Why hasn't there been any actually good space games yet?

Why hasn't there been any actually good space games yet?

>Elite Dangerous is boring as fuck
>No Man's Sky was a disaster
>Star Citizen is a scam
>Space Engine is pretty cool but isn't really a game

I just want a sandbox game that let's me fly around wherever I want, let's me explore planets and shit, and actually has gameplay. How hard is that?

Space is actually pretty boring. Coming up with tons of planets to explore usually devolves into coming with a planet to explore because budgets are a thing.

So either you have extremely shallow gameplay and lots of pretty sights or very in depth gameplay but not much in the way of variety.

You want to make a space game it'll end up like starbound where there's the idea of exploration but nothing to really find because it would take incalculable time and money to make it worth playing.

Space game fags are essentially asking for the impossible because you're all idiots.

I was thinking about Rebel Space. Anyone tried it yet?

Kerbal Space Program (especially with the outer planets mod) is great for exploration. It just takes a while to get places.

Empyrion survival evolved is excellent so far.


Star Citizen isn't a scam! I have $21050 invested in it and I know RSI is going to deliver.

>House of the Dying Sun.
>Rebel Space
>Strike Suit Zero
>Star Point Gemeni: Warlords.
>The Ten trillion fucking Freespace and X mods.
>Normalfags don't care about these because you can't buy a 15,000 dollar space ship and get scammed.

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He thinks Elite Dangerous is boring. EVE will not be his cup of tea so to speak.

Solaris. And if you don't know what that is your a fucking casual.

I prefer to think of E:D as "relaxing" rather than "boring"

If you want an exciting space game play House of the Dying Sun


>Space is actually pretty boring.

Then why are some of the best selling movie franchises set in space? And full of action?

The problem is it would take an insane budget to do it right, and the industry is afraid of taking risks because they have to invest so much in games now because graphics are so good, they dont want to have to invest in creating fuckloads of new actual code as well if they dont have to, just increase polygons and texture resolutions and get better lighting and slap a number on the end of the name of an already established sequel


There's a space game called Morphite which is coming out soon. It has gameplay where you can fly from planet to planet, looking at alien life and shooting stuff.

inb4 "star wars is fantasy, not sci-fi" as if that's somehow relevant to the discussion

because its mostly horse shit

he's right you know

>what is space engineers

If you're thinking of Rebel Galaxy, don't bother

Have they fixed the netcode yet?

It fucking blows my mind how that community deludes themselves into paying thousands of dollars for fake space ships

>no good space games

Play Freelancer, homo.

It turns out, flying around in space can get pretty uneventful. More news as it develops!

House of the dying sun is hilariously cool

ED is a puddle
SC is a scam but I can't be fucked to get my money out

Space games are the cancer, X4 is the answer

I just wanted my polaris

most space games coast along on the cool feeling of being in space

if they had some other setting that could analogously have the same mechanics, nobody would care because they would recognise the mundane GAME beneath the blinding meme of DUDE DOGFIGHTING IN SPACE FOR CREDITS LMAO

is sci fi not considered a subgenre of fantasy?

its simple

they're mostly autists with no hope of a wife and kids like me

money is worth nothing to them, same as their lives, and the time they waste getting it

>>Space is actually pretty boring.
>Then why are some of the best selling movie franchises set in space? And full of action?
>The problem is it would take an insane budget to do it right, and the industry is afraid of taking risks because they have to invest so much in games now because graphics are so good, they dont want to have to invest in creating fuckloads of new actual code as well if they dont have to, just increase polygons and texture resolutions and get better lighting and slap a number on the end of the name of an already established sequel

You'll note something specific about star wars. Its not about fucking space. Its not even about being in space. Space is a backdrop that is it.

>Elite Dangerous is boring as fuck
this is what a space sim should be though...
if you're expecting le epic space battles just play freespace instead

Sorry, that was what I was referring to. My mistake. What's wrong with it in particular? Is it shallow and grindy?

Mario Galaxy

you cant win with you people

elite dangerous is boring as fuck but the best by far

Stellar tactics

I don't even want a space sim at this point. I'd settle for SS13 in 3D. Sick of this over-reaching open universe games.

Just give me a 3D conversion of a shitty BYOND game.

I think I just want a recreated Wing Commander/Tie Fighter game. An FPS with a "space ship" skin. I get why people want to explore and shit, but fuck it. I'm tired of doing nothing in ED.