Post games you're confident you can beat 99% of Sup Forums in

Post games you're confident you can beat 99% of Sup Forums in


I hope you are prepared to defend that argument.

Doesn't that make it 50%

there is a weird trend on this board of casual RTS players looking down on the people who are actually decent at them

Any Halo game
UT 2004

Only two games I was ever godlike in.. I suck at everything else and i'm ok with that

Uhh rts was only ever meant to be for "comfy" turtling against ai for 2 hours and if you disagree then you're a gookclicker.


no you'd beat everyone 50% of the time


DXMP. I've never even heard of anyone else that played it on Sup Forums, and I got thousands of hours in it.

Sit the fuck down.

considering that a large percentage here have probably never even played an RTS, that is not something to brag about.


I'd fuck any of you motherfucker up.

Just beat 7 hardest AI by myself a couple hours ago

PR'd in my country melee, so that i guess



420 S2 bb

This game is a meme and a joke tho so I'm not proud

None at all. I'm garbage at almost anything involving multiplayer competitive.

Real Life

its shitters who hate people who play competitively.
summed it up best.

never heard of it

I was hooked on it for a while
don't judge me

I am not proud.

Amazing game even today, and FAF gets mentioned once in a long while in rts threads, but I don't think many if any Sup Forumsirgins actually play it. The few who even remember it seem to base their ideas purely on vanilla which is utterly out of date and any cheese they tried from that would fail hilariously.


What OP posted + pic related

Mount and blade warband, you filthy swadvian

I'm actually a pro CSGO player, AMA



Fuck with me. I am drift king, gaijin.

Gonna stand by your word and beat me?
US east channel vidya

I will crush anyone here.

If there is a way to play it

Siege and Tekken 3


Man, I kind of miss playing EVE, I was in the top 5% of small gang wh pvp'ers when I quit due to medical problems IRL. Yeah there was a ton of wasted potential and ccp were incompetent chucklefucks at that point but even so it was a hell of an ambitious concept. It was fun fucking around with Sup Forums with an alt in 2009 for 3 months or so too even. I could have returned but somehow thought that no longer playing any MMOs would lead to some huge increase in life quality elsewhere. It didn't.