Previous comic ties in nicely
>Player 1
>Player 2
This is the worst part about the whole image.
Meanwhile, Penny Arcade continues to mostly discuss TV
and "part 2"
Hope you're all having a great Thurmsday!
back in the day, PA was aggressively mediocre and CAD was complete trash, and now it's the other way around
makes me feel kind of old, honestly
>they only know and care about the mainstream fad games
illustrates the average user pretty well
Sup Forums BTFO
To be fair I did want to jump out of a window when I found out there was gonna be an Autist Boy Wonder TV show.
HOLY SHIT how can Sup Forums recover from this
>dialogue, dialogue, dialogue
what happened? suddenly cad is funny and concise and penny arcade went to shit
What the fuck happened to them? They're all malformed and shit and look like retarded wojaks.
I'm aroused by this, like erection style, if you know what I mean.
That 4 kinds of messed up, nice.
Hmm, I don't know, I'm not really sure if I understand where you are coming from.
Feels like the dude who wrote it might have done so with an erection.
Audible amusement
Remember user, you have to stop right before the end.
i dont get it
If he doesn't post it then I will. Continue.
Do I HAVE to?
I ain't no faggot
Why is he so bald?
Nice now post the real ending they drew afterwards
>Sup Forums
So true. The contrarianism is killing this board.
>hates overwatch
>hates pubg but gladly sucks fortnight's dick because it's not popular
>loved Cuphead but not hates it because everyone loves it
>Nice now post the real ending they drew afterwards
I thought it was never finished?
There was another page but I forgot most of it except a panel where Sup Forums and /jp/ started singing together before punching each other.
What the fuck did I just read
Found it 4 u bby
Never fails to amuse
You're pretty good.
The only thing that will never get the hate it deserves is Super Mario Game #6532598422593
Is that a bondburger
Sup Forums BTFO
This is the actual ending you faglords.
sauce on that burger?
>it was all a dream
Shit ending desu
fuck off dyke
>67 years of jumping on mushrooms
>158 years of playing a bad jrpg with furry monsters
>876245 octahedronal centuries of playing a green faggot who yet again has to save the same futa loli slut
It's like Nintendo fans have been stuck in their preteens since 1720
It's very Kafkaesque. You have to be an aficionado of rick and morty to understand it.
Why does Tycho look like a crayon?
Fuck off Marios.
>Blatantly not the same artstyle
I've joined in 1889 so I have absolutely no nostalgia googles and I testify for the quality of at least 357 of the 60412 games released in the 4th age of the Third period of Mario games. Fuck you.
Subtlety isn't really that "artist's" thing, right?
Why can't Japs eat burgers right
is that supposed to be dick Rei?
>he streams
fuckin deserves to get irma'd
loving every laugh
You had it coming Ronnie
I never really did, but doesn't pretty much everyone stream now?
>any game with vibrant colors is immediatelly considered kiddy shit
Fuck people who think like that
Only normies
Ten out of ten.
Thirty Thousand HOURS In MS paint
14 year olds on r/anime do, so yes pretty much everyone. Sup Forums usually still has enough fucking pride to do things the right way though.
Please, don't get me started on Sup Forums
Is this shit taste part of his character?
this can't be real
How does the art keep getting worse? You'd think a decade down would eventually hit rock bottom.
Man what the fuck happened with this comic?
Ironic coming from an "artist" who's entire career hinged on copying Penny Arcade.
what the fuck where was this when was this made
This perfectly encapsulates all three of these threads
except for /jp/, they tend to be the pedos more often than not, relative to their size
wtf i hate ronnie now
This will never stop being funny
anyone who says Sinfest was good before he went crazy is fucking retarded
Turned me on a bit to be honest.
It was always pander trash, he just swapped markets
Last panel ruins it.
I'm SO glad Tatsu forgot them.
last panel is fine, once again another case of idiots who think no one will get the joke unless they explain it
the author (a chink) started dating an independent black wymn
is that like a wyrm
...the fuck did I just witness
I liked the demonettes...
It doesn't matter since he lost his fuckin' mind
there is literally nothing wrong with streaming anime