is "gameplay" a problematic term fellow animes?
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report twitter screencap threads
stop giving these people attention, and sayje
He has a point though.
People tend to just break a games into graphics, sound, story and gameplay even though everything in a game is important/has influence
funny how you only say this when it's a liberal being screencapped
When does a conservative get his tweet capped and posted on Sup Forums?
It's 2017, gameplay is over.
Dumb down video games so stupid faggots can pretend they're into the hobby that they will then proceed to drop when something new and more "hip" comes along.
If you hate actually playing video games so much why don't you go read a fucking book?
But reading is for nerds. I want to enjoy myself not having to read what some old tart wrote. I want movies.
Seriously, though, I've seen people that think reading takes effort.
Thanks for ruining RPS Walker. Also this guy raved about No Man's Sky in his release review.
>read 300 pages
>sit in front of a tv and do nothing
If someone is too stupid to play a videogame you think they would actually read a book? These people demand instant gratification, that's why they're only hobbie is watching Game of Thrones and Rick and Morty.
Gameplay is literally how you play the game and all functions that entails. How is that hard to define?
gameplay is the most important out of all the things you mentioned.
Not him, but conservatives never say anything on twitter worth posting on Sup Forums
At least not on post GG Sup Forums
Its the interactive portion of a videogame, that is not managing game and system options. Wow so hard to define.
MGS4 played pretty well but that was completely wasted the way the game (missions, levels) was designed.
I think deep down he knows he's retarded, but he's too far in and has to do his last stand.
acts 1+2 were designed well
No opinion on twitter is worth posting on Sup Forums unless it's an actual game developer talking about a game and/or game mechanics
except the best missions, which were the first two, were the best ones because it gave you the most amount of freedom with the most amount gameplay.
Is Notch /our guy/
Yes, neo/v/ is made up of these journo type shitstains.
Well yeah I don't disagree with that
No but if you just want to make an interactive story there's nothing wrong with that.
>John Walker
not even once
Conservatives don't play videogames.
The best you get is stuff like Ted Cruz
He spent all night arguing semantics on how to define gameplay and interactivity rather than discuss why his article was shit.
MGS4's play mechanics were good but the level design and scenarios(the interplay with game mechanics being what constitutes "gameplay") outside of the first 2 missions are garbage. Doesn't help that there's only 5 hours of real gameplay.
There was a time...
you're missing my point
wtf I love John now
Yes. After late 2015. He btfo SJWs, liberals, etc.
>Gameplay in video games must now be defended and supported by definitions
This shouldn't make me nettled, and yet here we are. This industry has turned a corner straight off a damn cliff, but the sad fact is we haven't hit the ground yet.
just ignore it. maybe it will go away.
What a shitty hill to die on.
>Conservatives don't play videogames.
Also Shillary and Lieberman aren't liberals, just so you know.
That's the other thing is if you're right wing and you play video games/you're posting on Sup Forums you're probably already a genuine fascist
Honestly, they're right.
Games need to be more like movies. You know, something you can watch instead having to hassle yourself controlling them. It's so... annoying. And while we're at it, graphics should be replaced with real people and locations -- none of that stupid programing shit.
because youre not making any points. youre just shitposting.
>one man says a dumb thing that very few people agree with and is mostly invoking ire and mockery from a huge amount of people
How do you function day to day?
Controls aren't all there is to gameplay.
Level design is just as core to your interactions.
Enemy AI. Encounter design.
All of that shit is gameplay. And more things are too.
It'd ended up being quite a limited game. Even with EATX, I can't fit that many people inside my case.
well what is your point? that design is on par with gameplay because they're supposed to compliment each other?
if so then i agree but then i would top gameplay over design. i mean look at mgsv, the design was terrible but the actual gameplay made the game feel polished and enjoyable by just dicking around with different builds and gameplay mechanics on the AI. i dont think i'd say the same if it was vice versa
Give it a bit longer, soon there will be games with no gameplay whatsoever. Not even so much as making choices that cause the plot to branch out, it'll be one path, start to finish and you never touch the controller.
And then we will finally be able to say that someone made a video game that is literally just a movie.
gameplay is how the game interacts with you. The irreducible complexity and intuitiveness of the interactions all play into this as well as the way all of it is connected together.
This is why warband has good gameplay. It successfully integrates a single consistent system with coherent and simple logic yet it is almost infinitely complex because each situation must be solved by itself.
The opposite of this is not ideal and is often found in MOBAs. Complex on surface but with little depth once the barrier is passed.
"Game" is a PUA (Pick Up Artist) term, so it has misogynistic undertones and further alienates marginalised women from interactive media.
Actually, yes
Only reason why they talk shit about "Gameplay" is because they themselves suck horribly at it.
Video games are still co sidered the nerdiest hobby bar far in the west. Why do you think the industry is trying so hard to turn it into something it isn't?
Not him, but don't pretend it's just been one journalist or game dev who has these ideas about games
>Give it a bit longer, soon there will be games with no gameplay whatsoever.
2017 was great for games. Maybe you should play some instead of crying about liberals on Sup Forums all day every day.
Some anons have already being asimilated by the feminists and you can see them in every thread. Don't be like them.
Hey, I'm not an anime.
I don't know who this guy is or what he means by that and I don't care.
Did I say otherwise or are you a fucking idiot that thinks I'm talking about how things are currently?
He's not wrong. We would've never gotten books like Ulysses if Joyce decided to heed dumbfucks.
It's sorta like the Souls games in a way, where they became so popular because they're unrepentantly hard. If you wanna beat a Souls game well, you gotta put some work in.
so they are trying this again hope they get told off like that bioware bitch that tried this shit
kys libcuck
>soon there will be games with no gameplay whatsoever
A little overdramatic aren't you?
>1 retweet, 7 likes
Why does Sup Forums insist on dedicating entire threads to literally whos?
come on Sup Forums, I thought you were better than this
>leftist fag who sucks at videogames has retarded opinions about videogames
Name them. I'll wait.
Souls games aren't even that hard, they just don't tell you how to do basic stuff so you need to spend an hour or so dying to easy enemies before you figure out the mechanics
You are one braindead faggot
But these discussion have always been there. What makes a game good?
What is gameplay?
Just basic question that will come up when you talk about games. It's pretty normal human behaviour and I don't understand why you're getting upset about that
He seems like the type of faggot to say games are art, yet he is also saying its okay to subvert a creators vision of having difficulty or bosses or even gameplay to make it more consumable for a mass audience, do you think anyone has pointed out this hypocrisy to him?
fucking hell that was cringy
To begin with here he actually does have something of a point. "Game" and "play" are notoriously difficult words to define in a succinct way, and the typical accusation Sup Forums levels against shit like Gone Home ("walking simulators"), based on the idea that without fail conditions tehy don't count as games, is pretty retarded. To most people it's a common sense understanding that the concept of "play" goes way outside the limits of just activities that have fail conditions.
He ruins it by then adopting a condescending attitude about the term "gameplay" itself which has nothing to do with the point he was trying to make. At any rate it doesn't matter in the end since he's still wrong about Cuphead even though he's right that the people arguing with him are using an overly narrow definition of "play." The real reason why Cuphead shouldn't have an easier mode for people who don't want to struggle through it is because the challenge is an essential part of the developers' vision for the game and they should not be expected to cater to the whims of people who don't even want to participate in the type of gameplay they're building a game around. The Notch tweet above is the closest thing to an actual legitimate counterargument anyone has posted in this thread.
Solid argument. You and the faggot in OP's image would get along well.
nigga i don't know the names of all the stars in the sky
It's 1983 all over again, but this time the Euros are being dragged down with us.
Only based Nippon can save us now.
>make a shitty tweet for attention and controversy
>post your tweet to Sup Forums anonymously
>"wow Sup Forums BTFO how can hardcore """"gamers"""" ever recover?
>wallow in your irrelevance
>1 retweet, 7 likes
As if that has anything to do with it you dumb fuck
Quit being so evasive you fucking goobergator!!
The fact that so many legitimately think this is living proof that white people where a mistake.
I hate that liberal arts majors that don't play vidya have taken over vidya journalism but I also hate this comic
If someone releases a film into theaters that was literally a 2 hour text crawl with a couple minutes of gopro-recorded action scenes thrown in, would people actually defend it. Would there be arguments on twitter about defining "cinematography" and arguing that calling it a "visual medium" is ableist? Serious question.
this is just confirmation that john walkers are nothing but chaff to be ignored and thrown into the trash right
It already happened once, we had a lot of walking simulators and journos shilling them a few years ago.
Also the most popular western action game trend is heavily scripted shooter full of set pieces, interactivity hasn't been the focus in years in the west.
>gameplay is the new nigger
>define gameplay
It's when the player's input matters, where the input of a player who's developed their skills leads to a different outcome than the player who has not.
They do like anime though.
Underrated post.
I'm saying that gameplay isn't defined properly, bad graphics and sound have influence on it.
You might say that gameplay is a combination of everything in a game.
This guy got it, maybe because he isn't a brainlet
Nips are too busy making gacha for cellphones.
>calling people animes
Why is it always the anime posters who make these people mad?
What a fucking retard. "Oh no! I can't defend my shit opinion that Hamburger Helper was right in that games should have a mode to avoid being a game! I'll just deflect by making people try to defend what gameplay is, since it's a broad term...oh for fucks sake there's a wikipedia entry defining the word! DEFLECT! DEFLECT! NOOOO!!! There's a DICTIONARY DEFINITION for the word, too!? Gotta keep semantics gaming, get my gameplay in that way..." Shithead must be a mod here.
Sadly one of the only few mediums that isn't fucked over as embarrassing as it is to say you watch it.