The 25th WardSUDA51 Silver Case Collector's Edition for $29.99
Thanks but does amazon actually honor orders with price errors like this?
Never even heard of this game but i ordered it anyway
You bet your ass they do senpai
How much is this worth normally?
Hasn't been announced but certainly more than it's being sold for. Last time Silver Case CE sold for $60
fucking ordered nice
yea i got xenoblade chronicle x collectors at normal game price when i preordered due to a 15min error
Worth it if I don't have a ps4?
Buy it and sell the game for what you paid and buy it again on PC. Keep the collector's edition stuff.
Thanks OP snagged one
Never even heard of it, but at 30$ I'll take a chance. Worst comes to worst I resell it
Oh shit i didn't even know that the first game got an HD rerelease last year
It's a suda51 game, isn't that enough for you user?
It's a sequel to his first game
It even got a collector's edition
>Thanks but does amazon actually honor orders with price errors like this?
sometimes they do, sometimes they dont.
they had a TV price error a couple years ago and ended up canceling everyones order. same with a video card price error too.
Bummer, i'd have loved to buy it. i'll just get the normal version now and preorder the new one too
Keep this shit secret! I don't want the pre-order I placed five hours ago to get cancelled.
Thanks OP.
cheers m8
>implying this is a blip on Amazon's radar even if it got published on the front page of the New York Times
ordered 10 copies, thanks
Thanks OP, hope it goes through.
Isn't it only 45 even without the discount?
Still enough to grab it though, Silver Case is an amazing game, but i never played this one
Is it the same game?
I don't have a ps4
should I buy it for no reason
25th ward is a remake of a sequel to a remake of Suda51's first game.
25th ward is the sequel to 24th ward
I didn't like KiD. Does that mean I won't like this?
That God Wars pre-order pricing error where they price matched Walmart's insanely low price, then had to apply the Amazon Prime pre-order discount. They changed their pre-order price matching policy afterwards to screw everyone over.
Totally different game.
Sivler Case is more like a mystery game
Why are indie collector's editions exclusively made for Sony platforms?
Even games that were originally made on PC generally don't get a physical version until they get ported to PS4.
Is this and the first game any good though?
they're bringing the mobile game to PS4?
Is it good?
That sounds appealing. I'm afraid I have no experience with his games.
This is priced 90USD on NISA's store
The bundle includes both games
He does all kinds of shit, he did No More Heroes, Lollipop Chainsaw, even directed one of the Fatal Frame games. Flower, Sun and Rain is also another good mystery game he made
Is it good? Do I need to play something else first?
they should put FSR on Switch or something
I'll take it on Steam too I guess
Damn, thanks OP.
I already pre ordered it. I don't remember the last time i bought a collectors edition.
Also, fuck Hu3zil's taxation. Check this shit out.
Order Summary
Item(s) Subtotal: $29.99
Shipping & Handling: $7.90
Total before tax: $37.89
Estimated tax to be collected: $0.00
Import Fees Deposit $36.04
Grand Total: $73.93
What the fuck?
Welp, gonna take this shit off of my GoG Wishlist. Thanks OP, you really weren't a faggot today.
Jesus, sorry user.
Yeah. It's why I can't get shit on Amazon besides books. The import fees deposit is pretty absurd. It goes over the already abusive huetax.
amazon pricing orders are god tier
but reselling them is a huge fucking pain
got the uh xcom 2 expansion for 10 bucks sold it for 35
the problem is ebay and then paypal takes a cut, plus shipping costs, so youre really only getting 27 at most then you add in the effort time and money investment, youre only getting 17 dollars profit from multiple days of effort and time
the best profit you can make is buying high priced CE's and reselling with 100's added to price, like with that ni no kuni, dude wanted it so bad he drove to my town cash in hand
pricing error*
Damn, thats a nice price, should i buy it? i only played like 3 vn before and enjoyed them all
funnily enough it will still be like 10 time cheaper them buying this kind of shit here in h3land.
Bought it
I hope it's good
It's a Suda51 game. He's /ourguy/ but he definitely has a distinct style in the way that Yoko Taro and Kojima have their trademark styles.... But if you don't like that style, you probably won't like it.
Play the first game before this one
It's also on PS4
this shit better be good, i just spent a quite amount of bucks to get that pre order.
I'm on a gamble here.
the japanese release contains both games and a huge 4 CD soundtrack and a t-shirt
the again it costs like $140
is the pricing error that a NISA LE is priced 29 dollars more than it's worth?
Considering the game itself is $29, I have no problem with it
Amazon charges when it ships, right?
Thanks dude. Can someone post a gameplay trailer so i know what i just bought?
Its a VN, also its the sequel to The Silver Case so you should play that one first to understand what the fuck is going on
>ordering something random online because Sup Forums said to
You had better be right fags
Also, how much is this worth normally? How much am I really saving here?
>because Sup Forums said to
Its Suda
Its gotta be decent
Don't know about the original price, but the standard edition is at $29.99 too
Read the steam reviews, I mostly agree with them. it's not for everyone.
>PS4 Version
and remember, amazon doesn't charge until it ships so you can always cancel.
It aint no dragon dildo so youre fine.
It's a suda51 game for 30 dollary dingos. All those games tend to be solid enough rides, though also pretty niche. If you hated other suda51 I doubt you'll like this one, if you liked them at all it's a no-brainer. I mean, just go look it up and look at the others if you know nothing about it, but this is a pretty clear buying choice frankly which is why this is kind of a real fuck up. Suda51 isn't the kind of game that tends to get a billion normie sales later by a long shot, it sells to a small niche.
It's a grasshopper game not a suda51 game
NMH TSA is the first game Suda is actually giving half a shit about since NMH1
Oh, fuck it doesn't come out til March either? Damn I'm gonna forget the hell out of this and have a nice surprise just like with FFXII
I usually never preorder but I did pirate NMH's soundtrack so I'll buy his game this time.
That kinda makes me feel bad actually I'm not robbing Suda of his monies am I?
>designer suda51
it was originally released before NMH1 back when Suda 51 was still in a designer/writer role. IDK exactly how much he wrote considering the better half of the original Silver Case was written by someone else though.
Is this actually a pricing error? Seems like it might just be the regular price for a console port of a cellphone game.
Saw that and actually somewhat happy oddly enough. Dunno, after years of instant gratification and endless backlogs, I've actually kind of grown to like slowing my purchases down and having some game I'd completely forgot about drop in on me totally out of the blue and giving it a shot completely blind. I don't and won't do that for all or even most purchases, but it's a change of pace. Somehow kind of takes me back to the old days pre-internet of having no idea what was coming, and yeah sometimes that led to duds but for good games it changed the experience.
Lollipop Chainsaw and NMH1/2 on PC when?
Even amongst that niche I doubt a few Sup Forumsirgins are really going to move the needle. I mean, 5-10k is microscopic sales in the vidya world. But this thread has an entire 37 posters, even amongst 5-10k that's negligible. If it ends up looking awesome/being fun just hype it to a few friends next summer, job done.
I could see regular edition being $30 but LE? I don't think it's some $500 crazy deal but just in terms of small volume physical manufacturing costs for an artbook and fancy-ish box $30 doesn't leave a lot of margin.
Anyway it's just an amazon pre-order. Worst case you cancel (or they cancel on you).
Last time I bought a Limited Edition of a Suda game was Killer is Dead and it was priced the same as the regular edition too.
They do play with it more then most, but again just looking at what's included I'd be honestly kind of surprised if the LE & regular were the same price, that'd honestly and genuinely cut their money a lot. If it was though that's still cool, and it's Amazon. Come february if it's not actually a deal or just plain looks like it'll be mediocre cancel that shit.