DBFZ Leaker here. Here to explain the revolutionary new wish system

DBFZ Leaker here. Here to explain the revolutionary new wish system.

Dragon balls must be aquired by defeating other players online and stealing them.

Any player who obtain's all 7 will be able to write a high priority request to the ArcSys development team. DIscretion will be left up to the team but to start we will aim to fufill wishes to the letter, even if they are semi-game breaking. (I.e. removing character from online play entirely, unlimited meter for everyone, erase so-and-so from the leaderboards. Etc.)

This system was designed to create a community lead updating system, and also prevent ArcSys from harsh criticism often associated with fighting game updates.

That is all.



>a system found in any other fighting game


I wish for everyone character to be switched to Yamcha.

u rang?

You Summon back to life a team mate.


Nice bullshit, but I think that would be sort of a neat way to allow users to generate a kind of "user events" in the online portion of the game. Shit like unlimited meter for an hour or two, a specific boss playable by everyone for a short period, or just fuckery like random chance of being turned into Yamcha during an online match would be amusing as fuck.

this is fucking retarded. lets just have some douchebag gather these and ask for some really dumb shit.
hurr durr i don't like this character for arbitrary reason x, please nerf him into the ground. i don't like player y for arbitrary reason b, please remove him from the leaderboards. great fucking idea this can't possibly be abused.

I would have Kale added to the game.


You have good taste.

>Remove every character but Picollo and Vegeta from the game

We should all wish for Launch to be in the game.

Yeah that's fake. But it'd be cool if some sort of Dragonball Wishing system determined what DLC characters got in. Maybe if you got all 7 from some time consuming method like a random chance when you win online battles or replaying certain story fights weekly you'd be presented with a fuckhuge list of every Dragonball character not currently in the game but legally speaking could be, and they tallied it up and the top 5 would be prioritized.

>She seduces her opponents to death

>if she sneezes she turns into a bad waifu

Are you literally asking for lootboxes with gacha-rate drops as a method of collecting 7 Dragon Balls?

You're a bad waifu.

Reminder that Chi Chi

>was trained by Gyumao, one of Roshi's original students
>Participates in a Tenkaichi Budokai, getting into top 8

She may not use ki blasts or the buku-jutsu, but she's a skilled fighter all the same.

ofcourse it can be abused. That's totally in the spirit of the dragon balls.

A shame to know that the online will be full of no fun allowed cunts like you, though.

I'm asking for them to only take votes from people who consistently play the game week to week or win matches.

So she's sub-Yamcha level trash and shouldn't be considered. Gotcha.

Just have periods where, if you are playing online, there is a (low) random chance for a Dragon Ball to be awarded at the end of the fight. You'd need to collect seven of them, and from OP's idea, you have a chance of losing one of the orbs you have if you lose a fight online.

Just set it up to be active when you're looking to start and event, and when the first person "collects" all seven Dragon Balls, they get to make the "wish". Or, heck, allow a few people to do it for a few different ideas. After that's done, everyone's Dragon Balls vanish.

It would help boost player count during the times that the Dragon Balls are active, and it would favor people who consistently played (and thus were better).

>She may not use ki blasts
A short-range/melee-only fighter would be pretty neat. Hell, I used to main Miyako in Melty Blood.

>or the buku-jutsu
This is probably the first 2D fighting game in a while for the Dragon Ball franchise, so I don't think flight would matter very much in a game where you're on the ground most of the time.

breaking the game for someone potentially and intentionally is fucking stupid, how you would find that "fun" escapes me completely.

>Get all the Dragon Balls
>Wish for Goku in Smash

That sounds stupid.

Video game ideas are always stupid.

>let's print a limited run of this game and bundle it with an air freshener that smells like toenails!
>you can't advance further in this game unless you bother to look at the back of the packaging
>let's nickel-and-dime our consumers by intentionally selling an incomplete game and charging them more money for add-ons!
>let's add a feature where you can order pizza while you play!
>let's re-release a game that we already made ten years ago!
>let's re-release a game that we already made a couple of years ago, but with a buttload of new features that makes the preceding version look like total shit!
>...and let's release it on a competing platform to really rub it in!
>we should give away free promotional items for people who pre-ordered our game!
>...but make certain goods exclusive to certain stores
