How does Sup Forums feel about this game? It gets great reviews and I'm interested...

How does Sup Forums feel about this game? It gets great reviews and I'm interested. It doesn't seem like full game is worth $60 though. Is it $60USD good?

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Its a great game, but for me, nothing is worth 60 bucks anymore unless I can get 100+ hours into it. Just nothing to do after 100%ing it, which isn't difficult

It's a surprisingly enjoyable game with about 30 hours of decent content.

First world is pretty boring but when you start getting synergies combat becomes really satisfying.

Rabbids are actually fairly entertaining and endearing, the environments look fantastic. Music is pretty disappointing especially considering it was composed by the guy that did some of the rare n64 classics.

Call me a casual but I prefered it to xcom

>strategy game targeted at 8 year old kids

If you get any satisfaction out of that level of difficulty as an adult then you must be a literal retard.

It was worth every single penny. The intro's a bit slow, but it picks up immensely afterwards

Not only are the Rabbids toned down, but they're actually the best part of the game somehow

Playing it now. It's basically xcom but easy.

T. Mature gamer

World 1 is very tame, world 2 is where things get a lot more interesting.

Also reminder that Rabbid Luigi is best member and basically makes you unkillable.

Is there a difficulty slider or other modes in the game?

No no

nah. There is plenty of challenge later on

The difference to Xcom is the mobility. you got MASSIVE move options compared to Xcom

There's only normal and easy mode for the story missions.
There are a set of two player missions in which each player controls two characters, and those have a hard mode.
Each world also has ten challenge missions after completing it.

It baffles me how you drones get enjoyment out of a strategy game made for little kids.

This, the game is "enjoyable" but like the most of nintendo games, way too easy.

All retro games were made for kids I hope you are baffled by anyone enjoying megaman or final fantasy

it baffles me how incredibly mature you are.

>Music is pretty disappointing

It baffles me how pissy and whiny your kind gets over other people enjoying things.

game is fun and charming, but easy. lasts about 25 hours +/-. No replayability. 7/10

Had a ton of fun with it, but I'm also the kind of guy who really likes games that let me immediately retry things to do them as efficiently as possible. It's why Pikmin 3 is one of my favorite games of all time. I loved the challenges as well, some really make you work for those power orbs. Only if you do them right after you complete their world though, if you wait to come back to them later in the game with better equipment and more power orbs, you're a huge pussy deliberately ruining content for yourself.

I even loved the Rabbids. I've never played anything else with them so I don't know how they've been tweaked here, but from what I saw in Kingdom Battle I don't understand the hate.

I hope they add a custom map maker.

It's legitimately great. The world exploration segments feel tacked on and boring though, and it also needs a multiplayer, and could be about 5-10 hours longer. If it or its sequel did that it could easily be a 10/10

You permavirgin ninten drone autist would find enjoyment in a 4 piece jigsaw if it had a picture of mario in it.

You are just a bunch of pathetic manchildren.

there is a mukltiplayer, lol


calm down, autistus maximus

Why are you so assblasted?

Have they fixed the occasional one second freezes yet? Read it can be prevented in handheld mode by turning on airplane mode, but that's not really an option when docked.

Fuck yourself. You know what I mean, a real verses mode.

> No replayability.
I was afraid of this. I thought there would be special missions or some sort of a online mode or something. I overestimated what this game really is, but it still seems cool.

>There's no multiplayer
There is
>Fuck you


There are challenge missions, but you probably won't replay them. Also, they announced there will be paid dlc, but haven't specified much about it.

Do we have any solids sales info? i only know that they were good enough that nintendo will personally localize the game to japan and china.

Why do people always say every game ever made has "no replayability", even when it's a genre of game that has lots of replayability like TBS's?

Never ever. I just can't care for this game just for that reason.

>All retro games were made for kids
Wrong, not the arcade era of games, which early console games were heavily derived from. It wasn't after the third generation of consoles were casualism because the downfall that is this generations gamers.

Why the fuck do people keep fucking saying this isn't worth 60 dollars? It's a full length fucking game.

What the fuck is wrong with people and games nowadays.

Video games are a children's hobby. Stop crying that not everyone jerks off over dark edgy mature games like Halo and No More Heroes.

>paying for games
>paying 60 bucks for games
>defending paying 60 bucks for games

I enjoyed it several times more than XCOM for the sole reason that if you are flanking someone you have a ONE HUNDRED PERCENT chance to hit, not that bullshit 97% and then you miss.

Some friend sent me the game to try it out is one of a kind experience I really dig it the sistem and the music is really nice probably a 8/10 the rabbids are kinda funny sometimes.


Nothing I said pointed to that, what the hell are you on about? Games are not just for kids, it's an activate anyone can do when they don't want to do hard handed shit. All video games are just digital representations of traditional games before it, nothing different between them.

>those weapon names
>those weapon descriptions

Peach doesnt get kidnapped and is playable so already I think it's good. My main problem with the game is you have to have a rabbid on your team.

Wrong. Arcades were made for children.

I beat it under 25 hours and just played golf story for 25 even. I'm not going back to Mario rabbids so that time is final and includes all challenge missions. Why you think is a full game is not a full game

This. If a game doesn't have infinite replayability and 1,000 hours of playability it's an incomplete Jewish shekel-snatching that casuals and children always fall for.

This sarcastic fuck gets it

Kids with money. Ok.

Teenagers act like kids we all know but they aren't kids. People playing Mortal Kombat weren't 8 year olds, I should know cuz my older brother was around 18 playing them.

ayy lmao

this, is why I like rabbids. No bullshit % chance, just 100 50 or 0