Sonybro here. I actually don't mind that Nioh is being ported to PC...

Sonybro here. I actually don't mind that Nioh is being ported to PC, I'm glad more of my friends can play thus great game so we can talk about.

What pisses me off however is the incessant shitposting about "PS4 no gaems!" and "thaksn 4 betertesting!"

Like why the fuck do you have to be such assholes? Why can't you just enjoy the game and be glad you enjoy it?

I'm not kidding when I say it literally and unironically makes me mad and pisses me off to an unreasonable amount that such subhuman assholes exist that derive pleasure from some twisted sense of revenge against other players out of playing a game that others enjoy, instead of just playing the game and enjoying it. It's like you care more about spitting in others faces than actually playing games, and you assume that other players who happen to enjoy games are just as emotionally hateful and spiteful as you are.

Because this website is a shithole and has been one for as long as i can remember being here.

It's devolved into shit flinging where the only goal is to antagonize strangers on a vietnamese canasta forum.

Saw your post on Sup Forums faggot

PCbro here who knows that feel
90% of Sup Forums is just falseflagging and shitposting, especially when it comes to platform and exclusives
I hate it as well, and I honestly only come here out of habit

Thanks :0

are you litteraly retarded?

there is a button on your browser that allows you to close the fucking tab, just leave if u cant handle other people's (and other retards) ideas

This but I would extend the "especially" to recent releases that I won't name.
Personally I can't even imagine what goes through someone's head to shitpost and falseflag to such extreme degrees. I've tried it and I just feel like a shit person afterwards.

Sup Forums has changed for the worst.

>inb4 it was always like this

No it wasn't this bad, like, at all. Times have changed.

I think OP is wonder why it has to be this way, why you idiot choose to be... well, idiots. And OP seeks to have a decent conversation about the game. The truth is... take your ass to /vg/ OP. Or you can always go to Reddit or any gaming website with a forum section.

Google search after Nov 7:

>Maria is a cute, a cute!
>Git gud
>William best husbandu
>Dude this is The Dark Souls of Ninja Gaiden lmao
>Is Maria fat?!

I bought this today even though I knew it would get a PC release since I know mine won't run it. I'll have to wait till the weekend to play it though, because of work. Anyone have any tips? What am I in for? I'm honestly expecting more Onimusha than I'm expecting Dark Souls.

Because platform war shitposting predominantly down to subhuman BRs, as shown by /vint/.

Weren't Canadians huge on that too or am I remembering wrong?

>PS4 has no games
>All PCbros can mention is Bloodborne and Nioh because all they play is soulsshit
>Completely ignore all the other good games for the system

Canadians were behind most of the really lazy shitposting and falseflagging about identity politics. Hyperaggressive Sup Forums posting was mainly American. Aussies and Germans accounted for most of the pornposting. BRs and Slavs were overwhelmingly behind platform war shitflinging and portbegging. CEMU threads were mainly populated by South Americans.

Sonyfag, I don't care about your long incessant whining how you are being bullied. This isn't reddit, neck yourself. PC has no need for consoles and watching you guys trying to is hilarious

No one cares about ordinary console players, user. It's the fanboys who worship a corporation and are happy that other people can't play their games that are getting shit on.

I have a PS4 and only bought BB, Nioh, and Injustice 2. Nothing else really interests me.

idort here
this shit is one of the reasons why I want to leave but there really is no good substitute for 4ch

>tfw have no platform loyalty and play games on all consoles and own a high end pc

The problem is that we can't fucking talk about this game anymore. The day the PC version was announced we had at least 4 threads at any given time with absolutely no discussion about the game, just beta testing shitposts and crybabies hitching about Andrew House. I want to talk about the Abyss, or what new builds people have come up with now that we have double the amount of shortcut item slots we used to have. And even when that form of shitposting does down, we'll have to deal with cheat engine tags trying to act superior for starting the game on Way of the Strong or some shit.


Kaz looks awful at that angle.

I am also sonybro and I agree. I still wouldn't mind if bloodborne came to PC so more people could enjoy it. All these faggots who live on these platform wars are just fuckbabies. You're a cool guy user, never change.

Because you niggers always say how everything is available on pc, (Botw, Forza, etc) and now you know how it tastes to get some of your own medicine

>Sonybro here. I actually don't mind that Nioh is being ported to PC, I'm glad more of my friends can play thus great game so we can talk about.
>What pisses me off however is the incessant shitposting about "PS4 no gaems!" and "thaksn 4 betertesting!"
>Like why the fuck do you have to be such assholes? Why can't you just enjoy the game and be glad you enjoy it?
Because exclusives are designed to do this; divide and conquer. They want us at each others throats over their hardware, it drives people to falsely assign more value to them.
Of course its nothing to do with games themselves, and you should always report threads based on just consoles or PC hardware. It doesn't really belong here.

The only reason those exist is in response to all the "no gaems" PC shitfaggots

I own Nioh, Bloodborne and Crash.

Played Let It Die and Destiny a lot though too as digital free downloads. I had Destiny on PS3 and on a whim realised I could play all of Taken King and arena without PS+ or owning it on PS4. Then one day it was patched.

Nioh is fantastic though, just finished the final DLC myself. Hope one of my mates might get to play it now.

You know what the joke is? There is this invaluable site that has all the builds, guides and special findings throughout the comminity. Those discussions are on Reddit.

I don't have loyalty to any one thing because I'm not a fucking idiot.


It's not about loyalty, asshole. I just like talking about the game here because the threads are surprisingly pleasant. The worst we'd get in the form of shipping was souls false flagging and ">using x weapon type"

Shitposting of this kind definitely is a total waste of time and something that both sides can actively work against to stop by actually talking about the games themselves rather than bitching about having the game, or not having the game, or getting the game. It's just a matter of waiting until the game comes out now though and seeing how the threads go.
It's still bitterly ironic seeing the "thanks for betatesting" ones though.

>only turn on my PC if i want to play porn games or emulate
>play everything else on consoles

Hey dude, sorry for upsetting you. When I said that only fucking idiots stay loyal to things, I was thinking more of the rabid anti-Reddit types that crawl out of the wood work. At the same time I was trying to disparage those that you yorself are complaining about. I was trying to be on your side.

But since you called me an asshole you can get fucked! Haha faggot hostile loser, enjoy your no games.

Are you new to the concept of children? It's what they do, act childish.

the problem is that console women get their feelings hurt over video games. this is a YOU problem, console women. learn to ignore and leave your feelings behind you

No It's just that there is a certain point proven in an overarching argument that extends way past whatever game is in question.

I hope PC bros enjoy it like I did.

Just take your time with the game and don't get too frustrated if you die a lot.

>Like why the fuck do you have to be such assholes?
Because you were so smug about having paid 500 bucks for an underpowered PC just to play some games when a real PC could do a thousand times better. For what is a PS4? A subPC that only plays games. Hardware, games are software, a USB slot for the controller, cable to connect to the TV, what can't a computer do?

I have a half decent PC and I won't even play the time because I never cared about it, I'm just glad you lost one of the few reasons to buy a 500$ device that artificially locks games. Maybe in the future, less people will buy this shit and Sony will stop selling this bullshit to tens of millions of cretins ready to pay for this bullshit.

>Just take your time with the game and don't get too frustrated if you die a lot.
>this kind of passive-aggressiveness