People say that the Witcher series is one of the best ever

>people say that the Witcher series is one of the best ever
>buy the Witcher 1
>one hour in and the combat is just click the enemy, then click again, then click one last time

Does this ever get better

Don't you have to hold down the button?

No. if you do that it will mess up the combo actually

Shut up retard.

1's combat sucks
2 is my favorite entry in the series and i think it has the best combat
3 is the most well rounded

>He didn't install FCR mod
>Regardless, doesn't understand combat is more about the preparation than the execution

Have fun with the Barghest, see you in chapter 2 never.

combat sucks in every game, especially in 3 where the game is way too long and you're stuck having the same combat encounters over and over again because there is no role playing and he only uses a sword with no stealth.

I would say the witcher series is best playing on the easiest difficulty so you don't have to experience the full terribleness of the combat

2 is the best because it doesn't wear out it's welcome. 3 has the best graphics but its world and item system is so bloated it all feels meaningless.

It wouldn't feel right to play the game blind for the first time using a mod since I wouldn't know how to accurately rate it without it.

1's combat is pretty mediocre but it seems a lot worse than it really is at first because of how easy those first encounters are. Once you realize it's more about proper preparation than the actual mechanical combat, it's a little more fun. Still not great, but tolerable.

>he was meme'd into believing that the best game in the series was the first

Playing Witcher 2 right now. It's far superior in regards to combat. The only thing W1 is good for is to introduce characters. The whole plot gets dropped in 2.

I've already heard it's the worst one in terms of gameplay but I wasn't expecting it to be this bad honestly

The only problem I have with 2's combat is that there's almost no point in parrying.


Any other opinion is pleb-tier

the game hasn't aged well

>walk into the inn/tavern

i got into the timing and stance based combat.

witcher 1 is comfy. pleb


Just max Igni and burn everything down.

mediocre combat is something to be expected of these types of games, Witcher 1 having abysmal character building is what makes the combat unbearable at times

> The whole plot gets dropped in 2.


Geralt prevents Foltest from getting assassinated in the first one. He stops the rebellion and earns Foltest's trust. That's what continues in 2.

Unless you mean the Wild Hunt bit in the Epilogue?

You can just skip straight to 3 without a problem, it's what I did.

>Play Witcher 3 and let the sorceress slut keep the research papers
>Geralt narrates that he took them from her
What the fuck is this

>2 has the best combat

Fuck no.

>probably hasn't even heard of the FCR
>probably played on easy and thought the combat was too easy

The Witcher series is shit desu. I slogged though W1. I couldn't even bother to finish W2.