Monster Hunter World

>Can run BOTW
>Can run D44M
>Can run Wolfenstein 2
>Can run XB2
>MHW i-iz not on S-Shitch cuz iz to weak too run teh gaem hurr durr!!!

Literally the stupidest shit I ever heard this year. Let's get real, shall we? MHW isn't on Switch because a certain corporation simply moneyhats Crapcom to not release the game on Switch.

Other urls found in this thread:

Isn't it funny how people start hating Capcom when they're not bowing at the alter on Nintendo? Just build a PC already and shut it.

The defintion of the Switch running a third party game even first party consist of sub HD low settings 30 fps (with dips).

nigga what? if it could run on the switch don't you think Jewcom would be all over it? mo money mo problems mofo they want that paper but the switch is a piece of shit

PC is the worst place to play

>all they had to do was re-release FU, 3U or 4U on Steam and PS4 in HD
>instead we get this kusoge

Bad bait.
BOTW was made on and for the switch.

Nazi slayer isn't exactly that impressive or demanding.

>wanting nintendo's sloppy seconds

Just because Todd Howard has committed to somehow water down some ports enough to run on the Switch that doesn't mean anybody else has to.

There's already a MH game on Switch with PS2 graphics to match those other games, OP.

>game started development 4 years ago
>switch didn't even exist
>not a ps4 exclusive

That was some really low effort bait nintenbro, poor switch owners will just have to play the game on other platform

Maybe you shouldn't have bought a switch in the hopes the next monster hunter being on it

I just want good video games, not focus grouped garbage.

>wanting to play this garbage

Capcom hasn't made a good game since marvel 3

Maybe you can wait until MH5 drops for Switch.

>dynamic 720p sub 30fps
>game is heavily stylised with no quality textures and low amount of enemies on screen
>900p/720p sub 30fps

yeah man

its not like anyone could hate capcom for killing all of their franchises save monster hunter

>Sprinting Healing

Crapcom gave this game the "we want the western audiences" treatment like DmC, Dead Rising 3/4, and SFV.

Does anyone have that "Switch owners are starving here!" picture?

We already have a MH game on Switch. But for some...unknown rea$on$, Crapcom decided not to localize it, despite the fact that they could easily sell 1M copies of the game in the West.

XX bombed in Japan. What makes you think it would do better over here?

BOTW was made for Wii U and ported last minute

xx would never sell a million copies in the west since it never sold that many in Japan

I'm happy to finally get MH on PC. Though I do wish there was done kind of handheld version to take with me. Any ideas if a GPDWIN could handle it?

It runs decently on a handheld, what else do you expect?

It gets boring to post this same image just to BTFO people who keep saying BOTW is not beautiful.

BOTW looks better than MHW, and is an open world as well. So I see no reason for MHW not being on Switch.

everyone knows the next mainline mh game will be on switch ... mhw is just a spinoff like stories ...

i have no intention of buying a ps4 or a pc for this casual trash, especially since the true hardcore japanese audience are already boycotting it ..

God i love nintenbabies tears

>autistic mad over small detail

Yeah it was better to run into a safe loading zone and heal up, fuck off you twat

That's because FUCKING Sony stood outside all the game stores in Japan and paid people to not buy it.

I doubt the money people give a fuck, they'll find a much larger western audience.

no one in the west will buy it lol...

>he thinks MHW is going to sell well outside of Japan


your average western gamer just loves those low narrative, high gameplay games

It will sell 1.5-2m on steam alone.

>dark souls

sigh, no it wont..
it wont break 150.000..

Literally complaining about an improvement

nintendon'ts are as salty as sonybros were years ago

Dark Souls has adventure.

What's Monster Hunter again?

oh right

boss grinding in the same zones until you move to another zone and grind there


wrong. automata has 600k steam sales and it's more niche.

I can't wait until Sup Forums eat shit early next year.

>it's a great game until I'm not allowed to play it

not an argument

just like street fighter or mahvel were too big to fail right

but some niche as fuck japanese game will be absolutely more successful than well known titles like street fighter, marvel, or resident evil

yes sir

we'll surely be eating crow

>boss grinding in the same zones until you move to another zone and grind there
Destiny sold millions

>first person shooters

literally THE shit of the casual western fly, with third person shooters coming up in second

Being a big franchise isn't the only thing that makes a game sell, people are hungry for new experiences. That's why everyone jumped on dark souls as soon as it hit PC. Those franchises you listed are ones people are tired of.

>cool, a MHW thread!
>turns out to just be a falseflagging consolewar thread
Why do this, OP?

>top TA runners in Japan and the West, along with top players in /mhg/ (Arslan, Blanche) are all excited for MHW
>but absolute shitters on Sup Forums arent

Post 140 Apex solos?

>this is what capdrones honestly believe

that's wrong though
pubg was a best seller game even before it had FPS mode

I never banked on Mahvel v Crapcom. I just feel like Monster Hunter World will be one of those titles to do 1M in two days, because I've never bought a single Monster Hunter game in my life and even I'm excited for this. Capcom already won casual me.

Besides, when it does succeed people can check another box off of Sup Forums always being wrong.

>Monster Hunter has never been successful in the west
>But this will be successful because

Source for manga?

i dont even have to visit /mhg/ to know that they have no good players and TA runners are autistic and not as skilled as you think

The majority of Sup Forums could trounce /mhg/ any day

because it's now on the platforms where its target audience plays, instead of a super low powered nintendo hand-held marketed to children.

Is it on 3DS too?

back to the discord with you

Every Nintendo fanboy also has a pc until a game they want is actually on pc

>where its target audience plays
>Not even crash fucking bandicoot could break 3 million sales on 60+ million consoles
>but this niche japanese game will be successful

are you retarded? do you not understand how stylized graphics like in BOTW are less hardware consuming then the graphics of MHW. There is simply no way the Switch can handle MHW as it is, deal with it.

Because console wars and SJW strawmanning/falseflagging is the only way kids on Sup Forums get their rocks off nowadays.

The Switch could not run Final Fantasy 15.

It can only room Doom (a corridor FPS) at half the frames of other consoles, with dips.

The Switch is not powerful enough to run Monster Hunter World at an acceptable resolution or framerate.

>Capcom shills believe this
Yeah great now it gets to be played on a shitty underpowered computer. I'm gonna be laughing my ass off when this flops like MvC

the monster hunter team is the only good team left in capcom because it is led by the son of the ceo and he is given freedom.

it is not like the other dogshit crapcom franchises.

So tasty! I've waited for PC MH since MHF. Their reaction to MHW made me dispise those nin-toddlers, like no other gaming group before...

It's not being held back by a shitty 240p resolution on a 5" display, it's finally coming to PC where it'll be overexposed and blow up overnight.

If they have a G version, don't be surprised if a Switch port appears in some capacity.

Nintendo's gonna end up localizing it like they've done with Dragon Quest and other third party series they feel will net a nice return.

Hell, Nintendo's the reason we even had Megaman 6 in English, since Capcom didn't want to bother with it, despite the ending setting up a new game for MM7.

greater than a million, but less than 2 million sales on PS4
less than 1 million sales on Xbone
less than 1 million sales on PC

there you go

just like resident evil 7 right

oh wait

that only did 500k on PC

So you're actually going to assert that the target demographic of monster hunter world in the west isn't playing on ps4 and pc?

Only in Japan. Everywhere else only got X.

Nintenbros are STILL angry? It's been months, calm down and accept that your precious console isn't getting the game.

>Actually implying there's even a western monster hunter demographic


>>to match those other games

>Implying BotW is technical demanding game
>Doom is barely playable
>XB2 has really bad FPS drops at big areas

I know OP is just shitposting but I still see people thinking Switch could handle MHW at full potential

Why people want MHW to fail and still expect another Monster Hunter on Switch is beyond me. It's quite literally cancerous how ''''fans'''' want Monster Hunter World to flop, then angrily demand Capcom to start working on Monster Hunter 5 for Switch.

So is this a stealth MH thread like we normally do? Or are people actually complaining.

>Hanging out at friend's place
>Show them TGS MH:W trailer
>They are mildly interested
>Video was on autoplay and immediately goes into weapon trailers
>Suddenly hype arrives
>They start asking me questions about weapons and other MH stuff
>My face when I have been playing MH friendless since FU

That game has limited appeal, and the franchise isn't popular anymore, and there are many similar experiences already on steam. you'll be surprised when monster hunter sells over 1m on steam. they key is that there is nothing else like it on steam or pc right now. All its competition is low budget low effort.

>mfw even fucking God Eater and Toukiden still have old MonHun elements like stationary healing

I never thought I'd see the day when FUCKING MONSTER HUNTER became the most casual of the Hunting genre.

>falseflag as a nintendofag
>get a gorillion replies

Almost as good as Sup Forums bait

Nintendo didn't localize the DS or 3DS Dragon Quest games. They just paid for all the publishing costs after Square Enix wasn't understanding why DQV wasn't selling more than its entire shipment. Even then, SE was being a bitch about DQ7 and 8 on 3DS.

I said target demographic, of which there absolutely is, otherwise they never would have made the game. How are you so dumb?

Like I said before, when casuals like me are interested in a game, I already know it's gonna be a success.

>Resident Evil is more niche than Monster Hunter

because most Monster Hunter "fans" in the west only played the 240p 3DS Nintendo games that introduced mounting and an auto-camera.

>being too stupid to read a simple post

>mfw the gameplay footage with the guy running while healing completely killed any hype my friends had
>mine too

As well, we will have to find other games to co-op.

It's funny because this actually shows that he would have been hit by the leap if he had stayed still or possibly even if he hadn't used stamina to run, meaning they've clearly taken the change into account in their design.

Did anyone legitimately do this? I always had friends to play with and none of us did this shit, we just healed in the fight

I'd like to nominate Monster Hunter for worst fanbase award. Thankfully, they won't be playing with us when MHW is released.

PC when

>that charging rhenoplos in the back

Hopefully within a month of release.

>cheesing the game

No wonder Capcom had to dumb it down for people like you.

Getting hit while healing makes up for like 80% of my deaths in G-Rank. Kek, G-Rank is going to be so fucking easy now that they took item posing away.


ok its now up there with every other game franchise

Calm down special boi, you still got Stories.

Oh what the fuck.