I'm about to upgrade my PC. I have a small amount of money to do so with. Pretty much everything here needs to be upgraded at some point.
Current Parts List -
GTX 750 TI
AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1045T Processor, 2.72 GHz
Windows 10
168 GB of SSD storage
Gigabyte GA-970A-U3D Motherboard
500 Watt Power supply
A shit case
Some advice would be appreciated
Upgrading my PC (for gaming) - Some Questions
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Keep the SSD and sell everything else. Power supply might be salvageable depending on what kind of CPU and GPU you're getting, but generally not worth it since it's a little on the under powered side. If it's solid model, then you can probably get away with it.
List how much we have to work with you flaming retard
My bad, about 250 USD
You aren't getting much of an upgrade with $250 + money from selling old parts.
I would sell my 750Ti for $70-$100 and buy a GTX 1060 for around $220. Save up around $500 for the rest of the parts.
sell 750 for like 50 bucks
try to sell your power supply for like 10 bucks
buy960-1060 card for like 175-225 usd, use remainder to buy psu thats like atleast 700 watt
>750Ti for $70-$100
You can get a new 950 for around $100. You'd have to find a complete retard get more than like $40 for a used 750.
Upgrade to Windows 7
Look at this idiot thinking a 500 watt power supply is somehow not enough for a single card setup
Your computer is literally at a dead end as far as upgrading goes. Sell the whole thing to funding building a new computer.
Save money and get something better. It won't be long. No reason not to.
Drop everything but storage and PSU. Sorry user but that's a full replace computer. Not worth any upgrade you could put in it.
it's not always about having enough, sometimes you deliberately go overkill so that your system falls into the sweet spot of your power supply's efficient curve. not that gaymers would know fuck all about this sort of thing.
>muh 2% difference in efficiency
best budget build:
i3 6100
16 gig ram
>i3 6100
u wot m8
user, ignore these retards and go to Sup Forums. they have a pc building general. go there.
Don't know why everyone is freaking out.
You'll need a new motherboard to go with a new CPU and then a new GPU. Everything else is fine. That's still a tall order though. If you need something now get a new GPU.
I own this config and can run every game at 60 fps 768p.
>He fell for the 1080p meme
For the OP all he can do is just get a better video card until he can save up for the rest. All he can recycle is the power supply, ssd, case. But he needs a new mobo, cpu, ram and video card.
Is what I'd recommend. IF he lives near microcenter he can get that mobo and cpu for 120 dollars and then 62 dollars for ram. Then he'd have around 60 dollars saved.
Then he COULD save up for a nvidia VOLTA video card mid range card for mid next year. Alternatively he could get a rx 570/5808gb or the gtx 1060 6gb. Whichever is cheapest. It is up to OP. But I'd wait for the better video card. Nvidia releases upgrades ever 2 years so
OP here
I do live near one yeah, i'm going tomorrow actually. Which is why I made this thread to begin with.
Make sure you sell that ddr3 ram on ebay if you can. You can probably get 30-40 bucks for the pair of ram judging by the others guys selling.
Some people are also buying that mobo for decent prices
You could save up a good amount with that.
update your GPU, and you will be able to continue playing OK for a long while.
CPU upgrade WILL require a motherboard upgrade too, and that may render your RAM obsolete as well.
Eh he has 250 bucks and miners jacked up video card prices. If he goes the video card route, he should wait for volta mid next year to get the gtx 1160 or something. That cpu is shit tier
low 40s-50 on dark souls 3 and the cpu in the video is better than his
it's all around shit yeah, but even 1050ti would be a notable upgrade for him. Most games also don't rely too much on CPU, and he could just grab another AMD CPU of the same socket and make do with it. Would prolly cost mere McMeal prices these days.
1050ti: $150
i3 6100: $100
sell old card, mobo, processor, ram
with that money get cheapest mobo+ ram you can find
This is literally the best thing you can do with 250 bucks. There is not much difference between i3 and i5s when it comes to gaming, just look up some benchmarks.
thank me later.
Hi guys, I wanna upgrade my integrated graphics to a 1080ti sli. What kind of fps will I get in roblox?
>my budget is $250
>then I would save $500
then your budget after getting your shit straight would be $750
My PSU fan doesn't even turn on with my 1 kW PSU. I draw like 400 W and it stays 100% silent no fan running at all and is greater than 94% efficiency.
Try playing Rise of the Tomb Raider or Witcher 3 with an i3 than come back.
>buy barebones 8GB DDR4 when I build my PC
>upgrade to 16GB 3200mhz later
>sell 8GB for literally 20% more than I paid for it originally