I just finished Hellblade yesterday, and I honestly think it might be my favourite game of 2017

I just finished Hellblade yesterday, and I honestly think it might be my favourite game of 2017.

When I finished it I felt a strange sad feeling wash over me,

I thought it was really a really beautiful game.

I've heard that opinions on Hellblade are extremely polarised, so I'd like to know what you guys though, I honestly loved it to death.

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You have terrible taste in video games.

The final boss ruined the entire experience

>play american game
>get shot
>play european game
>get raped

All I saw was walking

Combat was fuking lit, I was really intuitive and enjoyable, the graphics and sound design was also really good, my shit gpu ran it with no problems, everything else and I mean everything was utter fucking dog shit pretentious nonsense

I also thought it was a great game (not my GOTY though). It's clearly not for everyone though,

You should play What Remains of Edith Finch if you didn't already, pretty sure you would appreciate it.

shit taste

>leddit spacing
you have to go back

Wasn't this the mental trauma 2 deep 4 u game everyone forgot about a day after launch?

Shit gameplay, fuck puzzles.

i had already forgotten about this game... wow GOTY 2017!

fuck off with your not-game feminist propaganda
fucking kike cunt

Pretty much, the only person who keeps bringing up this game is Jim Sterling who keeps heralding the game as a "triumph".

Didn't he give it a fucking 1/10?

he did
then he decided to continue to be the subhuman scum that he is and did a whole video apologizing about it
right now he gave it a 7 or an 8 or something

I liked it alot. Hopefully for devs go for the self publishing route. I'd rather have short, varied experiences than bloated 'AAA' games that I wouldn't finish anyway.

He deviated from his programming but once they put him back on the koolaid he changed his mind and went back to the established narrative.


It could have been a good game had they wrapped that story around actual gameplay. But theres no game here.

kill yourself, my man

you mean a story that was purely 2deep4u liberal shit?
yeah, what a great fucking story

so what was the twist in this shit, i'm never going to play it

basically, all menz are ebul and women are all STRUNG
MC's father abused her as a child and that's the cause of her insanity and why she thinks she's cursed
and of course all the men in the game are cucks/evil and all the women are strung, pure-hearted perfect creatures

yeah thats what i thought it would be

I couldn't even play it, the voices in your head just made me cringe.

Fug I forgot I was playing this. Is it worth completing? I'm at the part with the weird monster that only gets to you in the dark.

I got recommended it because it was "a mature approach to psychosis" and I thought it was pretty cool, the combat was a fucking slog but I thought the voices were cool and the puzzles were neat. I really liked the big bad voice specifically, honestly I'd say it's better to just watch the cutscenes.

>a walking simulator is your GoTY

No. Like I said earlier, complete kike trash. The fact that you got that far is troubling
You're fucking retarded.
When I say this, I mean it with all the sincerity I can: You need to kill yourself before you do society anymore harm by promoting this degenerative trash


A fucking leaf has shit taste. Not surprised.

jesus christ, you are such a tool, it's not even funny

>plot that goes beyond SAVE DA PUSSY PEW PEW
>Sup Forums spams that it's some 'feminist 2deep4u propaganda'
>not one single long thread rant over this game
Sup Forums has become so fucking abysmal, fucking americans

hello soros
shouldn't you be busy trying to destroy the 2nd amendment after your lies about the las vegas shooting?

>Complete kike trash
Nice argument. Anyone non-retarded?

yeah yeah what the fuck ever d00d, go back to Sup Forums you sound like an actual fucking lunatic


I mean it's great I love the game GOTY

>pretty cool
>promoting the game

I hope you're joking, OP. If not, play better games.

strong presentation, mediocre game

go back to pol you brainwashed (or trolling for FUN) piece of shit.

You are close to the ending. If you liked it so far you will probably still like it.
The ending is pretty good if you interpret it on more than just a surface level. The main theme is dealing with the loss of a close person and dealing with psychosis and understanding it's causes. If you think themes such as these are pretentious then you probably won't care much about the rest of the game.

the insanity was inherited from her mother.

Not really. More like it was implied that she had some kind of predisposition towards psychosis, but there were situations in her life that triggered those predisposition and actually made it that much worse. Which is exactly what the scientific consensus on the origins of psychosis is.


>and I honestly think it might be my favourite game of 2017.

and I think this Ninja Theory garbage must of been your only game of 2017

>European likes shit game
Sounds about right, Hellblade is definitely a Eurocore game.

> t. Ninja Theory developer


the predisposition was her mother. she had it too. she also left on walkabout as senua did. the situations was that 1. they had no understanding of mental disorder and 2. culturally their beliefs allowed for such manifestations and the overlapping nature fostered it.
it is literally in the game and the accompanying media

Can you describe it without politically charged buzzwords I care nothing about?

Shit was SO cash senpai [fire][fire][100][100]

It's interesting but I find it barely to be a game. I've sort of lost interest in doing the same puzzle over and over again so I've like halfway through it

>one of best uses of sound in recent years
>very nice graphics and visual style
>fun combat but lack of ememy variety
>shitty puzzles
>story tries too hard to be 2deep
6-7/10 it's okay and quute short.

Jesus Christ, that's an unbelievable misrepresentation of the games story, how you can completely misunderstand a relatively simple story is beyond me, you fucking Neanderthal.

The story had nothing to do with gender whatsoever, I really don't see how you are inserting an agenda into this game when it has none.

She had psychosis before her father "abused" her (the way her phrased that makes it sound like she was molested or something.) her father kept her at home so he could preform rituals on her in an attempt to cure her of her mental illness that she had inherited from her mother, her father is a Druid and he believes she is cursed and that her presence brings misfortune on her tribe.

There are only three characters in the game that have actually spoken roles in the game, senua, drug and Dillion, all of these characters are portrayed as good people and 2 out of 3 are men.

Senua is not portrayed as "le stronk woman", she's shown throughout the game to be deeply troubled and is constantly on the verge of having a complete psychotic break, her journey throughout the game is complete torture for her and she's barely scraping her way through her own personal hell, if you're implying she's a Mary Sue then you're an idiot.

The whole plot centres on her dealing with the death of her to be husband, and she's an emotional mess as a result of his death. I really don't see where you get the feminist angle from, it's sounds like an awful lot of projection from my perspective.

The basic plot is that the MC, senua is a Celt who suffers from a chronic case of psychosis, and journeys to Norse mythology's equivelant of hell to retrieve the soul of her dead partner, following a Viking raid on her home which killed her entire tribe leaving her as the only survivor.

The gameplay consists of combat and puzzle solving, neither of which are amazing, but it's far from terrible.

It's really the somber atmosphere and story that's the selling point. It's really short, about 4-5 hours long, but it only cost 30 euro/dollars at launch so it's forgivable.

It's more of a narrative experience than the hack and slash action game it was marketed as, so it left many feeling underwhelmed. But if you look past that it's really unique and different and the acting and story is fantastic, so it's worth a buy for that alone.

Sup Forums said it was terrible so I knew I had to try it because usually any game that Sup Forums says is terrible is usually good. As it turns out it was a great game. My current GOTY.

Thanks my dude, you've convinced me to give it a chance