Games where the Good Guy dies?


Other urls found in this thread:

Is there a cuter thing than puppies in bow-ties?

Sniper Elite 2 / 3 / 4 but only if you preordered

Explain, I'm curious

why to wolves always look slightly scary

Are you from a culture that never domesticated dogs?

dumb dog what are you looking at

>muh ancestors

look up "sniper elite pre order dlc"

That's Romeo mane. Look him up.
>be lonely wolf bro
> make friends with local dogs
> local humans learn to love me
> Get shot by hunter
> local humans erect a monument to me
> I was a good boy

The Good Ending to Infamous 2.



He was clearly talking about the autistic shitbreed just staring off into the distance.




Crisis Core.

please do not be rude to labs

They're trying to rub their scent on him right? Or is that a different animal?

this time the dog gave the human the bone

user please stop posting this. Just stop.

More than one user, user.

The Last Remnant

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

Red dead redemption

hello dog

>Warm spicy curry, me likey

Because they will fucking eat you.

Dogs are fucking disgusting.

I like cats but only if they're fat

Stop that user. I'm a cat person and even I like dogo every now and then.

This is degeneracy.

you ain't nothin but a hound dog



Lots of video games mentioned user, can you contribute any?

If dog is man's best friend then why does doggo-san keep mauling people and children to death unprovoked?

Do you like my dog, Sup Forums?

How can I help doggos in need without being a vet?

Because it's still an animal, and animals are unpredictable.

Persona 3

>no argument
Dumb dogfag.

They are grooming him. Grooming is the ultimate way for an animal to signifiante it,s love for you.

yes puppies without bow ties i hate cunts who dress up their dogs

There are plenty of animals that act as you say but dogs still have a disproportionate number of maulings, fatalities, and overall attacks on humans even if you combine live-stock into the factor. Especially with shitty breeds like Pits.

I'll give you tree-fiddy for him.

Labs are shit.

Well, can't forget how we humans fucked with a lot of them by creating many breeds and sub-breeds, I imagine unintentional issues arising from it is a big factor.

>he didnt get the lion

I'd ask /an/, but it depends on whether the sort of animals in question are wild or not.

If they're not, you can volunteer at an animal shelter, or donate.

If wild, then there are a lot of animal/nature conservancy groups that could always use help, and probably have resources on their websites that you could look at.
There's lots of debate over wolf hunting, and it's legal status frequently changes from being prohibited to literal hunting from helicopter, so assistance is always appreciated.

>we humans
t. dog

beautiful pupper

Cats would if they could but they're useless animals, unlike dogs which make good guard animals.

... because a disproportionate amount of people own dogs compared to anything else that can cause real physical harm.

Red dead redemption?

>Cats would if they could
Zero proof.
>useless animals
Cats are better trackers, vermin exterminators, and protectors against rodents for crops and farms then dogs ever where.
>disproportionate amount of people own dogs
More people own cats than dogs, Cletus. Also over 70% of fatal dog attacks in the US and Canada are by one main breed: Pitbulls. Your dogs are the nignogs of canines.

Dying light. You turn into a zombie and the game blacks out before seeing a helpless kid as the sun sets.

Dogs that haven't been raised to be false bastards only ever attack people if they get a brain tumor or some other illness affecting their behaviour.

go make your own thread please theres a testosterone requirement for this thread catfags dont have

How long did it take you to come up with that rebuke, user?

Something the matter, user?

humans kill people I guess they are all shit! -your logic, cats would if they werent so pathetic and weak

I just entered the thread for this "rebuke"

Sure you did.

>cats are better
stopped there, thats 3 things which you have no source on saying cats are superior at, especially since dogs are more commonly used for those exact roles. Obviously an animal that has breeds capable of killing and is widely owned will have more fatalities than a weak tiny little cat

Cats attack people all the time you retard, they're just too small to be fatal.

Why are you lying so blatantly?

>brainlet who thinks a response not even that good takes like 10 minutes of brainstorming
truly a cat lover

Infamous 2

a snake wearing a sweeter

>projecting this badly


Why does it prefer to have its butt comfortable than his head?

How? Oh I get it. You can spew any bullshit and its true without you having to back anything up, but anyone else is a liar. Consider that you might have autism if dogs being a more useful animal actually upsets you

>spending time and money on a creature incapable of truly caring about you
Are snake owners cucks?

>accused me of doing exactly what I said in that post
holy fuck the cringe
>heh... cute *tips cat*

>better than taking out invasive animals like rats and mice or voles
Nope. This is absolutely untrue. Look at the colonies in the New World when the English and Dutch colonized the Eastern Atlantic seaboard. Cats absolutely were essential for colonists to survive and not have their farms ruined by said pests.

Digital Devil Saga 2 literally everybody dies one by one and to put it simply you play as the party as ghosts fighting in the sun where God lives. It make sense in context.

> Cats better at ANYTHING

That's cute user

Perhaps you didn't know that there are entire breeds of dogs dedicated to hunting vermin?

But do they look good in bow ties?

Chrono Trigger

>breeds like deutschunds bred exactly to kill those types of animals
>cats being essential when dogs were being bred to do it


What bullshit? The fact that more people own cats than dogs in the US? You are talking out of your ass.
Shit tier.

Reminder that these dogs actually work with people as a team. Cats just do a shitty job on a whim until they get bored.

Well I am accusing you of being retarded, yes. So I guess it took you that long to even figure it out.
Kill yourself for even doing this ironically.

>tfw those few times I let my great dane sleep in my bed with me.

More like the easiest method of doing it. Cats are low maintenace and mostly solitary. Keep some in the general vicinity of the farm and they'll kill all of the small stuff without eating your crops.
Dogs have to be trained

why wear bowties when they can wear tiny hats?

What has that fact got to do with cats being more useful at all? Have you considered that the most population dense areas are filled with apartments you cant really keep dogs in, you brainlet? That most people arent farmers, so the whole useful cat thing makes no sense in relation to that fact? Ask the police, a blind man, airport security or a hunter which is more useful to them

The American/Domestic Shorthair alone has as success rate even as a juvenile/immature age of catching a prey animal within 3 pounces. Show me the success rate of your doggos, faggot.
>Cats are mostly solitary
t. user whose never owned pet cats.

I wabt a great Dane.Any tip?

>not spooning with the dog
What are you gay?

these exist.

>accuse me of taking 10 mins to make a post
>I point out how retarded that is
>projection buzzword (cute)
>y-youre a retard!
someone here is a retard

> shit tier

I'm sorry was there an argument in there somewhere? Help me see it.

Why don't professionals use cats then? Oh right, because they are too stupid to qualify as "working breeds" and can only catch very small game.

Red Dead Redemption

>What does it have to do with cats?
They are better and natural hunters of vermin than dogs that have to be specifically bred for it, you dipshit.
>population dense areas
More households own dogs and even then cats outnumber then in total ownership, not my fucking problem you aspie.
>most people aren't farmers
I see you are too stupid to follow the original tangent. Did I say most people who own cats do it on farms or rural areas? Nope.
>whose useful cat thing
Which was the entire subject proves that they are more reliant and effective then dogs in the laylow.
>red herring
No one cares.

>Show me the success rate of your doggos, faggot.
aren't the pictures he posted enough? lol.