Let's face it, you just hate this game because it's popular and/or it was too hard for you

Let's face it, you just hate this game because it's popular and/or it was too hard for you.

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I hate it because it looks gay.

I dont hate it tho

Right now I hate it because this is the 5th thread on page 0 for this you niggerfaggot cock sucker.

I don't hate this game, I hate fucking faggots making a billion threads about it and trying to push some idiotic narrative about Sup Forums "hating cuphead".
Drop the fucking tumblrina victim complex and stay in one thread.

What are you talking about, I love it and I only see hype threads on it here...

I don't hate it I just feel bad I'd be wasting my money buying it. I suck at these games. Can't play Mega Man, Contra, Gunstar Heroes, none of them. They're all really cool games I just suck. Feels bad man.

ids nad onn de p es faurrrr
so ids bad gaem


practice makes perfect
I'm not good at run&gun games and I went through it without much hassle
the game is very forgiving and now that I see that it's all pretty fair




I hate this game because I hate bullethells

I don't even have the game, I just shitpost for fun.

Fuck this dragon boss.

did you try lobber?

It's pretty easy honestly. I really like it though, the animation and the music got me hooked. It's a bit on the short side, but considering how short the credits felt, it's totally understandable that they did so much with so small of a crew.

Its another case where the fanbase makes autists hate the game.

I actually just beat it after posting that. Just needed to be more patient.

Sup Forums was shitting on cuphead for MONTHS right until it was finally released and then they went "oh yeah I was always excited"

inb4 Sup Forums is one person. Sup Forums is a hivemind 90% of the time.

It's less about difficulty and more about tedium.

What's your completion time Sup Forums?

Actually about 3h 15mins for me because I started to do expert after I finished normal mode.

Theres nothing special here. Any indie fag could make a shitty contra type game. Might have been worth some time at all if they innovated anywhere that mattered.

Nah, they hate it because it's western.
Notice how BotW and P5 got significantly less hate despite being filled with the "western" memes of "muh open world" and "muh 30 hours of non-interactive narrative".

>new game gets threads
>better complain!


Hard? are you serious? This game was too easy

Nah, it's pretty fucking hard desu.

>Let's face it, you just hate this game because it's popular
You only had to stop there. Sup Forums is contrarian as fuck

Lots of people haven't played Contra or Metal Slug appearantly

I only just beat the first 3 bosses and this game makes me want to cry.

I suck at these kind of games. Halp Sup Forums

it looks cool though.

cartoons are cool.

Both of those are way easier.


I hate it because half the threads on the board are cuphead threads

its just sonyfaggots
>tfw they arent even trying anymore


I just began playing it but there's something off about it. The run and gun stage, it just plays like shit. The hit feedback sometimes feels off, it's just not very satisfying to hit enemies in it. I haven't finished it yet just initial impressions so far.

except all of them are being made by people who can't play it

This is also my reason for not trusting the threads are legitimate and not some marketing strategy.

Fairly certain it's VM.


>visit in Sup Forums the morning
>this game is cool bros!! i want to cum inside cala maria

what happened? Sup Forums hate it now?

Nah that's just mad sonybros

>Done in under 4 hours


Took me a little under 5 with a piss/coffee break

Working through the Expert mode. Game is super fun, but the difficulty is overhyped imo.

Maybe contra 1 and metal slug one. You seriously think cuphead is harder than Hard Corps?

By leaps and bounds.

Fleischer > Disney


Then you've never played hard corps. Or shattered soldier. Or alien wars, normal or hard.

I'm on the 3rd island and I just hit 2 hours in. Wasn't sure about picking it up because I was worried it would be too short and then people said they were getting 5/6 hours out of it. At this rate I'll have 3/4 hours on it before finishing it.

I know so much work went into the art and sound direction but I can't help but feel like I should refund it at this point because the actual mechanics aren't overly interesting.

the shills got you

Honestly, the art style creeps me the fuck out. Something about those huge fucking faces and the way every character morphs into something is really unsettling.

It's not the game's fault. I just can't deal with it.

If you say so m8. You can stop trying to act like a bad ass any time. Go one shot boshy and maybe I'll care.

Not really. The game has been on my radar since they first showed it off and it's a good game but I'm just not getting anything out of it but I don't get much out of many games these days.


They were?
>Sup Forums is one person

>Sup Forums was shitting on cuphead for MONTHS right until it was finally released
Proof? The only times I saw cuphead discussion taking off was Dean failing at it and even then the hate and laughter was directed at him.

Sup Forums has almost 0 credibility when it comes to video games. Everything unheard of will be loved and everything that becomes popular will be ridiculed for months. There's almost no point of posting here because there is only one based option over everything. Like what you like - who cares what they think about anything.

In this regard, I am not going to view the responses to my comment.

You're 100% correct

>Die in contra
>Start all the way over

It's not even in the same league


Don't hate it, it's just kind of boring and amateurish once you get past the art style. Not even the best run and gun of the year.

this game is giving me arthritis. Idk how you beat it in 5 hours.

>tfw you actually have arthritis
It hurts to play, but I still do it.

Bloodborne, The Witcher 3, etc... all got their "100 threads on page 0" moment when they were released, thats what happens when v/ likes a game. Got have to deal with it for at least a week.

Which game of this year is better than it? I'm genuinely curious, haven't played Cuphead much, except for 2 bosses and the first run and gun level, and it's not clicking for me.

Seems to be missing something, the combat in particular feels bland, there's no satisfaction to killing enemies and hitting bosses to me.

destiny 2

Bleed 2, it's way more frantic and satisfying. Has a very similar parrying system except it's not shit, and a proper arcade mode that's decently challenging instead of being a breeze like Cuphead.

My nigga, I like cuphead but Bleed 2 is definitely underrated

I love it because its fucking good.

The run and gun sections are so fucking annoying though. Mainly because they're hard and I'm a shitter.

The game is not a "2D Dark Souls" though by any stretch of the imagination. Dark Souls lets you grind. Cuphead makes you not fuck up. It's Contra for the new gen.

Anyone who thinks Cuphead is hard on normal difficulty hasn't used the charge gun. That shit makes everything twice as easy. It's pretty challenging on expert, but not too bad. Only boss that I had trouble with on expert was the flower bitch because phase 1 lasts forever with the extra health and he spams the screen with stuff constantly.

What are you, 8 years old?

Seriously though I can relate some of that old school animation used to scare the shit out of me when I was a kid. Even Jafar in Aladdin spooped me.


Holy fuck


Yeah I thought it was a decent game, but Bleed 2 was like an addiction for me. Really fun game

Bon Bon best girl.

lobber + charge shot fucks him up

Is it better than the first Bleed? I tried it the other day and it wasn't really enjoyable.

I had a lot of trouble with this guy on normal cause I ignored the shop. I 2 shot it with A+ on expert with only the charge shot, only missed the parry. It's a joke.

Is it a good game, worth buying? Really loved the commando games on miniclip back in the day.

Yeah, I'm not a fan of the original because of the awkward controls. The sequel completely fixes that. The bosses are more interesting and the presentation is better. Levels are pretty much filler in 2 though which some people complain about but I don't mind.

I love the game.

I hate Microsoft for pushing an xbone update every 5 minutes, so I can't even play the game.

Should have just pirated it on the PC.






Why is it mostly bosses?

I almost beat him on my first try with the Shotgun finger. Gotta try again tomorrow though.


You could've gone forward and not gotten hit though

I don't hate it, I just think it's massively overrated.

The style is actually really cool but that's all it has going for it as far as I can tell. The game isn't that hard and doesn't seem like it'll be getting a lot of attention a month from now.

Easy to say in hindsight. I love the game but it’s been hard not to lose my shit doing my expert run so far. Too much goes on at once to track sometimes

Blown the fuck out. Can Sony ever recover from this?


>he uses chaser

I can understand that. I don't think most of it's creepy myself but I can see why some people would. Only things I find a little creepy are Beppi's final form and the Devil's dragon form.

>most of cagney's facial expressions
>beppi in general, especially his final form and double especially if you hate clowns
>hilda's third form
>bon bon's castle
>brineybeard's third form
>the engine itself on phantom train
>the devil during his fight

I want to eat Bon Bon’s sweet pussy.

Why lust after cartoons?

Bloodborne is good. Witcher 3 is shit.


>he says on a Mongolian basket weaving forum