Did slowbeef and diabeetus become sjw's?
Why did they stop doing retsupuraes?
Partly because Let's Plays stopped being terrible, such as camcorders let's plays not being numerous.
Also because slowbeef is a sjw.
>hurr durr let's stalk those people they made fun of
Can you post something that slowbeef did that is sjwish?
Who gives a shit about ecelebs?
They said that let's plays are becoming so common and high quality in general that it becomes hard to find someone to point out as especially odd, considering now that people act strange on purpose for views.
The kind of things they shittalked before are just relics of the past. Every kid has their own garbage lp that's completely indistinct from the millions of other kids doing it.
Whiteknighting the Mighty No 9 community dev way and blaming misogynist male gamers back in 2013 when he didn't understanding the situation at all. Whines about PDP, Markiplier etc being racist/sexist etc because he's jealous of their success. Friends with that tranny Laura Kate Dale or whatever who now runs Kotaku and whiteknights him a lot. Defended Dean Takahashi's Cuphead gameplay and said people were just being bullies. He's never gone full SJW that much, more or less just SJW-by proxy considering the company he keeps, and it doesn't really blend into the content that much.
These were never funny
Funniest one was Sirronlionheart when he got drunk with a friend and played Contra III
It became easier to get channels taken down for using your content and for 'cyberbullying'. Also they're both in their 40s now and it would be pathetic for them to be making fun of kids playing video games.
Slowbeef is also a bigger idiot these days while Diabetus probably just has better stuff to do. Their views are circling the drain, whatever that detective LP is it's barely above 20k views, maybe even 10k, I don't feel like checking.
Are you ban evading? Just curious.
I'm really disappointed that he's such a faggot with those something awful losers. For months and months he couldn't shut up about Dangan Ronpa but as soon as his friends start showing up in videos it's that stupid immature anime game.
I remember when Lowtax appeared on a Dangan Ronpa video. He was the only one saying anything remarkable about the drab "gameplay" DR has
He is also friends with voidburger who is pretty much the worst.
>Beetus is quick witted and funny
>Slowbeef always fucking kills jokes
>Suddenly more and more videos are slowbeef and guest
I think they went through "Trolls Remorse" where some people feel guilty about making fun of other people on the internet so then go super-hard in the other direction.
Slowbeef has always been a huge sperg who made Retsupurae so he could circlejerk about how great the SA let's plays. The fact he mocks others' game skills while also being defensive as hell about his own gameplay just shows incredible hypocricy; one time a gif of him entering a boss area in Dark Souls and immediately dying got to the top of r/darksouls and he got pissy on his podcast and complained about it for like 30 minutes, even though there was no way of telling it was him and nobody cared that much about it. It's a classic case of those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Diabetus however is chill, funny and bro-tier, and his input basically held the channel together for so long.
Here's the formula for every one of their commentary of games:
>something funny happens in game
>Diabetus makes off the wall joke about it
>slowbeef laughs
>slowbeef explains what just happened in game
Diabeetus is the only reason half of Slowbeef's own let's plays are tolerable.
Is there any community that bottomed out as badly as Something Awful? Say whatever you want about modern Sup Forums, but SA is pathetic. Whenever I meet a goon one of my first throught is "I bet this guy is into findom/interracial cuckolding".
OK I was afraid to bring this up since no one was saying anything about it but does anyone else think Slowbeef has a weird voice?
>Grown men bullying teenagers for playing video games that don't meet the standard of a gaming forum
I still like both Slowbeef and Diabetus and I'm actually glad the channel has shifted to a focus on longplays and newgrounds flash games because those have always been funnier to me than bad let's plays. Bad LPs are a diamond a dozen, but obscure terrible games often turn out to be something special.
Are you saying the video where the guy's camera constantly zooming in on the TV and having to reset it every time didn't deserve it?
The golden period was between 2009/10 and 2013, where slowbeef calmed down his sperginess from the early videos but before his SJW sperging started in around 2014, so he ended up complementing diabetus as the straight man of the comedic duo, which led to great series like Dark Seed 2 and King's Quest, as well as many others. I would kill to go back to that period of consistant quality.
There are some good kickstarter nonstarter videos but when they switched to non-video game stuff it just became slowbeef thinking he's some sort of business genius because he took a business course and now screams at these random videos. The Sonic 06 playthrough was more of a let's play than a commentary and was so long and boring it almost killed the channel, they went from having six figure views on all their videos to barely being able to break 20000 or so.
He writes for Polygon about how Twitch is better than Youtube because you can have mods censor all the problematic people.
Ambition was great too. I did like when they played D and Clocktower 2. Was kinda annoying that they didn't know that "Clocktower 2" was actually just a spin off and throughout the playthrough Slowbeef kept thinking it was a direct sequel.
next thread
>Some nervous kid who doesn't have much money just wants to show the internet his favorite game
>"LOL look at this fucking idiot playing this he doesn't even have the aspect ratio right lmao. His voice is fucking stupid haha"
How is that not bullying?
you faggots watching other people play video games are a decrepit state of mankind.
the guests are always such try-hards too
like that brit who pretends to be black and makes random MRA jokes
Ambition was probably the last really great series they ever did, everything since has more or less been mediocre.
Reminder that the top two reasons they don't do RPs anymore are
1. We are no longer in the age of unregistered hypercam 2. Recording has become piss easy and inexpensive.
2. Idiots would rush to the people's channel and shitpost.
#2 is funny because most of the people in this thread probably fall into that category.
They aren't doing ANYTHING lately. It's been a month since the last Jack Orlando.
slowbeef also has turned into a vlogger on his own channel and does terrible parody videos where he embarasses himself and his baby
Beetus always has these moments where he'd say a quick joke and it'd take a second for me to register it but when I do, I laugh my fucking ass off. Slowbeef on the other hand has always seemed pretty pathetic and constantly bitter about the whole retarded let's play shit. Dude just has a constant chip on his shoulder.
Pretty sure they got permission from that dude to post that video.
>chocolate fidget spinner
Slowbeef is the straight man. Don't you guys into comedy?
Even worse, they got old.
All the "old school" SA lets play types that didn't fade away at one point or another are all hypocrites. The long standing stance across the entire forum was that trying to make money of lets play was stupid and embarasing, but then youtubers became a thing and now every last one of them has a patreon. Slowbeef made a video shitting on someone for doing a video LP of snatcher with bad quality where he talked over all the dialogue, then did the exact same thing with policenauts years later and got defensive when people called him out on his bullshit.
>We'll make jokes about how this guy's family abuses him or he's fucking his commentator in the ass, but don't go to their page and leave mean comments!
>trying this hard to be ironic and funny
It's just sad now.
LPers are all the same.
When you riff one these days, you riff them all.
Not only that, they don't want to unintentionally sic their rabid fanbase on someone they RP.
I wasn't talking about that video in particular, I was talking about their channel in general.
>The long standing stance across the entire forum was that trying to make money of lets play was stupid and embarasing, but then youtubers became a thing and now every last one of them has a patreon.
well at least cybershell admitted that was retarded
One of these is a joke that doesn't involve them interacting with the person at all, the other is an army of retarded manchildren posting on his channel.
there is a difference
The curse of content creators on the internet, user.
They either slowly, then completely, disappear. Or they become a shell of their former selves to the point their past selves would hate their current self.
>Not only that, they don't want to unintentionally sic their rabid fanbase on someone they RP.
But they were being that asshole in the first place. They would just rip into some random youtuber, say he looks ugly, or his a shitty voice or whatever and move on to the next person. It would be like a parent attacking a random man on the street and then telling their kids not to hurt the man
I see that at as more of an excuse. To me, it seems more like a self realization that they all basically encompass everything they make fun of all those "bad lps" for. It's retarded to get angry at some guy for not playing a video game right.
I don't mind them riffing longplays but they don't do that anymore. They have seriously slowed down during this year.
Also whenever they do upload something to their channel it's slowbeef with some other asshole instead of betus.
Someone should upload all of the old shit that got deleted, especially the videos with proteus.
>We'll say mean shit behind your back but not to your face
How does that work, chipcheezum having sex with her? She's like twice his size.
I think it's pretty amazing how Mega64 never changed. Probably the main reason is that they never relied on Youtube in the first place.
>But they were being that asshole in the first place.
not really
they didn't spend months or even years after the video shitposting on their channels.
I mean aside from the fact that the jokes aren't meant to be taken seriously, what's your problem with this? You sure do care a lot.
I think Betus is dying
slowbeef is a bitter piece of shit
diabeetus needs a better friend
I'm sure that video where slowbeef says "please stop lets playing I wanna be the guy" over and over for minutes on end was just a funny joke and not him feeling like he's some sort of weird version of the white mans burden who has to show the stupid masses of youtube how to properly make a video of you playing videogames
>They have seriously slowed down during this year.
Beef has a kid and Beetus is about to get, if he isn't already, married.
People grow up and move past phases in their life.
Glad I’m not alone in thinking this. It’s never mentioned in the comments.
Diabeetus makes witty joke. 10 seconds later, slowbeef takes it literally and makes it unfunny. Diabeetus sees past it.
Not sure why Diabeetus constantly puts up with his bullshit.
The best example I can think of is the quasi argument they had about being quiet during the elevator scenes in Resident Seavil. slowbeef was legit sperg upset over a joke he couldn’t comprehend.
He gives me the impression that he wants to do it for a living but he can't quite manage to get the views. I honestly stopped watching his streams when he had to take care of his kid while playing and the little shit wouldn't stop screaming all the way through.
But that sounds perfectly reasonable.
The whole "Retsupurae was just for fun" thing is total bullshit, if you go back and watch the early videos slowbeef is fucking furious and screaming at these guys, then circlejerked the video amongst other goons for validation, that's what RPs were, they were for goons to make fun of youtube kids whose let's plays sucked and make themselves feel better. Then when they were older they fabricated that it was all for fun in order to save face for the fact they were spergy assholes in the old videos.
>I'm sure that video where slowbeef says "please stop lets playing I wanna be the guy" over and over for minutes on end was just a funny joke
it is
Alright, do you people seriously not get how a straight man routine works
here's the best guest
>if you go back and watch the early videos slowbeef is fucking furious and screaming at these guys
I don't think they ever really seemed all that angry.
Unless you think curse words and insults mean you're angry
>they didn't spend months or even years after the video shitposting on their channels.
I'm sure they did RPs of a channel more than once. And besides, even if they didn't, at the end of the day they were still treating people like shit. Doesn't matter when they did it. And most of their videos are still up
>their rabid fanbase
Dude, their subreddit gets like two posts a week. These boys are done.
Their shtick was never funny. It doesn't take talent to pick on the easiest targets possible.
proteus himself has explained via the thread about SA lets players on kiwifarms that retsupurae started as a very circlejerky "look at these dumb kids on youtube and how shitty they are" kind of thing
Remember that time Slowbeef just did a normal blind let's play of Sonic 06 instead of just looking up a longplay/cutscene compilation, and dragged Diabetus through it the entire time when he obviously didn't wanna be there?
>wahhh why does no one watch our shitty videos?
>let's make fun of people who DO get watched!
lel I loved retsupuraes, they were always the most bitter tastes of fucking upset fags, complaining they couldn't get famous despite starting the entire fucking trend.
How do we save Chip-sama from voidburger?
Each day my fear grows that the witch will corrupt him further to a terminal point. Her ire has already made some way to him, unfortunately. But it is still not too late to save him. I will not stand idly by why that harlot tries to poison such an innocent and beautiful mind.
oh can you link those here? i like proteus
slowbeef gets intensely angry in this video, as I said in the early videos he gets really angry at these kids. He sounds like he wants to bite his head off, a lot of the early videos are like this too.
>They're being too mean to make themselves feel better!
A lot of people including myself made shitty hypercam 2 let's plays at one point. That shit was funny and whining about it on Sup Forums of all places is retarded.
This was their swan song. I don't remember anything after that being any good.
Even that PewDiePie reaction was pathetic in hindsight.
That's a hospital, isn't it?
My argument isn't that they were being too toxic or any gay shit like that, my point is that Slowbeef wasn't some chill guy who just wanted to have fun but he was a spergy goon who wanted validation from his circlejerk.
Beef has two kids.
Post best retsupuraes.
every charity stream he does is fucking unwatchable
I forget about when exactly he shows up and this thread is way too big to start, but he's been posting in that, the general SA thread and a few others now and then ever since giving hot insider takes or just making fun of dumb people
Prehensile penis
If you can honestly tolerate calling somebody like that a friend, you're already there dude. Chip isn't as cool a guy as you think he is. You don't just happily chill with somebody that bigoted towards you and call them a friend without being the at least a little the same. It isn't quite like black people converting KKK members.
Diabeetus is one of the best people on this planet and I could listen to him make Mario face puns in Galaxy 2 for hours.
Slowbeef is an actual idiot with a grading voice and awful sense of humor.
I miss early Ironicus, when Chip would be showing off every goddamned thing he could in a game and Ironicus would be laughing his ass off at all the weird shit.
>triplewipe, sperg known for accusing others of raping her accused yet another person
wow i'm SHOCKED
Is that forum a pede circlejerk? I don't mind, but I tend to think less of people when they do the braindead sycophant thing.
>let's plays stopped being terrible
>literally everyone calling that agents of mayhem will bomb and most likely drown volition
>"wow guys total shocker i got laid off :/ pls donate for me to survive!"
is he actually retarded or
how do you not look for alternative employment while staring down the barrel of a gun for months
kiwi farms is pretty much nu-ED
i'm reading through this and i realize that laughing at failures just isn't funny anymore, it's just sad
He's not a good one. Half the time he spends fumbling a bad joke in. Regardless, its rare for Beetus to play off him.
Maybe, but diabetus does need someone to bounce jokes off of and he has good rapport with slowbeef. I prefer when it's both of them, really.
Proteus was the best guest so of course Slowbeef cut contact with him when Proteus mentioned what an idiot he was being.
also lol slowbeef banned people for writing the word "yandere"
>All of Diabeetus' Clinton puns
I miss those days
good. keep your weebshit on Sup Forums