Comfy Cuphead Thread

Let's have another comfy thread because all the other ones are bait or on auto sage.
How long did it take you to beat the game?
If you haven't beaten it yet, where did you get stuck?

Other urls found in this thread:


I can get behind that. Let's hear it Sup Forums
>favorite non-plane boss
>favorite airplane boss
>favorite shot type
>favorite track.

and go


stuck on hilga berg. foreground fucks me up and the small fighter planes get annoying.
>favorite non-plane boss
bon bon. haven't done her but i'm interested
>favorite airplane boss
the mermaid, but for the same reason as above
>favorite shot type
>favorite track.

haha I just streamrolled the pirate boss in isle 3 and the cute mermaid is tearing me a new one

Anyone here want to tell me whats a good loudout to beat her? Ive got coffee and I think thats all that the planes are affected by

>where did you get stuck?

I didn't get the game hehe

>Ive got coffee and I think thats all that the planes are affected by
Extra heart works too.

Does cuphead have any fucking replay value? this game is FOTM as fuck. NONE of you are going to be talking about this game in 3 weeks. I don't understand all this hype.

I just beat the birdbrain after lots of tries and I'll give the dragon a go tomorrow.

>Beppi the Clown
>Cala Maria
>Lob Shot
>Carnival Kerfuffle

>die right as the boss dies
>still counts as a win

>Aviary Action

BTW if you use smoke bomb you are playing on casual mode and need to git gud

So what, you idiot? The game's being sold for the price of a cinema ticket and it actually looks better than 100% of the movies out there. It is pure kino, it has godlike music and super tight controls. It's a very enjoyable and well crafted game.

>Does cuphead have any fucking replay value?
Yeah, there's the expert mode

>favorite non-plane boss
Ghost train or the Flower
>favorite plane boss
Cala Maria
>favorite shot type
Charge shot
>favorite track
Die House or 'Introduction'

there are multiple threads in the catalog that arent bait shill kun

That happened in one of the bosses in the Cox n Crendor playthrough

Only about halfway through the game taking a break.

>>favorite non-plane boss
Clown, really distinct phases and roller coaster forces you to play defensively. Last actually makes super useful for once.

>>favorite airplane boss
Haven't beat bird yet, only played Hilda and Genie. I enjoyed genie even if last phase can be bs if you get trapped. Puppet phase was cool reminds me of deathsmiles or something.

>>favorite shot type
Split shot is great at clearing obstacles above like the ducks on clown or stuff falling in run and gun.
>>favorite track.
Its all great but nothing stands out from the rest. Barber shop quartet from the title screen I guess.

It came out 3 days ago after 3 years development, no shit people are talking about it, are you Canadian?


We all agree this is the most morbid boss ending right? He doesn't get mentioned alot, but I really like the personality in his fight and how it plays out. I felt bad the most for this boss.

It is pretty neat how he keeps trying to kill you even while being carried in a stretcher

Also his theme is my favorite

>favorite non-plane boss
Phantom Train
>favorite airplane boss
Cala Maria, but Wally Warbles is a close second
>favorite shot type
>favorite track.
Floral Fury of course

He appears in the good ending so we can he assume he doesn't actually die

Our kitty upload a special video!

He doesn't, actually. Neither does Goopy

what's this about a good and bad ending, I'm at isle 3 so I'm getting close

>a 3-5 hour game won't be talked about a month from now

wow hmmm i wonder why is it because PEOPLE BEAT IT?


When you reach the end of Isle 3 you get to make a choice that decides the ending you get.

Cuphead is h-

It's just a choice at the end, you're good.

Question from another thread

A- is good enough if you just want the achievements. If you're gonna go for S ranks after the final boss anyways then just wait until then.

not really any point to A+
hard mode generally makes bullets faster, most attacks have more projectiles, and different attacks get mixed up or overlaid on top of eachother
for example, the frogs do both the hadokens and spitting flies in phase 1 at the same time instead of taking turns, and cagney carnation only does his seed spawning attack over and over again in phase one, making shit tons of adds

I mean, Ding Dong HAS proven himself to be really good at video games.


>want to replay a game
>remember THAT level

That level is Perilous Pier undoubtedly.

train for gameplay
clown for style
robot for gameplay
genie for style
spread is a guilty pleasure because I usually like those kinds of weapons but it fucking sucks on most bosses so I just do peashooter/charge like everyone else

not having watched these guys

do they refer to him as ding dong while playing together?

such as?

Mediocre like every indie game

fucking christ I'm glad i'm not the only fucking person who hates that cocksucking abyss of a level. I swear to god years later I'll be in a thread and a picture of it will be posted next to that one that always triggers the nu-XCOM players (also one that coincidentally looks like it takes place in a port) and finally i will relate to their pain.

bitch i got through it on pacifist.

>Cagey Carnation
>Cala Maria

How can you get a better track than Die House?

After beating it on pacifist, it becomes a cakewalk
I know the level like the back of my hand

too hard for you, honey?

I'm not a huge fan of the vocals
He sounds like he's forcing the voice, it doesn't come off very natural

>want to play this game
>no Xbone to play it
It's not fair, bros.


>favorite non-plane boss
>favorite airplane boss
Cala Maria
>favorite shot type
>favorite track
The honeycomb one.

You have a pc don't ya?

>tfw wasted coins on chaser
I didn't realize how fucking awful it was at the time

gtfo phoneposter

cala maria is cute

it's called balance dude. if it was good the game would play itself.

Am I the only faggot here who thinks Oney Plays is comfy to watch and more entertaining than other let's players?

Apparently it's actually a woman who's singing

So what are the chances of people copying this and making Jarface, even with the hand drawn graphics?

If I could get a refund from that pig fuck I would.

Game has lots of fun references like this.



If they are lazy nobody wants, but people love games that follows popular formulas.

>autistic screaming
pick one

you're shitting me

The grumps formula makes it possible to have both.

how so?

>Play literally 2 hours trying to beat the second run and gun, finally get to the last enemy multiple times but die due to stupid mistakes and have to start all over again over and over again

This just isn't fun. I'm struggling hard with this game, inb4 git gud or whatever, it's a hard game whether you're good at it or not, and I think it's a good looking game that's different from what other platformers have done, but it's still flawed.

I wish that you recovered HP when you parried, or there was some other way to make this game less "repeat over and over again 50 times until you succeed," because that's just not good game design. It makes sense for an ultra-hard mode of the game that would be unlocked once you completed the base game, but the base game itself feels like an ultra-hard mode.

Maybe it's because I'm playing with remaped keys instead of a controller? I tried using steam controller but I felt my M&K layout was better. The default keyboard layout is complete dogshit though, I made wasd movement instead of arrows and enter / shift to attack, space to jump, etc. Still have so much trouble.

I'm just finding it hard to put in the motivation. I've literally only beaten the vegetables, the frog bosses and the first fun and gun so far. I am trying to beat the second run and gun to unlock more coins, but I keep fucking up. I spent two hours trying to beat the second run and gun already... two fucking hours. Yes, I know I'm "bad" at this game, but how the fuck are so many people doing just fine with it? I can't be the only one struggling this hard.

>1 hour later

i forgot how awesome of a movie there will be blood was.

For some reason the game is giving me one star on Skill Level for the Mermaid boss, even though I've been completing the fight on Regular difficulty. Even fought her again and double-checked to make sure I had the difficulty set right. This hasn't happened with any of the other bosses, so I'm not sure what's going on.

i died more from the bird.

The friends you don't have on youtube, while not inviting real people to trash your place.

"Vocals" is credited to Alana Bridgewater

Beginner's 2hu

>Get achievement for collecting every coin in the game
>Still five coins short of the last upgrade at the shop

Can you parry the dragon head when it's breathing fire during the last phase? It's pink after all

Well, that's not that hard. All you have to do is restart anytime your health drops to 1 and you will never die, simply aiming for perfect runs each time.

e-celebs are not your friends

You can't buy everything

They don't overreact as much as Arin does. Hell they seem to act pretty chill to me and don't act like a fucking child whenever they die while playing Crash.

I fucking hate the cuckoo bird whatever the fuck his name is. I A+'d the game and now I'm working on S and this shithead is the only one in world 2 I have left. I'm getting better at shrinking my plane to dodge his projectiles but his son comes out in phase three and just fucks me up. I go into that phase with a fully charged bomb and all I need to do is dodge until he recharges my super and I can't even fucking do that. It's driving me crazy

There's a couple coins hidden in the overworld and some NPCs have a few.

Once you know, it's kind of obvious, but I wouldn't have guessed.

yes you can
it's every coin in every level. learn 2 read.

I said that dimmy.

just drew cuphead and mugman

achievement says every coin in the levels, not in the game

that's neat

There are 6 coins in the overworld, stop spreading your ignorance

fuckin weird
like that's fine and all, but could they not find a male louis armstrong impersonator?

Howabout a quick checklist then?

she is a fat woman, of course she can do the deep voice

then what the fuck is this then?

one in each area map hidden
one from the girl in island 2 for finding a shortcut (i think that was one? i forget)
one from the juggling guy for parrying 4 shots in a row

>Captain Brineybeard or Sally Stageplay
>Cala Maria or Djimmi the Great
>Carnival Kerfuffle, though it's the only one I've listened to extensively, still need to relisten to some of the other tracks

So is there any message that happens if you visit him after having bought everything?

I bought on GoG i never see those awful things.