Pitch an idea for a Mayan/Aztec game

Pitch an idea for a Mayan/Aztec game

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Stealth game where you fight off conquistadors through traps and other stealthy stuff.

It's a ripoff of Aguirre, the Wrath of God where you play as an insane conquistador searching for El Dorado. As the game progresses reality falls apart and the forest gets trippier and trippier, and it's impossible to tell if the mythological Mayan creatures you are fighting are real or in your head.

a game where you play as a mayan with a bowl on his head, and he makes a promise to the devil he can't keep so he has to go around and kill these people that owe the devil and eventually kill the devil himself. Its called Bowlguy

it's a sports game depicting the mesoamerican ball game

An RPG where you start off being born into peasantry but work your way up the social ladder through heroic acts and exposing corruption in the elite class. Something like Ass Creed but in the jungle.

Fuck this would be so cool

Fuck this would be so awful

Fuck this would be a game

They used to play some kind of football game and the losing team was sacrificed or something. Do that, make it over the top, mortal kombat-esque.

A JRPG-esque game except the Mayan Empire is evil and you kill Quetzalcoatl, Tialoc, and all the other gods in their pantheon.

Fuck this will only remain a concept

It's a generic response, but a Souls title. The as hints at, mesoamerican mythology is fucking batshit and pretty much every god and creature is something out of Dark souls or particularly bloodborne, and the dark fantasy-horror atmosphere would work well.

Worth noting the bulk of Aztec territory isn't actually in the jungle: The most of the Aztec empire was in central mexico, it was mostly temperate hills, valleys, and plains. Jungles are mostly towards the south/east/southast of the region in maya territory.

Killzone/Chivalry style game but you're the glorious Spanish wiping out the stinky brown ooga booga people

Glory to Espana

Quetzalcoatl and Tlacoc are Aztec/Nahua gods, no Maya, and there's no such thing as "the mayan empire" since the maya were never unified.

There were particular kingdoms and Dynaisties of Maya city states and rulers that you could sort of kind of argue for being empires, such as the Mayapan, but that's really pushing it.

shit game for a shit setting

A hack and slash game where you gain powers by eating the hearts of the bosses or sacrificing them on an altar for a different power from a god that you choose to champion. Eventually you learn of champions for the other gods and have to fight them either for the glory of your god or you can go without the favor of a god, just trying to become the strongest warrior in the land. Mesoamericans didn't really have much in the way of armor, so your health never really gets to be enough that you can take more than one hit and survive, so you have to focus on dodging attacks. Conquistadors show up in the final act of the game and you, now being the champion of the one victorious god or after having proven yourself as the best warrior to have ever lived have to fight them off.

imagine being this much of a nerd

But Quetzalcoatl is good

>god are real and you can gain magical powers
>but you can't increase the amount of hits you can take

no thx, not consistent

>People today do Magic Mushrooms and feel one with nature and have massive feeling of empathy for everyone around them.
>Aztec do Magic Mushrooms and brutally sacrifice 1/3rd of their entire population by ripping out their still beating hearts while everyone is tripping balls.

>when litterally every spanish account talks about how clean and pretty every aztec city or settlement is, how well groomed every person was, and how often they bathed themselves and used gardens and aromatic woods in their urban design and architecture to have sweet smells

Aztec religion and culture was obessesed with cleanilness, there was literally an entire class of civil workers that were paid and employed by the Aztec state/goverment to keep streets and alleyways clean and to transport garbage and waste around.

and final boss is this, you get to kill her in the most bloodiest, goriest, god of war style death

glory to espana

Either a Mount and Blade clone or an in-depth Grand Strategy game covering the Americas

I went back and added the whole god thing and forgot to change the part about HP to reflect that

Some soccer game but with chopped off heads as they used to do

A game where you fight ancient Aztec vampires by harnessing the power of the sun into martial arts.

City management game but you also have to manage human sacrifices so the gods don't get pissed and destroy you

The aztec as an entire empire actually sacrificed less people per year per captia then london alone at the time executed.

The Aztecs totally did sacrifice people, and at a scale much greater then other cultures in the region, but the numbers and brutality of it as it shows up in popular culture is super inflated and not accurate: For one, almost all sacrifces would have been from prisoners of war from other nations or city states captured in battle that would have otherwise been killed on the spot if it was asia, europe, or the middle east.

A combination of these concepts already exists, the game is called Aztez


that seems boring

This but as a six-player game and maybe replace the steps of knowledge with something you can't just google or memorize after three games

It's fun but it's light on content, the replay value and fun of it is sort of similar to competitive fighting games in that the combat system is really deep and complex and most of your enjoyment will come from exploring the mechanics and getting gud and learning to do insane combos.

daily reminder that the spanish wiped out the Aztecs, along with the surrounding semi-intelligent tribes, but left all the braindead mongoloids and raped them, creating a population of spics where literally > 2% of the Mexican population have Aztec blood

Curiously enough, the districts with more Spanish and European admixture have much higher crime rates. Really makes you think

So you can thank spain for the spic problem in the US. Chicanos are scum

Meant < 2% of the population
As you can see, I don't have any Aztec blood. Thank you for my low IQ, Spain

Shitty aesthetic.

Hey Sup Forums

How does it feel to have awful taste

Online Capture the Flag but instead of a flag it's a virgin and both Red Mesos and Blue Mesos are trying to get her back to the temple

If you had an empire at the other side of the sea, which kind of people would be easier to control? The braindead cannon fodder or the guys that had a chance aginst you if it wasn't for the millon braindeads that acted as cannon fodder?

This image feels so ethereal and mystic. I love it.


Eternal Darkness style game where you play as one chosen by one of the various Aztec/Incan/Mayan gods.

You are immortal so long as your god survives, but each other god is in open war against each other. Shed blood in your god's name for more personal power, but also take care to rally tribes to your side and chosen deity lest your god be devoured and your people wiped from the Earth.

Throw in a sacrifice minigame, reveal that Lovecraftian gods ate the Anasazi people, and eventually square off against the other champions to kill their gods, before the Christians come.

Artists are Scott and Stuart Gentling, they both died a few years ago and there's not that much art of there's that's available online or is easy to find. I'll du,p what I have

Incans were in the Andes mountain range in south america, the Aztec captial was further away from the Incan captial as Rome is from from Baghdad.



>Popol Vuh-esque soundtrack
>Raft rides through rapids, with a river full of giant fish and other monsters
>Fighting through beautiful temples, then destroying them for the glory of Spain
>Mystical and psychedelic beasts to fight
Fund it.

A fighting game where you can chose to be a human avatar of any of the many mesoamerican gods out there and fight others to prove which god is the bestest as well as for their entertainment. You have character creation but once you chose your patron god you receive their moveset. There's a standard versus mode where everything is balanced, but for single player the game focuses on doing well in fights and working your way up earning fame (to fight stronger opponents), favor (to upgrade your god given powers, which are your specials) and gold (to upgrade your equipment which improves your defense/normals or just buy cosmetic items).

Final boss is an armored Cortez on a horse dual wielding arquebuses.


Thanks - these are great. I literally have no blood in my remotely Mesoamerican, but I find the culture (or, I guess, more specifically, the aethstetic) fantastic.

fake news, goes against my wold view

Same here, my family is from eastern europe but i'm just a huge mesoamerieaboo

Good thing it's easy to read the letters from cortes or other conquistador accounts yourself and see it's accurate

Ultra Violent hack and slash with stylized grafax

This shit looks max comfy.

Maybe it's just because they were more of a "thing" in pop culture when I grew up but Mesoamerica and Ancient Egypt will always be the coolest shit.

Probably something like Hellblade Sesuna's Sacrifice but instead of being psychotic you're a native who's tribe has been wiped out by Aztecs or Mayan or whatever and you're wandering around tripping off your fucking tits on Shrooms and Ayahuasca.


Daily reminder that Aztecs and Mayans were White

Just copy that shitty plot to 10000 BC or whatever

Quetzalcoatl was the one aztec god who was morally against human sacrifice



>they literally destroyed comfy natives in the name of the king of spain's dick.
>the modern countries are shit
except the reconquista,the spanish didn't do a single good shit for the world.


You made me happy user

I'm reading a book right now called "Magicians of the Gods" and it's about the excavation of Gobekli Tepe, which is very recently unearthed ancient site that proves humans were living in settlements and abandoned the nomadic lifestyle about 7000 years earlier than we had thought.

We usually stick the Mesopotamians as the "old" civilization, but to put the Gobekli Tepe people in perspective, there is as much time between us (2017) and Mesopotamia as there is between Mesopotamia and Gobekli. Just mind blowing to me.

Definitely worth a read if you're interested in, like, ancient civs and art and stuff. Lots of neat images, too. Mind-blowing.

>comfy natives
>Frolicking in the streets, adorned with the flayed skins of human beings is "comfy"

I'm aware of the distance; as I stated, I would love an Eternal Darkness type setup. It's why I mention the Anasazi as well, even though they're geographically far off as well.

I just love the notion of Lovecraft-tier gods fighting one another, and playing a character pledged to the insane All-Mother who was beheaded and now sports two bloody snakes coming from her neck.

>all surviving native manuscripts show themselves with olive, tan, or brown skin
>surviving mayans (of which there are some) are all dark skinned and have the distinction facial features and large noses present in native maya art
>people with central mexican/aztec ancestry that have minimal mixed heritage with europeans look like pic related

sure thing user

The King of Spain actually was mad as fuck at Cortes that he did it, and Cortes's letters to him are actually him defending himself so we wouldn't get fucking executed.

There was literally already a warrant out for Cortes's arrest by the govenever of Hispanolia/cuba before the Aztec captial fell because the then existing spanish colonies and the spanish crown wanted to just do trade with the existing nations in the region.

Even the fucking Catholic church came in and went "bruh you guys are all killing the heathens and burning their pagan texts too fucking hard" and formally asked the king of spain to pass tougher laws to garunteee more rights for natives that were left and attempted to save as many native books as they could

sorry needed to make this post, continuing with the dump now

>he don't wear the skin of his enemies
no wonder you are still knuckle-walking.

So, honest question
What happened to Mexicans? How did they "regress?"

t. Durango user

Christ, what the fuck was Cortes' problem then? What an absolute asshole.

Fantasy RPG derivative from mesoamerican lore where a traditional one would take from western European history and culture.
Fuck, it wouldn't be hard hard. I've already seen tons of stuff in both T/CRPGs that show an interest. You wouldn't even have to be original about it, just put some damn legwork into the setting and the game in the way that's been done before many times except with different source material. Don't know if anyone would actually play it though.

that didn't change much since he died "peacefully",not like the king had any balls anyway,he still killed the cuban troops sent to arrest him.

is kind of right
Q and R are "relatives"

what if
Bear with me hear

What if Spaniards were the violent subhumans, and that's why spics are the way they are?


Also, beyond Scott and Suart Gentling, other artists to look into are Tomas Filsinger, Frederick Catherwood, Angus Mcbride, and Louis S. Glanzman

colonization is a bitch, basically. You have the entire native population relegated to second class citizens if even that, which means lack of education, income, and an increase in crime and civil disorder due to that (see also why low income ghettos in any country are crime ridden and have bad education rates), native resources that would otherwise make money for exports and give an income into the country get exploited, etc.

For Mexico and mesoamerican in parituclar, I don't think people understand how bad diseases really fucked people over: 95% of the native population was dead by the year 1600 due to epidemics, and then almost all of the cities and native books were destroyed, too, so almost everybody native to the region who actually knew their shit were dead with little to no records so by the time the next generation came around they were more or less born into poverty and a shitty situation under spanish colionala leadership with no education.

nah we're the way we are because we're half breeds who had their history stolen from them and our native american grandmothers raped by spaniards

Gonna interrupt the dumping of the gentling art to post this image, showing how bad diseases really were

Also for context, the Cortes arrived in 1519, and the Aztec capital fell in 1521.

>Got drunk and fucked his celibate sister.
>Realized what he did and set himself on fire.
Quetzalcoatl was a dumby.

A gay dating sim where you date aztec gods while helping decide who's worthy of becoming the new sun.

holy shit don't get me started
the Inca empire at its height was estimated to be the largest empire in the world at the time
it had more people in it than modern chile
disease killed almost all of them, leaving entire villages empty and cities near vacant

i'm aware a lot of these are getting to be low quality but as I said before their art is absurdly hard to come by

Sp******ds were a mistake

Mexican here. How do I find a cutie with a lot of Aztec blood? I can't tell them apart from other indios.

If you wanna read something else depressing, check this out:

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xochimilco ; particularly the "Lake_Xochimilco_and_the_canal_system" section.

> aztec
Travel back in time.


>Devil May Cry but everything is Aztec
>Indiana Jones-esque game set in mesoamerica
Doesn't take much really, I'd play the shit out of them just for how underrepresented are these aesthetics.

This one is really fucking neat

Fun fact about Mesoamericans, they didn't actually fight wars to kill, they fought wars to capture prisoners. One of the reasons Cortez kept surviving battles is the warriors would always go for capture instead of killing him when they had him and his friends would just come rescue him.
Aztecs found westerners to be barbarians because of the way westerners actually killed during conflict.

God of War 5.
>Kratos kills the shit out of the meso-american pantheon.

MESO Quest
>Paper Mario Styled Buddy RPG using characters from different civilizations with their own unique skills in a soft artstyle.

Incan? Mayan? Any tribe with noteworthy history or derived from the previously mentioned?

I want the best possible future for my kids.

thanks for making me feel proud of my race for once, guys. It's a shame we're fucking done, now

This is only somewhat accurate: capturing enemy combatants was certainly a goal and it was how you rose in the ranks in the aztec military, and for Flower Wars, it was the main goal (which were pre-arraged battles the aztecs did with other nations to test their miltitrary strength, make a show of power, train their troops, and gather captives for sacrifices), but when it came to actual conquering and such the Aztecs new how to fight to the death and they adjuisted quickly to Spanish tactics.

The real main reason the spanish won was diseases as shows, and native geopolitics: The aztecs were militarisc expansionsts who went from a single city state in the 1320's to controlling almost the entire region in a 200 year time span, and were hated by a lot of their neighbors and tributaries. The Aztec empire was also really an alliance between 3 main city states that ruled over the rest, and there was some degree of political indepedence between them.

So, essentially, when the spanish showed up, other nations rallied around thr Spanish, joined them, and aztec city states erupted into civil wars with each other, all while everybody was dying of smallpox. The spanish had all of their work cut out for them


Alright, this is the last one I have

Why were the Mayans, Inca, Moche, Aztec and such so much more advanced than the Natives from north America?

you'll protect me from the conquistadors won't you user?