don't I have fucking minigun at the beginning man, this game is shit.
>implying i don't put points in unarmed just to punch those fucking ants
Just attack once and then step away from them, dumbass. You can get through the temple without taking any damage.
so you clearly don't know what you talking about, figures.
Fallout never appealed to me desu. Post-apocalypse is fucking boring and samey.
I remember trying out fallout 1 when I was little, but I quit pretty quickly when I noticed how fucking slow the game plays. Takes ages getting rekt by some early monster. Yeah no, not playing that.
>he doesn't has 10 AGL and runs past all of this shit
i'm sorry bud
>Um you're clearly supposed to not play the game to circumvent those areas duuhh
Good suggestion, that's why I uninstalled. Loyalty to a developer is like a drug I guess, you're addicts for this shit
>Trains combat skills for things that will obviously be difficult to acquire in a collapsed dystopic society
>Has difficulty acquiring said things
>Wooooooow why'd the game doo dat?
>He can't run away
>playing the game is not playing the game
whatever makes you feel better about being bad at video games, user.
>Thinks combat is one of Fallout's strong points
>Thinks that runing away is not a good option in an RPG
On 4th level I had 160% melee which mean I could bash cunts with a crowbar with a targeted hit in the eyes and one shot them.
I had maxed intelligence, too.
AGI is a redundant stat since you always want 10
>He gets killed by rats
Point at him and laugh.
>124 page manual
>Lol we have infinite freedom in your choices so fuck you for picking any of the 99% of choices people would reasonably pick
congrats you outed yourself as a retard. I am no longer feeding you
>>Oh but 80% of all stats and skills are borderline useless and fuck you if you thought the beginning should be anything but unplayable unless you build an extremely specific way
oh no guis i died from rats again pls help me
not an argument. I like how when you're clearly proven wrong and the game is brought to light for being shit you can only spout "well ur retarded fuckign git fud try harder", it's poetic comedy
textbook is half right.
>shoot someone
>the entire town is now your enemy
>someone shoots you
>the entire town is now your enemy
todd would never stand 6'2 for this shit.
If you build for a character using energy weaponry/big guns at the start, you are retarded.
If you build for a character using non-combat skills and deciding to fight the rats at all, you are a retard.
what skills are useless?
>just run away
Wow, what an enthralling way to solve a problem. Like, there's only one way to get around it.
We both know you're shitposting here. Sneak is broken in 1&2.
>hard to acquire items
This is the same game with powered suits of armor and shit, right? The same game where towns are full of people with guns? It was the 20th century when this apocalypse happened? Guns don't disintegrate after a couple years? Oh, yeah, right. Nice try.
OP, you weren't supposed to roll a 1 int build IRL. Making one ingame your first playthrough is bad enough.
you're trying much too hard.
Nigger, you best not be talking shit about the manuel
>too stupid to overcome an area
>game's shit and too hard
i bet you're one of those guys who pay for those Ubisoft dlc's where you don't have to play the game to unlock the content
>This is the same game with powered suits of armor and shit, right? The same game where towns are full of people with guns? It was the 20th century when this apocalypse happened? Guns don't disintegrate after a couple years? Oh, yeah, right. Nice try.
Yachts exist right now. Why don't I have one reeeeeeeeeeeeeee?
This guy makes the same thread once a day and yet people continue to fall for it
If this is the only outlet he has for socialization who am I to deny him? I honestly feel bad for the guy whether he's as retarded as he's pretending to be or if he's just that desperate.
I think I saw an equally retarded person in one of those Bethesda vs Obsidian threads so I am not surprised.
Since this is classic Fallout related:
>Best Classic Character
>Best armour
>Best weapon
2 of the three questions are answered by pic related.
>Oh but 80% of all stats and skills are borderline useless and fuck you if you thought the beginning should be anything but unplayable unless you build an extremely specific way
What is the optimal build?
Got it for free a few days ago, and it will be my first time playing it and I just don't want to spend a lot of time upgrading useless shit.
>Want to replay Fallout
>Remember that there's no point in doing anything but an INT build
And I'm too old for that shitty 90's humour dialogues either by now.
>Inb4 hurr low int runs is the true Falloutâ„¢ experience
>super expensive boat
>wanting a pistol
The comparison breaks down when you start thinking about it, perhaps you should've done that.
The fun of old RPGs is figuring out how to manipulate the mechanics in the world.
Nu-gamers are retards that want to do anything without any thought and still with without a problem.
This fallout is shitty as fuck and cringe.
Doesn't the over seer give you a pistol though?
enclave here, why isn't your videofeed working ?
The SCORPIONS are your fucking problem? Seriously?
You can get shit luck I suppose but that's just being a damn crybaby about it.
As for playing a non-combat oriented character, where is it stated it should be easy, or even at equal difficulty to other types of characters?
Kids these days, god fucking dammit. No wonder the industry is what it is.
Not in 2, which is where my experience lies.
>doesn't know how to play RPG's
>that means it's shit
>You actually have to build your character so that it is able to progress through the game content and not be completely useless.
Boy, who could have thought.
Everyone agrees Fallout 2's opening sucks donkey dick, it's the rest of the game everyone praises.
imagine not liking fallout 1+2. such a sadness.
I absolutely love when they put stuff like this in RPGs.
>not using melee as your main combat stat
Look at this pleb.
way to prove the point of the thread you retard
NV only had a handful of low intelligence interactions and it made them look out of place.
So wait, if a company dumps an arbitrary but ultimately inconsequential background on you that's "terrible and kills the roleplaying experience" but if a company pigeonholes you into building a specific way just to be able to get a start in the game that's 10/10 game design?
If you ask me they're just stupidity on opposite sides of the coin.
>play the way the game wants me to
>not the role you want to play
>roleplaying game
I see. I'm playing "dumbfuck with a spear" for the game?
Strength: Useful for carrying stuff and using weapons properly. Start out with at least 5, but ST can be increased by 4 points during the game so more than 6 is unnecessary.
Perception: Good for ranged weapons, but not crucial. You should start with at least 5 for the Awareness perk.
Endurance: Determines Hit Points. Unless you like close combat a little too much I wouldn't put more than 4.
Charisma: Not so useful, unfortunately. Affects bartering both directly and indirectly, but does not limit your number of NPC followers. A CH of 1 is perfectly viable.
Intelligence: Unless you plan to rely on brute force for everything, this is likely your most important statistic since it rules conversation and determines skill points per level. 7 is a good starting value.
Agility: Determines your Action Points, so you probably don't want less than 6, and starting with anything up to 10 doesn't hurt.
Luck: A high LK is good if you plan on getting Sniper, or special encounters. If you don't care about critical hits you won't suffer much from a low Luck score, otherwise don't start with less than 5 (or you won't get Better Criticals).
Best traits:
Small Frame: If you plan on keeping at least one NPC around, this essentially has no downside.
One Hander: Many of the best weapons in the game are two-handed, but it's good for kung fu characters
Finesse: Decent trade-off.
Fast Shot: A personal favourite, because I like firing a Turbo Plasma Rifle five times during a round. Don't take this if you love sniping.
Tag these skills:
Small Guns: Your primary combat skill for most of the game.
Lockpick: There are many locked containers and doors and you'll want to open them with a minimum of fuss. Getting it to 70-80% may be enough if you use Lock Picks, or raise it to 100% just for the convenience.
Speech: Because you want people to like you and be impressed with you and give you quests and generally do what you tell them to.
Melee and Unarmed are literally only good for the start, using them throughout the game will leave you with some issue late game. The devs even knew this that's why the super sledge and power fist exist. But Unarmed with Energy Weapons is the pure patrician choice for 2.
>no gifted trait
Why would you leave out litterally the best trait in the game?
I'll attest to that. I played a monk-esk character with shitty luck that made everyone crit-fuck their weapon when he approached. He didn't last long, though.
they are amazing. they start out pretty hard but idk I'm old and it makes sense to me. people nowadays want everything spooned to them like their some kind of invalid retard. I'm from an older time though. time to die.
Fallout Shelter is the only good Fallout game.
If you want easy take the gifted trait and give yourself a 10 in Intelligence, Agility and Perception, Strength, Luck and Endurance should be at 5, and Charisma should be 2. Tag Small Guns, Speech, and either Science, Repair or Lockpick.
Where the fuck is it said that they wouldn't have an equally challenging experience??? Why do I have to build a combatant? Can't I be the guile and or charisma buff that has others to do the fighting for him? Is that not indicative of a human trait we see today?
imagine buying into the "fallout 3 is bad look at this autistic list" meme. they will think they don't like fallout 3 but they'll be CHEATED. such a sadness.
I find the Unarmed plateaus around New Reno or the NCR, so my main stratagy is to use Unarmed until then while putting some points into Energy Weapons until I get my hands on one, after that full energy. It get's good results and can be pretty fun early on as you have to really think out encounters to survive.
so let me get this straight, you play a role playing game, make your role as someone who excels in long range combat, and expect to be able to duke it out with things in melee combat with no issue?
"Brainlet" is a shit meme and so is the "to intelligent" one, but what else do you expect from memes that are just offshoots of another shitty meme?
You can do it I have done playthroughs where I killed no people. Pacifist lawyer is a great run if you know how to it, and spoiler alert you don't get into combat until you get some followers.
>allows me to raise my firearms stat
>doesn't allow me to have a firearm to match
How the fuck am I so good with guns when I've never touched one in my life!? It's like a madman designed the game.
>A run in which you have to build very specifically
I'm sure you're right, but you missed the point.
>wants to play a specific type of character
>doesn't want to put in the effort to build said specific character
What was your point again?
>not crafting your own firearm
t. brainlet
Not all builds are viable. Fallout 1 and 2 are terrible roleplaying games.
>want to play as an edgy no-nonsense guy who haves things his own way
>talking shit to literally anyone initiates combat and aggroes town guards
>killing anyone/stealing anything aggroes town guards
>play halfway through the game having towns devoid of life and having missed 90% of "quests"
shit game
>I am a murderhobo retard
>I have never played a real RPG in my life
You are an idiot, any pen and paper rpg would eat you alive
but I like fallout 3 too m8. just not as much.
yeah I would much rather have 90% of the population be marked essential and not die at all.
My point was yes they are. Being a pacifist that gets people to fight for you is viable. Playing a ladies man that sleeps his way through the game and avoids combat through wit is viable. Playing a mentally retarded person who hits things with sticks is viable. You just have to put in the effort to build the build, sorry that the game doesn't spoon feed you.
Not all builds are viable in real life either.
And any roleplaying game worth its salt will put pressure on players with gimmick builds.
There's already games where the points are made up and your build doesn't matter. They're called Skyrim and Fallout 4.
The reason why it was a real RPG is because it didn't give a fuck about you *just enough*. You made your character, now make do. That's kind of the whole point. Will never really be as free-form and limitless as a pen and paper RPG because there's no game master to actively mold the world according to your actions, but they did their best to recreate as much of that as they could in a video game.
I say "kind of" because there's another vitally important bit - for a RPG to go from a mere "real RPG" to "great RPG", you need good writing and presentation. Fallout had that.
The more you know.
There are no good Fallout games
How is your retarded interpretation the fault of the game?
Build your character as you want and expect consequences, minmaxing fag.
The game can be played in various ways. Do to so optimally you need to build a character that is going to be good at what it does (killing stuff in various ways, sneaking and avoiding danger, talking, using the environment at his own advantage through sience and repair skills). Your character can't be good at everything. You need to choose what to do at every level and the choice is permanent once you commit those freshly gained points. You don't know what to choose because you don't know the game? That's why the lower difficulty settings exist. You still think it's bad design? Suit yourself, it won't change the fact that fallout 1 and 2 are among the masterpieces of the cRPG genre.