Will you be supporting this game on Patreon, Sup Forums?

Will you be supporting this game on Patreon, Sup Forums?

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does she have blue pussy



Looks nothing like her but that's probably for the best.

out of all the people on the internet...why this?


Well, I mean, at least it doesn't look anything like him but I can't imagine a game using him for a character would be good in any way


why does he have a red beard

Why does the dark red shading make it look like her neck is slit open?


Subtle foreshadowing.

>Feminists always crying about idealized depictions of women
>never say a word when these disgusting trannies draw themselves as cute girls

You know, if they really went that route...

really activates the almonds

Why do they always draw themselves like this?


He has a faux-pussy now.

>draw a girl
>call it transgender


>referring to one transwoman as another transwoman is transmysoginistic


Gee whiz. Full blown super-narcissism. Never seen that before.

by this twitter screencap.
you are literally shilling, fuck off and die slowly.

what is GG


First you suck her dick and then she gives you fake Nintendo rumors.

Git Gud

Guerilla Games. He's upset because Chris-Chan has a cameo in Horizon Zero Dawn.

I actively hope it fails now.

btw laura kate dale is the only negative review i have seen of cuphead and it's because you guessed it the game was TOO HARD

kek, reminds me of those image collages Sup Forums used to make of horrifyingly fat ugly irl photos of furries next to their sexy perfectly hawt fursona drawings.

I rest my case

guilty gear
lobby's up
pass is "vidya"

>he's this desperate for dates

Gone Girl, it's a pretty good movie starring Ben Affleck where he harasses trannies.

>still has a beard
>gets sex change operation

Anita a cute

Gamergate. Our last stand.


Gives me sweet satisfaction to witness her age like milk in the sun.

>Ugly people being in a game with dating elements

I don't even give a shit that they're trans

You don't know about the GGs? They're only the hottest gang in Tokyo-to, user.

good lord it's like a pufferfish trying to escape a cascade of makeup

Agreed wholeheartedly.


this is genuine mental disease. I can't believe our society accepts this. Look at that fucking difference. That's a fucking man, baby. Fucking hell.

The password is always rage you cunt.

Maybe if he looked like that irl he wouldn't need to self insert into a 2D character to get a date

Game Grumps. They're actually incredibly hateful.

It's the closest thing to a successful transition some of these people will ever get.

>wrinkles for days
>makeup for days
>eyebrows nowhere to be found

>Tfw you look more feminine than most of these trannies.

You just called furries "sexy". WTF wrong with you

It's likely real body dysmorphia and they genuinely don't realize that they're ugly as shit. AKA delusional.

Time to prep your boipussy

lel this dude actually went though with the fucking surgery he has an axe wound he has forcefully prevent from healing instead of a dick

>manly as hell
>covered in hair and muscles
>magnificent beard

>most feminine, dainty cock and balls you've ever seen

It's not fucking fair!

It be fair there are some trans people that do a great fucking job with their transition and look pretty damned good all things considered


That's one of the minigames in the dating sim.

I wouldn't even think he was a tranny if I saw him. He just looks like a man with long hair.



Wanna trade? My dick looks fucked up from wrapping it in tape as a kid. Mistakes were made.

You know what I mean. What they perceive as sexy. A perfect human body with an animal's head on it.

lol, as if you had any chance anyway. gamers are dead, fucccboi
a girl playing candy crush for 5 minutes on the way to school is as much part of the gaming audience as the "gamer" playing bejeweled or huniepop.
if she plays Bubble Witch Saga instead, she's no different than the weeb "gamer" playing Taito's Puzzle Bobble

What the fuck

Well guess that game will never be funded now

She looks actually cute when she smiles

Bring back jetsetrad.io you asshole. Jetsetradio.live isn't nearly as good.

Gee its almost as if these people were mentally ill and needed some actual treatment instead of blind encouragement.

the ikishima avatarfag needs to cool it

ive seen them in like every thread

I'll take a disfigured but normally proportioned frank n beans over this package that would look more appropriate on a trap with the entire business wrapped up in a silk pocket.

>my dick is literally about the size of a kit-kat by default
>increases to 5 inches when fully erect
>I am almost never fully erect
>not even with female lips slobbering on it or as i go in balls deep

this some shit

the whole thing about dilation just shows how fucked up this is.
how different is it from some kind of new made up bizarre fashion sense to open up a wound down to the bone on your arm / leg and use stretchers and shit so it can make scars and close around but leave the exposed bone showing up so you can look like an ayy hellspawn?

Is it small or just extremely smooth?

lmao this is gold

>Realizing that she will definitely have the stereotypical gypsy-esque wrinkles in full prominence by the beginning of the next decade.

Is he saying it's transmisogynistic because Chris isn't a passable tranny or because trannies look alike.

because that's racist

It's thin but featureless. There's very little hair and almost no color gradient. Just pale and smooth like if a mannequin had a cock. The balls are also small. It really does look out of place, especially on a guy my height and with my build.

I know that game. Fapping every day made it impossible to get hard to anything but porn. Last time I was so frustrated with it that I tried stuffing in a floppy.

I know this feel. Goddamn it looks tiny by default

>when you have to fill your girl with your dick one thumb full at a time
Thanks, whiskey.

is it time

Basically, an ugly tranny revoking another ugly tranny's trans card for being unworthy.
Ironic on several levels.


>anything but petit

>gotta go fast
ASAP out of that hellhole


anita is still a cutie, I'd patriarch all over her

>wants to be called a woman
>looks like a viking metal rockstar
like pottery

Fuck i was not expecting to find relatable experiences in a thread like this


If you want to pretend you're something that you're not, fine. But don't fucking demand the rest of the world to comfort to your delusion, or else everyone is being a bigot. No, fuck you, you have a mental disorder for not accepting the gender you're part of.

I like how a normal guy is sitting on the left and the further right you go the worse it becomes.

can i dilate xer mangina with my bingas

I bet you look like a numale.

Only in my dick pics.

anyone that unironically says magnificent beard is guaranteed to be one

- any%
- with glitches
- takes damage to save time
- bad ending