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I want more god damn it.
Is there another good source of cuphead rage, beside the YandereDev autist?
fun vid tbqh
Makes me wonder why gamers act like children tho
Good to see novices getting stomped and their rage.
Millennials getting a taste of '90s gaming.
Millenials grew up in the 90s and were the target demographic at the time.
not sure whether to cancel my Xbox preorder
I have a 4K TV and what not, but there's hardly any games except the good ones that seem to be coming out recently
I may just get it in January along with Monster Hunter World, then pick up Cuphead, Super Lucky's Tail and any other Third Party Games that seem to be good
>Being bad at a plataformer that gives you 3 lives, super powers and a parry mechanic.
only people who played games in the 90s were nerds dood
The "parry" mechanic only works with pink stuff, however the game is not hard.
>51 second youtube video gets its own thread
Absolutely based
Learning patterns is too hard these days?
Getting through the tutorial is hard these days.
so i've heard
You know, I usually don't give a shit about streamers but this is fucking pathetic.
Is this game worth buying an Xbox One for?
It's on PC so no
>Youtube gamer
choose both
Youtube gamer and Manchildren
Tim is has the seth rogen effect where anything he says instantly becomes funny
Am I the only one who remembers we used to be called the Z generation before millenial became a thing?
>the screams are timed to the music
God damn that is some funny shit.
Hate this shit, playing and getting a true ending in Sonic the hedgehog 2 is harder than this or any mainstream game from the last generations.
A bunch of tryhards pretending to be mad and screaming
milenials were BORN in the 90s, so until they started to clean their own ass it was already the 2000's
Bullshit, getting the emeralds in 2 was easier than 1 or 3.
Are there no checkpoints or why the hell are they so frustrated?
why do i have a feeling that as soon as i play cuphead, i'd finish it easily?
is this some sort of viral marketing?
>milenials were BORN in the 90s
>I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about but won't let that stop me.
>shilling a compilation of bogus on-camera reactions to a moderately difficult game
>not making a post that offers an actual opinion or contributes to discussions
You are what is wrong with Sup Forums.
Finishing it is one thing, getting all S-ranks on bosses and P-ranks on levels is another.
Based DSP had no trouble at all.
millenials means the people who saw y2k faggot.
i have 9 years of millenialism runing through my veins, you are thinking in generation z.
>"demographers and researchers typically use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years
I see this and hope it's a video about max payne
You fucking youtube fags need to stop, ok?
Why are they getting so upset to the point of crying just because of a video game?
>1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years.
so yeah, milenials were born in the 90's, just not all of then.
millennial is a really stupid term that broadly encompasses just about anyone born after the beginning of the 80s.
Does a person born in the beginning of the 80s have much in common with one born in the late 90s? No. Not really. But that doesn't stop widespread use of the term it seems.
Needless to say though, you're only half correct.
Somebody give me a serious answer please.
Are these people trying to get the top score on every level, like 100% A's completionist without losing one life and in record time or are they just trying to beat the levels?
its all they have in their lives.
theyre intentionally overreacting for the meme potential. this shit is so gay
Oh boy another one of crowbcuck's misleading and cherrypicked videos! I wonder what that subhuman will display this time! Can't wait for faggots, unable to have proper though, to parrot that shit all say long on Sup Forums!
>t. Sup Forumstard
its definitely hard for a game thast becoming so popular in the mainstream
80s kids have nothing to really talk about so they stole the 90s stuff.
>haha look at those ''millenials'' they play really bad xP
fuck off, i don't need skill or losing time playing too many videogames like a manchildren, i really wish the boss skip button is already implemented.
They're either stressing out or merely playing it up because they're being watched by the people who pay their bills
because you are looking for any excuse to never play it and pretend you are hot shit.
being good at shmups is not even that impressive.
What's wrong with these people?
Meanwhile someone like Lirik only sighs when dying 4 times to a boss and i thought he was retarded.
>They were born in the 90s
>Also two other decades
No checkpoints. The game does have a simple mode for people struggling, but it's not a get out of jail free card, you literally cannot progress to the next area if all bosses aren't beat on "regular" difficulty.
The simple mode only lets you get a feel for the boss without giving you the full experience (it'll skip a phase or two), you're supposed to demonstrate a clear understanding of the boss in order to proceed, and a mastery to A or S rank it.
Personally, I don't think it's hard at all. Challenging but fair, I never felt like the game bullshitted me at any point and only with failing did I actually get better at some of the harder fights.
they are not even over-reacting
when you play video games all day for a job and don't have any other input from life that could give you emotions and whatnot this is exactly what happens, you take games serious
t. someone who never played cuphead
Its easy if you aren't retarded and don't have the attention span of a fish. Pretty much everything is easily dodge able if you actually notice the projectile coming at you
kindly remove yourself thanks.
They're all streamers so my guess is they're playing on the hardest difficulty to impress their viewers. Gonna go out of a limb here and says its the 4D Battle Royale of Twitch.
but some of then WERE born in the 90s
im fucking half right, get over it
only nu-Sup Forums likes this game. there are a thousand better contra clones out there especially without the gimmicky art style
honestly this game was really not that hard.. there was only one BULLSHIT part.. and it was the god damn pier/port level.. it wasnt hard but it felt so bullshit
You can't even pick a difficulty level in Cuphead
>DSP beat the game with ease
>random anons and """"""""""hardcore""""""""" eceleb youtubers get btfo and cry bitch tears
Yes you can.
Why don't you try working on a game for 10 hours a day asshole!
I was stressed and I put effort into it unlike you guys sit at a computer all day and eat chips and smell like Shrek the ogre.
Really user? thousands?
Can you name them all?
Stick your dick in a beehive asshole.
>Talking shit about the artstyle
Oh I'm sorry did you want your western game to look more like pic related?
Sure weeb. At least I don't steal anime pictures lol
How does that retard do it?
Don't you have some work that you should be procrastinating towards? Or some more Patreonbux to extort?
I fixed all the bugs and added new code and Tinybuild is helping me. And im using it to get professionals.
Autistic, yet funny.
The transgender of the tumblr who got harrassed by my fans pretty much deserved it because If your girlfriend didnt want to get fleas, she shouldn't of laid down with dogs. End of story
Isn't that your default response by now?
You're autistic son.
No I'm still waiting for modelers to help me to replace the temporary models in the game.
get this eceleb shit out of here NOW
It's funny watching normies get a bee in their bonnets over something that would be standard fare in older games. These are the same people who unironically play Gone Home and consider it high art.
It's true, they stream for a living. Imagine that being your only defining trait, the source of your income and sense of worth. And then imagine failing repeatedly on a section in front of hundreds of people, while they tell you that part's easy and they beat it on their first try.
They're Twitch nobodys you frogposter
Please get the fuck out of here, you total retard. You can't code for shit, your artistic sense is horrible as well as your game and you're not welcome here. Kill yourself.
Is it harder than Silver Surfer?
At least my controller is still intact , son
>get a bee in their bonnets
Look grandpa, I know you're excited that there's finally a video game that looks like the cartoons you grew up with, but you can't just say things like that.
No way.
Apologies youngster. What would be the more appropriate term? How about "they're losing their shit"?
It's called entertainment, you autist
Are you really going to shill videos this shitty now?
>those comments
fucking reddit
I thought blatantly shilling your Youtube channel was against the rules..
Kids born in the 90s are still millennials.
As are kids born in the 80's.
What's your point.
>millennials getting a taste of 90's gaming
>doesn't know what the term millennials actually means
Every time. It's like an in-joke for Sup Forums exclusively because people here are too dumb to know basic math.
That the sentence isn't completely incorrect.
>Crowshit goes for low hanging fruit once again
Why does Sup Forums like this piece of shit
>isn't completely incorrect
Someone born in 90-93 would've been fully capable of playing 90's games.
The point of the matter is that the original statement was retarded to begin with, seeing as millennials were the target demographics for nearly all SNES, Genesis, and N64 games.
It's delicious fruit. I mean, its people losing their shit over a happy-go-lucky video game. Do I need to explain the appeal to you?