>got a PS4
>when it gets to my apartment I realized I don't have a screen to play it on
>laptop is output only
>go to my brother's house looking for shit he can give me
>there's a 720p projector
>I have to play PS4 on a fucking projector
Will post pics soon
Got a PS4
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I'll bump this
I'm a poorfag: The Thread
what the fuck is this shit
Is this real
>The guy who wrote WWZ wrote this
'fraid so
Have 55 inch TV in living room
>nothing in my basementbedroom
>thinking of getting projector for 70-120 inch resolution
post pics
>not owning a desktop pc
what kind of faggot are you
pretty nice painting though
I'm still setting it up
You ever see how fucking hard it is to setup a projector?
A poorfaggot who sold his gayming PC for a thinkpad and some spare change who thought he was over gaming
Most likely his kid asking to do it or something.
Shit, he'd be a neat dad then
You could find a 32" LED for maybe $100-150 burgerbux at a pawnshop
Some dads do take shitty jobs for their kids. I remember Raul Julia was in the Street Fighter Movie only because his kids or grand kids ask him to do it.
i use a projector instead of a monitor. not as crisp but its really comfy and it impresses roasties for some reason.
I just set mine up. It's actually pretty easy provided you make sure you don't fuck up the keystone.
And he was the one redeeming aspect of it.
>that first sip hits
>buy console
>afterwards notice there's no tv
Are you a retard by chance?
that was a fun thread
>not knowing there is a /sip/ general on /ck/
Not him, but I also forget I don't have a TV. Since I do all in my computer, then I remember I use my TV as monitor and I use it with my PC and never bother to watch cable or anything in it and I constantly forget it is a fucking TV and not a 55 inches monitor.
PS4 will look god awful on some shitty 720p projector, especially if it's meant for like, school presenting or some shit and not theater.
Damn Cancer is such a bitch.
no no I was talking about the image. There was a thread on I think /r9k/ where everyone searched a certain topic on rule34 and made crops of faces for reaction images
I don't have cable either, only OTA tv and my Chromecast I rarely play my ps4 but am to poor to buy Fifa. I have GTA v and all the uncharted series for trade tho
Nice, 80$ off internet site for me. My set up will be putting it on an end table and pointing it at the wall, no ceiling shit
>setting up a projector on the ceiling
Are you people fucking stupid? Do you think movie theatres have their projectors on the ceiling like some dumb ass power point presentation?
fair enough
>yfw there are plebs in this thread that don't /sip/
>>there's a 720p projector
Good, enjoy the zero lags.
>80$ off internet site for me
the projector cost me 500 dollars refurbished.
so you must be getting a really big piece of shit.
nice blogpost
Are projectors expensive to maintain? Ive heard its lightbulb is
Apparently schools are retarded for doing that same exact thing then.
And before you say
>LMAO school
Paramedic intern here
>720p projector
>zero lags
Non-electronic authority here, genuinely intrigued.
Bulbs only need to be replaced rarely and cost maybe 80 dollars.
Schools do it so they can cram desks in a room and most importantly so the students don't FUCK with the hardware. Those projectors would be stolen if they weren't bolted to the ceiling.
Oh Max Brooks .... How much money do you owe?
>Schools do it so they can cram desks in a room
Seems like a reasonable reason for that dude to do it as well. He has it over his couch. Having it on the ceiling keeps it out of the way of furniture. Movie theaters have projectors off in another room. Most people don't have such luxury in their home.