Confess your gaming sins

Confess your gaming sins

I use cheat engine for everything.

I don't complete video games. I just finish them and move onto the next.

I still miss the old days of xbox live, nothing's the same anymore.

I own every console but exclusively shit post about Nintendo because toddlers are cancer.

I actually don't hate video games, I like them.

What did he mean by this?

I haven't even played probably a good 20% of my physical library and half of that unplayed is from used copies of much older systems as well. I rarely buy new releases these days.

I claim to be fair and competitive but get mad when i lost in that way

I belive Sup Forums is a good place for discussion. Sometimes. And yes I actually play games

He means he cuts through the story and never looks back for any other content/side quests. Maybe takes a few obvious side quests in the game but never cares about playing optimally and misses a ton of shit

Oh, well, that's understandable in a good amount of games. Shit like FF hardly has any side content, I don't blame a guy for blasting through an RPG like that.

>I believe Sup Forums is a good place for discussion. Sometimes.
That's hardly a sin, user. This is still the best place for discussion if you're into particular niche threads/games.

I'm doing a full playthrough of undertale because my normal pc is broke and my laptop can only run undertale and garbage flash games

I use the Darwin's Danger Shield with the Sydney Sleeper

I own a PS4 and dont have Bloodborne
I buy console versions of FPSes
I only use my computer for Valve/Blizzard games

I like video games enough to get upset when people shitpost them. Normally it wouldn't be considered a sin, but on Sup Forums you're expected to not care.
I get mad at myself when I don't do well in a video game.

I love Fallout 4 (after mild modding) and I play slowly to get the best of it. 2° run already, loving every second. (also, new vegas it's empty and boring as f***. Only like the total overhauls)

>play GTA SA years ago
>used to grab webpack and get on top of a hotel and shoot people with a sniper rifle

I haven't played a video game in a year. I have however been playing mobage games during this time.

I have played every single Ace Combat game except for the PS2 trilogy, even played Air Combat 22

i used a gameshark to beat nearly every game i played on ps2

i mean jetpack, too much time in the office

i create bait threads while Sup Forums blames it on Sup Forums and get away with it

i even created 2 of them right now

I've never liked a Zelda game, because they're absolutely boring.

I look up 100% walkthrough guides for every video game I play, I haven't done a blind playthrough in at least 10 years

How do you shoot someone with a jetpack? You're fucking retarded.

Not even about niche games, you could always end up seeing from time to time AAA games discussed seriously

I beat the final chapter of all fates path with phoenix


I unironically enjoy Assassin Creed games.

There pretty fucking comfy, although I stick to the ones set in the West. I can't take Middle East shit seriously.

Not looking forward to Origin.

I enjoy games more on the normal difficulty

I couldn't finish cuphead singleplayer
I stopped at the rollercoaster boss.
How the fuck is that game for casuals? half the bosses are harder than the sans boss fight.

I unsubbed from jontron because he's racist.

i use save states on emulators because playing fps's on controllers sucks donkey penis

You are literally cancer for pre-ordering.

Sup Forums-Jesus doesn't forgive for that.

you're fucking cute

Don't care

That's true, but it's far more sporadic.

Stop being a faggot by thinking anyone actually gives a shit about what you play. Go fuck off and play whatever you want to. So tired of this "ironic gamer cred" bullshit.

>I own a PS4 and dont have Bloodborne

fuck you

I had fun

I've had a high end gaming pc for nearly 5 years now
I recently bought an xbox one to buy the new Call of Duty when it comes out, and i'm playing 4 remastered because I miss mindless shooting and grinding sometimes

>Sup Forums and /fat/ overlap

Fucking figures.

Not today, not tomorrow. But one day, judgement will come upon you for your sins.

My sin confession is that I like being the dark edgy types in RPGs and hanging in the dark edgy guilds because i imagine me and everyone there had always been lonely. But there we aren't lonely anymore. We have eachother.

>having fun
>a sin

fuck off, this kind of attitude is what's keeping Sup Forums so shitty. Just enjoy what you enjoy, stop acting like it's a grievous crime against """gamers""' to like something.

Had. You're alone again.

I pretend to be a boy online when I'm a girl irl

I've never beaten ornstein and smough without solaire or a summon


Thanks for reminding me

Just doing my part.

I get emotionally attached to well-written characters because I have no friends

Would it be better if he bought it on the day of release?

I.. I never actually completed a Final Fantasy game. I always get half-way or near the end, but I either get blocked by a (mandatory) mini-game, or grinding for some material to craft the ultimate weapon. It really pisses me off, now that I think about it, but maybe some day...

I don't own any current gen consoles or handhelds and my PC struggles to run modern games at a playable framerate.

I'm getting an external harddrive to play ESO with friends online.

I somehow have 100 hours on that game when I only played it twice. I enjoyed it.

I think DmC is better than DMC 2 and on pair with DMC1. Also, DMC4 sucks.

LOL - well said.

I actually pay someone else to play the game for me while I watch. However, I make that person do autismal shit like making the player character jump every 10 seconds.

I negate with MST

Did you just leave it running for a week or what.

Like seriously, how.


chain imperial order

Not really a video game confession per se, but I pretend to be a girl on a pokemon simulator.


I have become a causal gamer. Flavor of the month FPS's and sport games are all that really entertain me now.


I bought Mass Effect Andromeda because I thought it would be funny.
It wasn't bad enough to laugh at any more than just youtube videos would have been, and now the company made money off of me.

I rarely finish games, I usually get bored and quit after some time and only finish those I get excited to play.

I keep buying indie games without playing them, so far I have Cryptark, Cuphead, Fight n Rage, Ruiner, Zeno Clash 2, Brigador and probably some others. I have only really put time into Cuphead.

I also started but haven't beaten Transformers Devastation and Nier Automata, and I bought both Bayonetta and Vanquish and haven't tried either one.

Probably gonna buy that Battle Chasers game since it looks good and I like the art style, and I'm real tempted to buy Pillars of Eternity and Divinity 1 and 2.

All this while pissing away a ton of time on Sup Forums. It just hard to not find a time were I'm sleepy and feel like playing vidya.

Phi Phi is so great. I wish she was my wife.

what aminol is this?

I've had more mobage playtime than I do normal game playtime for the past 3 years.
I quit playing them recently though.

Dude bro mobage is THE future

I'm playing Persona 3 FES on an emulator and when I fight enemies I make a save state each turn.


>struggling with pokemon game
>friend beat his
>delete my save, switch our games and claim to him that I've seen this happen before and it's called "gamnesia"

I bought Mass Effect: Andromeda.

I constantly bag Ocarina of Time as being super shit and over rated, and Majora's Mask as the better of the two games. I've only ever played one LoZ game, and that was Link's Awakening.


I bought Persona 4 and never played it.

I bought it 5 times

Those cats are at a really unhealthy weight.

The game is really easy.

tfw keep falling for this april fools day ruse

I have never completed a Legend of Zelda game.


Never played a single Final Fantasy game

I can't get into 2D games anymore. I grew up with them during the SNES/Genesis era and I loved them then. I just can't get into any newer 2D games or 2D games I haven't played before. I think 3D has spoiled me so much that I don't like going back.

> (You)
> (You)
> (You)

I never actually played any Pokemon games on any console. I only played them on emulators.

SHIT! that's not me.


a cute picture of a pink anime girl

I refuse to play games like Cuphead or Monster Hunter because they are too hard for me

The only games I ever played were flash games.

I've been playing fighting games for over a decade and still struggle during launch. I only know one optimal combo in MvCI and a I've played maybe 7 hours

Imagine being thrown into that


Imagine running through that with your mouth wide open the whole time.
