How did a franchise with such a strong first installment go so downhill so quickly?

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The first game is way ahead of it's time, not just from the gameplay mechanic point of view but technically as well.
>dat atmosphere
Pic related, I was sweating like bullets.

I really don't feel any other FPS has been as memorable as the first FEAR. The second one was such a disappointment imo.

Yeah it was, I still enjoyed it tho.
I never played the third one and not planning to do so, I remember they made some F2P FEAR game not too long ago.
I need to play Condemned, it looks very similar.

They had to keep up with the competence, thats why it became a CoD clone

at least the "rape" scene was good

Too much action and gunplay, not enough spooks

>keep up with the competence

Aye, condemned is a pretty cool experience, the atmosphere is very similar to the silence of the lambs and se7en

It wasn't alone

>tfw you will never be raped by Alma


Alma is for spooking, not face sitting

se7en is such a shitty movie, no idea why it gets praise

Not sure why but I always felt like F.E.A.R. was a spiritual successor to blood.

Even though they're vastly different tonally they both share really fast paced fun combat with a horror themed atmosphere.

Tell that to FEAR 2 Alma.

It would be nice to see a spiritual sequel to FEAR, keeping the dense, interconnected combat arenas which made the flow of combat feel so good.

That was in 2

Anyone else always bothered by how Fettle's shoulder is the same length as point mans whole upper arm in this cover?


playing as Paxton in 3 was pretty fun at least

I don't think FEAR 3 is a bad game but it definitely doesn't live up to the first 2.

Just like Dead Space 3, which is also a co-op focused threequel.

I've heard that the gameplay of 3 felt more tuned to Paxton's abilities than Pointman's

2 > 1 > 3

Which is dumb because you can't play as him by default in single player.

Pointman is pretty fun once you unlock everything - but early on you're a bit of a punk bitch

I can understand people whole like 2 more than 1 from an atmosphere perspective, having a much more diverse environment and all but FEAR 1's gameplay is universes better than 2 or 3.

Monolith isn't what it used to be, WB ruined them and FEAR.

>we will never get NOLF 3 or a remastered NOLF game

Fuck that I want BLOOD 3.

>once you unlock everything

I would settle for a spiritual successor to NOLF. Former Monolith members formed Blackpowder Games, and they released Betrayer years ago, I enjoyed it. Hopefully they're onto something bigger soon.

I never understood how a lot of modern games fail to do shit like this anymore.

1-Extraction point-2-------------------------------------Perseus Mandate featuring Steve Blum

>flickering lights
>choking dust
>enemies barking commands
>fist-sized bullet holes in the walls
>blasting replicants in half with the shotgun
>nailing replicants to the walls
>bicycle kicking people in slow-mo

I need to reinstall

Was FEAR 2 made by Monolith? F3AR wasn't.

Yes, it was.

Which is always why I'm so baffled why it plays so much worse.

Yes, but it feels very different desu. Way less fluid and precise gameplay, way more infodumpy narrative.

Yeah, it was drastically different from FEAR that I couldn't recall whether Monolith even touched it. Maybe it was the team that made Perseus Mandate? That's the only explanation I have. That expac was such fucking shit.

Nah, I think it's because it was made with consoles in mind when FEAR 1 wasn't (even though it was eventually ported to consoles).

Is the FEAR 2 DLC where you play as a replicant any good?

What's the funnest difficulty to play at?
I've already played through on Extreme Difficulty, but that made me play too conservatively and rely on slowmo too much.

>when FEAR 1 wasn't (even though it was eventually ported to consoles)
And it played fantastically too. My PC was pretty shit at the time so I played the full game on the 360. Had a fucking blast. I never even bothered finishing PM or FEAR 2 and never bothered at all with F3AR. Such a shame, 1 and EP really gave me high hopes for the series.

Why we're the two expacs of FEAR 1 deemed non-canon? Did they fuck with the lore that badly?

FEAR wasn't particularly groundbreaking, to be honest, but it was excellently-designed from the ground up in every aspect that matters. The AI is simple and efficient, designed to work with the levels to behave in a novel and convincing way, and the levels themselves are expertly crafted. On top of that they made presentation a priority and polished everything to a fucking mirror sheen.

It's not concept but craftsmanship that ultimately matters.

They weren't made by monolith/they contradicted the events of the sequel.

it adds nothing new, just consists of snippets from the main game (including the blurry scary things around, mecha-level, sniper challenge thing) also Paxton Fettel. Also it has couple of nice set-pieces like when you traverse through a fallen skyscraper.
Basically, it's a FEAR2 experience condensed to 30min-1hour, depending on your pace. It's not bad.

play on extreme difficulty with no slomo. It's doable

He said funnest, which includes slow-mo.

it is fun, you casual shit


I can play without slow-mo just fine, but nothing is more satisfying than gibbing replicas with the shot gun in slow-motion.

what the fuck happened to monolith? they had so much talent

>this thread

That's it, I'm reinstalling.

this is one of the few companies that has managed to keep high-quality games from 90s throughout the shit consoles-with-HD*** graphics-era

They make the Shadow of Mordor/War games now. They do have a flair for making satisfying kills in their games which carried over into these games but the challenge just isn't there anymore. They catered too much to shit-eating casuals.

Shadow of Mordor is pretty good

*keep making

Both, but you may as well view Extraction Point as canon and pretend that 3 never happened.

Man I am trying to play Shadow of Mordor, but goddamn game is fucking boring me.

Monolith should just make FEAR 4 and go back to FEAR 1's roots with the gameplay(don't care if they combine 2's gameplay as well into it).

Yup, same.

I got to the second area in Shadow of Mordor and then just quit because it added nothing to the gameplay.

their high points are:
1) Well-written dialogs, no matter how shit the plot is;
2) Unique weapon sets, which they try to make as satisfying to use as possible throughout entire game;
3) Cinematic soundtrack, often is dynamically changing according to what happens on screen (pretty sure that's Nathan Grigg's personal incentive on the dymanic music thing);
4) Solid art style and either on the edge visual effects or, at least, up to par with modern times graphical polish.
Good that they have managed to keep that up. So far, at least.

Yeah, SoM keeps the more interesting shit locked away till you reach the second area and that was a huge mistake on their part. The first area around Udun is a fucking slog as a result. I don't blame people at all for being turned off and putting it down. Even I put it down early the first time I played it but I went back into it for the meaty as fuck kill animations, got through to the second area and discovered the joys of making Uruks fight each other for my pleasure.

that second thing, interestingly, is also what Insomniac always try to do in their games and, as an FPS-enthusiast, i can get behind that "do your job with best tools available" mentality.


turning this thread into birb-posting in 4... 3... 2..

Glove and leash ain't shit when it could fuck up your face without any effort.

Most satisfying part of FEAR was throwing every single proximity mine and pipe bomb I had at that fat fuck and detonating it with a frag. I think I clipped into the ceiling from the knock back.

Captcha: pleasant place


>tfw a 12 year old game is still more satisfying than almost everything to have come out since

Wait what?

So you can actually kill him if you clip through to him?

The first FEAR isn't anywhere near as good as the second one. Even with it being made with consoles in mind, it still manages to be a much much more competent PC port.

Not to mention the narrative is much better and the game altogether has much better atmosphere and cheap scares.

fear 3>fear 2

Nah, you come across him right near the end but can't actually hurt him. Just made me feel better, ya know?

The first game wasn't a PC port though.


The first game is just an inferior experience in terms of how it works on PC. The first game actually manages to work better on PCs than the first game despite being a port.

there is nothing good about the second game, its literally a worse version of the first
3 is retarded but playing fettle is fun with a friend so its better than nothing

What the hell are you trying to say?

How spooky are these games? I'm looking to play some creepy horror game cause october meme month but I get very very easily scared and I'm finally living alone so playing something too scary would kill me

My limit on spookyness is probably on Dead space and soma

Explain because I really have no clue what you mean by that.

Not all that spooky, honestly. The first game is really liked for its satisfying and fun as fuck gameplay.

They really aren't that spooky. They have good atmosphere tho. There are only so many times that a creepy girl walking in the distance can be creepy.

Christ, the VA for Aristide is as bitchy-looking IRL as she's in character

>The first game actually manages to work better on PCs than the first game despite being a port.
Typo aside, it worked perfectly fine when I played it a couple month ago so I really have no idea what you're talking about.

Not really scary. You go in more for the gunplay and the atmosphere after you get past office hell that is.

Dunno why the others are saying not scary. Shit was scary as fuck to me.

>Not really scary. You go in more for the gunplay and the atmosphere after you get past office hell that is.
Really? To me, going into these pristine environments and leaving a trail of enough shattered glass, holes in the walls, and paper flying around like confetti is really fun. I feel like part of the fun is how the environments respond to the firepower being slung around, with offices being great for that. I disliked the industrial areas more desu.

>Got them over half a decade ago cause a Sup Forums thread like this one got me hyped
>too busy back then, forgot about them
Well maybe it's time

Because it's generally just a little girl walking towards you in the distance/shadow of her walking just around the corner and shit like that. It's scary at first until you realise the spooky sections don't harm you. They're eerie and the atmosphere is good and the user will definitely get a good scare if his limit is Dead Space.

Well, I should be more specific. The problem isn't necessarily being in an office. It's being an offices for too long. It's especially apparent in Extraction Point when you see all the new fresh environments instead of being in one place for over half the game.



I couldn't even tell the Replicas (if there were any) from the normal Armachan dudes in FEAR 3

What the hell happened

the slow-mo is starts going batshit if framerate goes beyond, i think, 100-120fps, adding some horrible twitchy image effect.
You can limit fps with command-line just fine in FEAR 2, but not in the first one, so your only options are Vsync (terrible delayed input) or Fraps,Nvidia Inspector,Rivatuner,Dxtory etc. to limit fps on a driver-level (adds nasty tearing, which is less pronounced, had the game have in-game framerate-limiter, as in FEAR 2)
Also, the too many installed HID-devices can massively reduce framerate (users with several input devices on their PC are succeptible to it), if enabled, but that's a well-known issue that can be easily fixed.


I see. I guess I never encountered these issues since I don't game above 60fps and only have a standard amount of input devices installed. It's probably due to FEAR being a pretty old game, before 120hz refresh rates were a thing and during a time when PC gaming was still a pretty unstructured environment, unlike now. Good to know though, thanks for sharing user.

That's pretty interesting. I didn't know the game could have those problems, although slow mo having trouble at higher frame rates makes sense.

you don't even have to have a 120hz monitor. Just an over-buffed GPU that runs the game at a too-high framerate (i guess, nobody believed in 2005 that some PC may run FEAR1 game at anything beyond 60fps when it was just released at the market)

The horror parts aren't scary because you're a speedy god that can take out an army of cloned super soldiers

Do people really just let their GPUs run at high as fuck framerates, beyond their monitor's refresh rate? But that's true, FEAR was a pretty demanding game at the time. The Crysis of 2005.

what do you mean "let"?
The game controls what GPU is calculating and FEAR1 does fuck-all to do with limiting framerate.
Even if you put your GPU in some low-power consumption mode it would still run the game too fast.

Probably less spooky than Dead Space

I mean people don't use something to limit their framerates on a driver level as you suggested before? I cap mine at 58 fps so it doesn't overwork itself.

well, that's why there have been mentioned several ways to solve the problem manually, and they all aren't ideal

FEAR 2 was probably the biggest disappointment for me with games.