Risky Boobs

Risky Boobs

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>everyone thought risky mode would be Pirate's Curse mode 1:1
>it wasn't
tfw I was one of them, but actually saw the trailer pre-release footage of the DLC so I wasn't as totally let down upon the release, but still pretty disappointed

risky needs her own game
and not one that's watered down easy mode

She's the best girl by far. Also it's Risque Boobs. Please, get it right.

why isn't there a preggo risky edit?

or one like this

Risky is barren

because that looks like shit


she could make many half pirate babies

Risky got a toxic dose of "Dark Magic" when she was "working" with the Pirate Master

All she can get pregnant with is lost hope and dead dreams

The best girl in the series was the giant mermaid.
Not even a giant fag, even assuming she'd be average height, she's still the best

Jadf is a shit artist who's got a godawful case of samepose, sameface and samebody. Never post his shit again.

You people fucking disgust me.




Damn it, I want to fuck that monkey.

Why are they not wearing pants?


Don't do it.

Don't tempt me.




Now that just ain't true, mon.

What is this face trying to convey?


post the rest

Giga Mermaid's saggy tits are my waifu.


I do like me some giant mermaids.

I want to hypnotize Shantae!


You missed one



I only like green ones specifically.


good great excellent



I want to take a BIG risk!

I want to take a big risk. All over he chest.

Do you get it. I mean poop. I want to poop on Risky.


Whats supposed to happen? I click the link, then it asks me wther or not I want to download the video, and when I press yes, nothing happens. Im on mobile btw.

smelly dumb phoneposting scum

Sorry, my pcs psu shorted on me when the power went, so im stuck browsing Sup Forums on my phone

>it ain't gonna suck itself

shame the game felt half finished with a poorly done story because it played nice and was cute.

They need to look at what made Pirate's Curse good and think about how they can make that the standard.

The lack of dancing


Severe lack of proportion



Probably this. The pirate trinkets seamlessly integrated into the gameplay and made for a smoother experience, while in HGH you're constantly stopping to transform. Not to mention HGH is formatted more like Mega Man with stages that you traverse from beginning to end with no Metroidvania style dungeons. The latter made the game feel very un-Shantae.







Dancing definitely needs work. It always kind of interrupted to flow of the game, but it's especially noticeable after playing PC and then playing any of the other games afterwards.
How could they fix it?

Can we go blacker?


Not likely

Like, Game and Watch black?


risky tooties

Shadman edit when?

>doesn't even recognize a .swf extension
GTFO underage.

I don't have time to fap right now

I hope you're happy with yourself

Anyone have any idea why I can't open flash files in incognito


You have to be an adult to look at pornography

Well the highest voted one is closer to her original skin color. Don't know why they were trying to whitewash her more and more as time went on.

I turned 18 this year, give me my pornography :^)


Nigga I go there every every other day, flash files does not open in incognito however

There's a really simple solution you seem to be missing

they could make it instant transformation but that would get rid of the dancing. which is part of shantae's character.
unless they can use dancing for other things

Flash player isn't enabled dumb ass, there's an option in the address bar or setting to allow now

Nigga I've tried that, never works, went to chrome settings, no work

What makes her boobs so risky?

Poor Shantae. Seems like with each game her self-esteem keeps dropping and more bad shit keeps happening to her.

Girl really needs a hug.

yeah, a deep hug

Yay! I mean, yar!


Moist the main snail! Keel the port blubber!

She wears an ancient evil as a bra.


do your job pretty well and still get fired etc.

things shantae has to deal with


Plus never see your mother, be manipulated by your arch enemy multiple times, become corrupted by dark magic, get replaced with a ginger...

Its amazing she doesn't drink.

Would being engulfed by Slime Gal feel warm or cold?


The one time I have a reason to post the picture of Shantae in a hat drinking alcohol and I realize I don't have it saved

That would depend entirely on whether or not the slime was warm or cold, you muppet