Always looked like a better Dark Souls to me. I already said this when I believed it's a PS4 exclusive...

Always looked like a better Dark Souls to me. I already said this when I believed it's a PS4 exclusive. I'm happy it's coming to PC. I think Dark Souls games are fucking repititious trash but they always had potential.

Anyone in the same boat?

Other urls found in this thread:


no you're the only one. kys

The game is a steaming pile compared to souls.

yeah if you think dark souls is repetitive, have fun with this.

but i do enjoy nioh and look forward to playing on a high res with 60 fps

The gameplay is far more refined and responsive compared to DaS games. Around Bloodborne level.

I'll pass since my life is pretty satisfying right now, thanks.

You guys say the same about The Surge and it actually felt like a fresher, more interactive and more vertical experience.

The game has no large world to explore.
Its just missions in smaller areas that force you to grind to progress thru the game.
And it also forces you to kill same mobs for most of the game.

It or divinity is my goty. The combat is great.

I hope not. Bloodborne looks even worse than Dark Souls to me. It's literally Dark Sousl but with retarded looking little sidehops instead of rolls and a stupid blood gimmick.

I saw a lot of cool videos of Nioh with a lot of cool moves and gameplay nuances, though. Much better than everything I've seen from Souls shit.


souls series are the codemaster racers of the rpg genre

weightless pseudo-hardcore shit tier gameplay and all the faggots love it

the combat is probably the least important part of what makes dark souls good. nioh has none of the cool lore, fashion, customization, roleplaying, or world design that dark souls has

>The game has no large world to explore.
When the world isn't a boring, reptitious piece of shit with invisible walls everywhere and pebbles blocking you like in Souls in a time where you can even climb in huge WRPGs like Witcher 3, I prefer smaller areas.

I liked Nioh's combat mechanics but the enemy/level variety was pretty weak.

Wasn't a fan of the loot system as well, to be honest.

>Dark Souls
>good loore when it's just a fucking clusterfuck at least since 3
>world design

You don't play a lot of games, it seems.

I know it's not the focus of this webm but why is this one silver knight just standing there and not doing anything? Is he blind?

i said dark souls, not dark souls 3

So what you're saying is, that Nioh is the Dark Souls of Bloodborne

>around bloodborne level
come on user, i platinum'd bloodborne it really isn't that different from souls

imagine being so butthurt about things on the internet you make a image about it

It would have been better than dark souls if it had balanced standardized weapons and loot that couldn't cheese fights same with living weapon

I realised the hardest and funniest part of the game was the start before my weapons 1-2 enemies etc

If you think dark souls was repetitive you are in for a treat. You replay each map about 3-4 times just with different enemies and starting at different points. My biggest gripe with the game personally; everything else is gold.

You are legitimately mentally retarded if you believe Dark Souls has good level design or even visuals. Lost Izalith, Tomb of the Giants, The Depth and especially Blighttown are some of the worst places I've ever experienced in a game. Literally a "Game Design 101: What not to do".

Doesn't help that you randomly can't teleport to certain bonfires, which leads to even more backtracking.

That specific knight has a very short aggro range.

>REEE stop liking thing!
both dark souls and doom always have an autistic fag like this lol

Imagine getting triggered by images on an image board because you are a video game fanboy.

Who cares about the levels? I'm talking about gameplay. In Dark Souls you do literally NOTHING, NOTHING but tilting the control stick/circle-strafing, dodging when the enemy attacks and then hitting attack button twice. NOTHING else. For 60 hours. Against every single enemy in the whole game. Parrying isn't even advisable against 99% the enemies because the risk isn't worth it since it's designed for online play and if the window was bigger it would be overpowered.

You're a dickhead mate.
What do you achieve with this false flagging bullshit? It's pretty obvious you are trying to piss off souls fans rather than learn about nioh because its the only thing you've fucking talked about in depth.

say it with me folks



>It's literally Dark Sousl but with retarded looking little sidehops instead of rolls and a stupid blood gimmick
No, it's completely different. Parrying with bullets means accounting for travel time, stepping instead of rolling lets you close distance much faster to riposte, and most importantly it's possible to miss a parry without breaking the flow of combat and getting stunlocked by multiple shitty enemy AI.
Not sure why you have a grudge against bloodborne, but shit like that webm has never happened to me in about 4 playthroughs.

It has way more differences than similarities to Dark Souls, the comparison is silly.

man first person shooters are shit! all you do is hit W and click your left mouse button! whats up with that?

>>wants nuanced and in-depth combat
>>completely avoids learning how to parry properly because it's too hard

Yeah okay. Go play ninja gaiden.

That Dark Souls is shit but with a lot of potential that I hope Nioh is exploiting is the point of the thread, my man. Learn to tolerate other opinions. You can challenge my points and my opinion, that's he dialectics work, but don't just cry about them.

>No, it's completely different
>some gimmicks = completely different game

It's funny because you expect me to disagree with you, lol.

I like Team Fortress for the very reason it's not as repetitive as the first person shooters you are describing and actually even has some verticality and almost no focus on hit-scan shit.

he's very committed to guarding those chests

The combined areas of Undead Berg, Undead Parish, Darkroot Forest, Darkroot Basin, The Depths, Blighttown, New Londo Ruins, and Valley of Drakes is the single best world design in video games of the 2010s decade.

I do usually parry those normal knights with long swords. It's just noth worth it against most enemies and you know it. You might just as well shield or dodge and then attack them without even risking taking damage.

I also don't like how parrying or even backstabbing are literally cinematic animations that lock you down for three seconds every single time. The Surge literally does it slightly better.

What a shitty webm all you did was click the left mouse button and hit space a few times

>Nioh is goo-

isn't that pre magic nerf?

>Darkroot Forest
I'm just nitpicking this one because I don't want to type so much but you are aware that this whole area is literally just one big flat field with N64 fog and and some trees, right? There is absolutely no depth to it at all. None. Literally one shitty Zelda Skyward Sword dungeon has more depth and more level design finesse and creativity than the entirety of Dark Souls 1. Even Skyrim has more complex caves, especially the dwarf dungeons.

>b-but my shortcuts
Literally every action adventure has those, even the shitty Tomb Raider reboot.

try and do the same jump then
if its only a few button presses it should be simple

do you think nioh's the first game that can be cheesed?

No thanks i don't play games with such simple mechanics, like hitting buttons

And plus, team fortress is for third worlders and children

Hm, no, there is a lot of air-control; crunches, pogo, perfect timing, positioning, depth perception, map awareness and experience that's required there. And imagine how funny it is when there are actually three enemies and you shoot them while also trying to outmaneuver them like this.

Sounds like a lot of big talk for a man that clicks the left mouse button and hits space to make his pew pew lift him up

And Souls shit is literally the favorite franchise of those braindead, crazy progressives over there on NeoGAF (who btw. give TF2 shit for obvious reasons).

Good job outing yourself as a casual who couldn't get past the first area.

No need to get upset pedro i am sure tf2 is fine

Wrong webm. That's Overwatch cancer, which btw. is also loved by NeoGAF.

OK, bro. Go circle-strafe some more """challenging""" bosses.

>that bomb
fuckin noice

>i like tf2

I'm only talking about the speed at which combat moves at

>he thinks tf2 is fast and skilled
t. underage who doesnt know what tfc is

rocket jumping isnt that simple you chode choker

So you are implying the area after the bridge with the mushroom people and the cats that's just another barren, flat field changes everything?

It's very different. 3 things alone, the speed of the dodge, the speed of the healing animation and the ability to press to regain HP through the rally mechanic, make it far better for shit players like me

>I like Soulsborne

Why am i not surprised the autistic fag that goes into a thread about things he doesn't like is a TF2 babby

>Thinking someone gitting gud makes a game bad

Oh yeah i am sure it's not big man, fucking kek

>it's literally my thread
>it's about criticizing Souls and Nioh

You are the one going into a thread and REEEing because you disagree with the OP, my man.

It's really not like dark souls aside from how the currency and leveling works. Much more similar to ninja gaiden/dynasty warriors.

thats what i didn't like, it was so fucking easy. even my gf who barely plays vidya beat it

Apophenia maybe?

>tf2 is deep

>Ninja Gaiden/Dynasty Warriors
There is literally nothing similar between Ninja Gaiden and Dynasty Warirors. DW is literally 100% braindead brawler shit.

Sush tf2 kiddie adults are talking

Nioh looks like a really hideous version of Onimusha.

BB's mobs are piss easy, I'll give you that, but the bossfights are consistently harder than all the other Dark Souls games, and the chalice dungeon is straight-up the hardest thing the franchise has outside of NG+ shit.

No one said this but your picture is probably an accurate representation of your brain volume.

But I wasn't implying that NG ad DW were similar. I was implying that Nioh has similarities to both.

>bossfights are consistently harder than all the other Dark Souls games
Come on user, we are way past the getting paid to shill stage

Guys, you like fucking Souls cancer. You have no room to talk. Never. Not about any game. You like literal shit. You like it when fat, balding Japs literally shit down your throats and to gargle it.

Well that's why I like it. It feels like a Souls game designed for normal humans. I beat all the others but they really are designed brutally and require far more deaths than is elegant

Not them but tf2 is pretty gay though dude.

They are, though. DS1's are not difficult, DS2's are laughably easy, and DS3's are close, but mostly uneven in terms of difficulty. BB's are, for the most part, consistently challenging through and through.

The combat system is pretty good, but unfortunately the enemies are not very well designed.

If you think that Dark Souls is repetitive, than stay away from Nioh.

>horrible AI
>enemies stagger with literally every single hit
>15 iframes and can dodge out of recovery animations

Why do people pretend DS is hard? Because of some trial and error attacks that kill you without leaving you a chance? That's just bad game design, not difficulty. Every boss is forever piss easy after you understood his one cheap trial and error attack.

silence you muppet, you ruined your opinion holding any value when you outed yourself as a TF2 third worlder

Dark Souls is pretty challenging compared to most ARPGs, which have a reputation for being piss-easy.

Dark Souls is much better but this game has better combat+bosses and is more than worth a playthrough.

If you don't like Dark Souls I doubt you will like this.

I guess it was harder for you, must just be a shitty gamer on your part

Yes, it is. But the point was that this guy here came up with that nifty logical fallacy to devalue my point and I told him that I don't like games with simple gameplay like this, no matter what genre. And you can't just press w and click in Team Fortress 2, unless you play on casual servers as Pyro or Heavy with a pocket medic on your ass.

lol, you would get wrecked by even your "third worlder children".

I can point out why a pc gamer who would have shit all over nioh months ago is now singing its praises while still shitting on bloodbourne.

Nioh is going to PC so therefore it now greatest game ever, while bloodbourne is consoletrash.

Its pretty simple with PC gamers and their brains.

>New ps4 exclusive is Announced
PC gamers claim it looks like same generic trash.
>Ps4 game is released, its awesome
PC gamers are stuck on the fence between their petitions to get the game on PC and their previous faux-hatred for the game.
>ps4 game doesn't come to PC as the petitions were pointless
PC gamers across the globe scream and shout about how bullshit exclusives are, and how shitty the game looks anyway.
>OR game is announced for PC
PC gamers ignore all previous ideas that they ever said game was bad, its now the best game ever and thanks for Beta Testing Sonybros!
They still all pirate it anyway.

>tfw I have a good gaming PC, a Ps4 and a 3ds.

lol my nephew plays tf2 dude, grow up

Wow! amazing job moving the mouse and clicking! i am so impressed user

I didn't die too frequently, no, but also didn't snore through half of them, either.

What game did you think had the tougher bosses?

I'm happy too. I own a ps4 slim and held off on getting this game. Now that it's going to be free on PC I feel pretty good for waiting.

I just want them to announce the goddamn sequel already, I'm still pissed that Maria escaped.

Also what is going to be the setting of the sequel about? The shingegumi? William is literally immortal so it could work

I think Boshin War would be some tight shit.

PC retards are still butthurt about Bloodborne.

Can't wait to see their reaction when Fromsoftware announces their new game at PSX

>literally seething because someone mentions TF2
Hm, is it actually worse than we expected? Are Dark Souls retards also Overwatch retards? Is it one huge nexus of the most cancerous fanbases in the world?

honestly only boss i died more than 3 times to was midir, so i would have to say ds3. not saying ds3 is hard, but that was the only boss that gave me trouble

i remember Sup Forums hyping orphan of kos to no end and i beat him in two tries. so i think Sup Forums just sucks at games

Is it possible that class based shooters are all just kind of crap?

I just want a game wit Hijikata on it, it would also mean we could have a samurai with gun combos

No one is butthurt about a shit game otherwise we wouldn't criticize the shitty From games that are on PC. And the PC actually has Bloodborne, it's called Dark Souls 3.

make sure you ask mommy before you buy another hat

No, it's possible that you just don't like the genre, though. Unless maybe you can form an actual argument why they are objectively bad, but I think you're hard-pressed to do that.