What is her endgame?

What is her endgame?

my dick

Satisfying her lust for great big veiny green orc cock

Crushing my head between her thighs i hope


To extract semen.

Literally me

To vanquish the weak

expose her futa cock

hopefully to me

Fuck off

hnnnnnng, my dick

>You can't buy this skin with real money even if you wanted to, you have to grind for shards

Whilst the idea that Jaina not surviving the bombing of Theramore and being replaced by a Drealord is the reason behind this idea due to her personality shift, one has to ask how in the fuck she manages to BECOME one, as Demon Hunters only get as far as they do via a fucking Felhunter shoved inside of them and Ilidan had Magical pool water and the Skull of Gul'dan to work with, which I might add, is an item he should've fucking kept after he killed Alt-Guldan because of the fact that IT RENDERS THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE SARGERAS KEYSTONE IRRELEVANT BECAUSE IT HAS THE FUCKING SAME FUNCTION NEXT TO WHAT HE COULDVE ALSO USED IT FOR.

So I can only guess Jaina got her hands on her own Gul'dan skull somehow in her alt dimension.

I hope she hides a horsecock behind that loincloth.

to my mouth then asshole hopefully

Sucking tens of thousands of shekels from horny teenager goyim.

You had your chance to buy it when it came out fuckboi

So you are saying if your city get nuked by people who you were at peace with you won't be so fucking mad and hate them and their allies?
B-b-but muh belves dindu nuffin jaina be evil
Do you really think that green niggers are smart enough to invent a mana bomb?

Possession? Demon hunters don't trade their souls or free will away. You could argue if one was to, it would be easier.

but you cant even pay RL money for it desu

This is still the best skin

I want to FUCK that dragon

I don't get this BS, i've spent money buying hats before when I could just pay upfront for the hat I wanted but no fucking way will I pay for gatcha boxes that contain 95% stuff I don't want.

dude can some one post more dreadlord jaina art you cant tell me the drawfag army has not draw a bunch already.

What the fuck are those tripfags over at the draw thread doing for fucks sakes?

>Blizzard confirms jaina will be in the art for the next cover art

>mfw its fucking this

wc4 inc

to become the queen of crunches
those abs don't just magic themselves into being

fuck off
i just found the thread, asshole
im not a drawfag regular anyway
but post reqs


the trick is to have a tiny waist supporting ungodly top heavy armour

I have been looking for this webm for quit some time

Wait, is this a mod? It can't be real

Its real. Hots devs are based as fuck.

Wonder what her hooves taste like

Blizzard has always been moderates

My request is for you to draw dreadlord jaina doing literally anything you fuck, ill save and repost your work what else could you ask for?

HotS is led by Samwise, the last bastion of big, hairy old-school nerd who likes big titties.

Meanwhile Kaplan is crying in a janitors closet because of all the meanies.

HOTS is so unpopular that the devs can get away with all kinds of crazy shit.

>what else could you ask for?

How come Hearthstone and HoTs got 2 of the best game leaders at blizzard and Overwatch got fuckin jeff.

LMAO its cute when digital """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""artists"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" think their work is worth money

Sometimes it's


that is a horrible req
not doing it

*desperate as fuck

>that tummy

To become the very thing she hated so she can protect what she believes to be sacred. Most likely her mind becomes warped by power and evil, and she just ends up wanting to destroy both the horde and alliance. Originally she just wanted to destroy the horde, but I can't imagine a dreadlord fighting for the alliance. She'll probably create her own faction and attempt to take over everything, kind of like what the Iron Horde was attempting to do in WoD.

Thats fine, I know you cant actually draw.

there are more girl dev in hots than wow & ow lol


Jaina being a dreadlord is one of the most stupid fan "theory" that is.

It's like it's almost against the law to hate and fight against evil, if she was an dreadlord, then it was the time she allowed her dad to get killed.