Is it dying?
Is it dying?
We're all dying
I hope.
yes overwatch dethroned it
That's mostly due to China though. I'd be curious to see how the NA player base has held up overtime.
>one tear ago
but even if 50% is gone that's still 50 mil so that's still top 2 game
slowly yeah
Do people actually still play Overwatch? I mean even PUBG seems to have less of a drop off in player base than what Overwatch saw.
>new Eve remake
>Beekeeper Singed
"Dying" like WoW.
Not as popular as it was years ago, but still by far the most popular game in its genre.
I appreciate the source, but that player count seems absurdly high, even for league, and the article is from last year.
do you have something more recent, or something with more data?
Anyone know the chinese translation of league of legends? I want to see the google stats for that.
Also Lol should be included, since many times people google by the abbreviation.
Except Blizzard doesn't publish player count so there's no real way to know.
Not trying to defend the game because I've quit until the next patch hits, but just saying
>Implying the eve rework isn't the ex machina that's going to save league
it certainly isn't saving any of my semen from coming out of me
that plot twist tho
OW will never stop being popular on any platform it's out on
Hate all you want, you are actually dumb as fuck if you think it's going anywhere
Legitimately dumb as fuck
>google search stats
how is that even close to relevant you dummies
do you google search games before you log in to play them?
Unless Brazil suddenly implodes, it will forever be poplar.
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