Her game is literally out in a couple days and there's hardly any discussion about it

>her game is literally out in a couple days and there's hardly any discussion about it
I thought people were waiting years for this?
Did mario odyssey just overshadow it? or did yooka-laylee kill the hype

Other urls found in this thread:


What's it coming out on?

I'll bite. What is the main appeal? The goofy title isn't selling me.

Only thing we were hyped about was the rule34

I think it looks charming.

Steam, ps4 and xbox initially i'm pretty sure? love letter to gamecube/n64 collectathons. taking graphical elements from sunshine/wind waker and the platforming of mario 64

Posting gay review bullshit isn't helping.

It suffers from many of the same things Yooka Laylee does (according to Sup Forums these are faults) but it stars a kid.

>We want the pedophile audience.

gameplay came out from reviewers today and showed how nice it is
actually feels like an old game, but only 40 hourglasses to collect make it seem like it'll be short
what issues did Yooka Laylee even have? I remember gameplay looking adequate if I had to say something
just didn't look extremely fun to me, so I didn't end up buying it
I think this seems better because of the worlds, dialogue and gameplay being great
I think it's because it's trying to emulate Mario 64 like gameplay in a Wind Waker art style

That actually looks awful. The voice acting especially is shrill and piercing for the girls. While the mafia sound just wrong. Original Mafia voices were better. The actually dialogue is average. Nothing good or bad about it. The gameplay has the same double jump that Sup Forums cries about. Looks like there's too much to collect, and you get kicked out of stage when collecting hour glass.

There's nothing to discuss until it's out.

>It suffers from many of the same things Yooka Laylee does
Every review I've seen for it so far has said the complete opposite. The control and movement are great and the camera never gets in the way.

Both but I'm still gonna buy it because it looks really fun and mustache girl is important

I heard Neogaf is throwing a shitfit about the game.

according to who?

Reviews look promising. I don't give a single fuck about the protagonist, as long as the gameplay and exploration is as good as BK/BT, then I'll be getting it.

I bought yooka-laylee on launch for 30 bucks even though the reviews were terrible. It satisfied a little bit of my bk/bt crave, but the exploration was terrible (expanding on an already empty world was stupid) and the new move mechanics weren't utilized enough (by the time you unlocked the more fun mechanics, game was over)

Well fuck me then they got Sup Forums by the balls

The camera in action

>While there is a dash of meta-commentary, it's tempered. It makes the twists and turns all the more satisfying, and the same goes for all of the little secrets like an optional text-based adventure game
>optional text adventure
Oh shit I love game-in-games. Didn't Penumbra have a shmup game? And Black Ops had Zork.

Wanna know something even better about that specific secret?
It's about a corgi.

I passed on Yooka Laylee earlier this year so I guess I'll bite. It'll be a fun way to confirm if Banjo is just nostalgia goggles.

The game is such a clusterfuck of colors.
whoever's responsible for the art is doing a real shitty job.

Whoa, what the fuck? I knew it was coming out this year but I didn't realize it was coming out so soon. Thanks for reminding me with this thread.

Frankly I haven't seen a whole lot of talk about it in general. It just has been in development for so long that a lot of people forgot about it.

>It suffers from many of the same things Yooka Laylee does
The review fag I watched literally says it has none of the problems yooka laylee had and going by the footage I'm inclined to agree

It's a collectathon where you play as a loli instead of an animal or an old man. That's enough for me.

Some people hate collectathons so they're not going to like this. And that's their prerogative. If you don't like collectathons, skip this one.

What problems did Yooka Laylee have?

slippery controls and bad camera

Empty worlds that weren't fun to explore
Underutilized moves and mechanics

I thought it released 3 years ago

They dived headfirst into political controversy.

Its late to the party. Nobody cares anymore except lolicons.

>I heard Neogaf is throwing a shitfit

Could have stopped right there and it'd be true for practically anything.

>Nobody cares anymore except lolicons.
So like 90% of this site?

This is not a problem with the game itself you cunt.

>there is nothing interesting to say about this game except that it reminds me of dr.who
If these are he people reviewing the game then it's going to be shit.

People don't understand how voice acting in games works and want them to remove JonTron's voice from the game because of a vague sense that he's profiting off it


A demo released about that long ago. You're probably thinking of that.

Kinda interesting how they only got upset about this when the game was only 2 days away from launching.

Wait, JonTron is in this too? This guy is in fucking everything, huh?

Its a great example of "we created the art assets and production values first and the gameplay ideas weren't tested correctly".

It has great presentation but it fails to the actual gameplay department because they 1. rehash a lot of the same minigames (kartos) and 2. they didn't even bother playtesting or bugfixing their stuff to make sure it was ultimately fun and hitch-free at launch.

It was like they made the art/arold/music, and then made the gameplay just "tolerable" enough to launch the product without doing any gameplay balancing, bugfixing, etc.

I thought it was decent overall but it could've been way better if they bothered to put any effort in QA testing it.

Steam Oct. 5
Consoles (Ps4/One) Fall 2017

>coming out on PC before consoles for once

>Its a great example of "we created the art assets and production values first and the gameplay ideas weren't tested correctly".

Why do i have a feeling that A hat in time is the opposite of this. :c


Let's hope this dev is cooler and doesn't kowtow to the controversy. (Or at least isn't stupid enough to announce it.)

>underwhelming graphics
>but great gameplay
Hey, if it's like that, I'll take it.

Wasnt one of the staff members on his team was caught with child porn?

Didn't the creator steal assets or not pay some for the work they put on the game? I remember some controversy years back when it first went up on KS

Isn't the dev responsible for screwing over former developers who worked on the game or stealing assets other people made/claiming credit to himself?

yeah but, i dunno i'm all for gameplay but the hecking cute kid is what sold me to the game, and apparently the character model looks so.... weird.

meh i'll just have to wait to see if the game is any good when its out.

Considering the content of the game, I cannot say I am surprised.

Fun fact, some Youtube/Twitch Streamers already have the full game.

Is this just fanart or does Shantae get an outfit like that in the game?


Mecha the Slag / MechaBowser is the scum of the Earth.

It was supposed to be PC exclusive at first

Fun fact: Turkeys will peck to death members of the flock that are physically inferior or different.

Why has this become such obscure information?

Fun fact, the horse anus is a marvel of biological technology. So much so that its design is used in self-cleaning machinery so as to not gunk up the self-cleaning portion.

Remember the creator is a giant douchebag
Pirate my friends, it doesn't hurt sales remember *wink*

>i only play for the little girl
the absolutely state of pedophiles

Doesn't surprise me. That wouldn't be the first time he's stolen assets. Maybe that's why the art direction visuals look uglier than they did 4 years ago.

>can't even get the meme right

Ah... well, good thing I was planning to pirate the game regardless, I guess. This just makes me feel better about it, not that I ever feel particularly bad about piracy.

>not Dunkey
Who cares?

you're reading the ashes of forum drama spun by a dude with an ED article. just a salty man trying to fling mud.

>the hecking cute kid is what sold me to the game

So I'm not the only one who picks games based on this sole reason. Nice.

I don't get to be picky

Because people don't do their research and generally don't want something promising to be ruined by this.

>you're reading the ashes of forum drama spun by a dude with an ED article. just a salty man trying to fling mud.
Whatever helps you sleep at night I suppose.

Day one my friends ;]

>Did mario odyssey just overshadow it?
Not only did it overshadow it, it completely erased it in the pull of its singularity.

The marketing team must be totally brain-dead to think it will reach even a little success in Mario's wake.

That's complete hearsay bullshit.

it looks like it's still a beta

Has something in common with Sup Forums, then.

Nah there was a lot of proof around the time.


It's not their fault, it's the developer's fault for taking so long to finish the game that it ended up being released at the same time as a mainline Mario game.

>characters constantly clip into the environment
>hat girl's lids don't even cover her entire eye when they blink
>unfinished animations

why are people excited for this, again?


Yeah Its almost like its an indie game

There are tons of indie games with splendid animation, such as Cuphead.

Microsoft funded it. Not really an indie game anymore.

Yeah and Sony funded No Man's Sky. *rolls eyes*

>the controversy thread is more active than the release date thread


Fucking nuke NeoFAGs

Fuck this fucking mudslime

I dont even know who jontron is or why everyone hates him, is there like a run down of what the hell happened?

Allegedly, Sony never funded any development, they just advertised for them.

The quickest rundown you'll get


Yes, it was sarcasm.

>hardly any discussion about it
There's like 10 threads a day
stop spewing shit, faggot

>blacks commit more crime
He's right you know.

>Want to buy the game
>Too short on cash right now
>Don't want to pirate it either because that wouldn't feel right
I normally don't give a shit about pirating, so I'm not sure why I do here.

The creator is a massive scumbag so go for it.

Top notch edit.

He probably cares about pirating because he sees the creator as a kindred spirit.


I think the truth is, nobody has really been waiting for this shit.

It came along at the peak of the Kickstarter meme, and has taken forever to actually release.

The game was sold on some pretty nice promo art, and at the time the in-game art just looked 'in development'. When it turned out the shit actual art was how the game would actually look, a lot of people got turned off. It looks worse than source engine.

Since this thing went up on KS, the gaming scene has developed so much. This just isn't interesting at all anymore, and the in-game visuals look so painfully unprofessional. I think they hired some of the worst TF2 workshop artists as actual environment/character art leads?

I'm glad they finally finished their project, but if they think the games going to be an actual big deal then that's a shame! Any hype I've seen for this game has mainly come from it's creators and a core set of seeded promotors. Like all the speedrunning stuff they've tried to push while the game wasn't even finished, it's just a very weird way to promote a game.

>The creator is a massive scumbag


I dunno, I like supporting games that look fun, and I couldn't give any less of a shit about whatever drama is surrounding the team as long as the game feels good to play.

read the thread