Tales of Berseria

Is this worth picking up, Sup Forums? Tales of Symphonia is my favourite game, and I enjoyed what I played of Vesperia too. But I haven't played any of the other games besides Dawn of the New World.

I must admit, while I find the idea of a female protagonist with a pirate theme pretty nice, I don't like the look of the combat. It doesn't look like the linear combat of Symphonia and Vesperia.

I think the newer combat system is a downgrade from the older linear battle system, but at this late iteration it's pretty smooth and it's actually fun to play. Definitely worth it.

World map is kind of crummy, but the cast is by far the best in a Tales game. It's not the best tales game, but personally because of said cast it's my favorite.

Not really no. The combat is completely brain and while the game has some neat ideas and characters it completely mishandles everything.


I just got to the part where I fight Shigure at that port town. Percentage wise about how far am I into this game?

I'm enjoying so far I just hope it doesn't get grindy.

you still have more than enough story to see
as far as the grind is concerned, it depends on the difficulty
the more you raise the difficulty ,the more grind it needs

I'm playing on moderate I believe. I like the story, but I hate all the walking. I wish there was something that let me move faster, there should be a sprint button.

You get a hover board later thats faster

About how far into the game? If you could answer me without spoiling content please.

It's a rip off of Berserk, they don't even try to hide it with the title

I don't really remember how long, but it was far longer than it should've been.

OP here. I'm looking at the combat system right now and it doesn't look as good as the old linear system at all. I liked Symphonia's system

Symphonia's was hot garbage though.

No it wasn't. The only thing it lacked was being able to run around your enemy

If you held one of the trigger buttons you could free run. Maybe there was an EX gem required, but it was absolutely possible.

You're thinking of the second game. The first one was the first Tales game to do 3D so they didn't incorporate free running

That and the fucking nightmarish Spell Queue system.

What do you mean by 'spell queue'? I don't really know what you're referring to

Your team cannot cast more than 1 mid-tier spell at a time. If Genis uses Eruption, Raine's casting time comes to a complete standstill until Eruption ends. Meanwhile, the enemy is free to use their mid/high spells with no issues and interrupt your spells. It's an issue that should've been addressed in Chronicles bit of course a shitty port would have no extra effort put into it.

The combat in Berseria is boring as fuck, the story and cast are some of the better ones in the series if not the best though.

I doubt they'll be able to top Symphonia's cast, and it's not rose-tinted glasses because I played it again recently. The Symphonia cast is great in my opinion

no, since you played symphonia/vesperia the only good tales game remaining is abyss. The combat is indeed shitty and the game doesn't have the exploration/dungeon design symphonia had to keep i up

>It doesn't look like the linear combat of Symphonia and Vesperia.
you map a weakness to a button and mash. That's it. Occasionally press R2 and rarely press L2

Sure. It's the best Tales game in a long time.