At the end of the day

Which one is better? Oblivion or Skyrim?


I haven't played Skyrim, but it's really hard to imagine any game being worse than Oblivion.

Skyrim has slow, ponderous gameplay.
Oblivion has boring, repetitive gameplay.

ES has always been about the world and RPG elements, not the action. On that aspect, Oblivion takes the edge on sidequests and, most importantly, Guild quests.
Meanwhile, Skyrim's main story is just leagues above and beyond Oblivion's.

Sidequests > Main Story
Oblivion > Skyrim

Not to imply the difference between them is substantial in any form. Just pick your poison and stick with the shit gameplay either way.

ESO > All the others

It just has everything.

Oblivion is superior to Morrowind and Skyrim combined. It has a charm in its verdure and European architecture and castles and inns and cathedrals that is simply unbeatable. Morrowind is too clunky and alien, Skyrim is simplified to excess, gray, dull, and spiritually empty. The OOO mod is all you need to perfect Oblivion by turning it into a survival game.

Oblivion for better quests
Skyrim for everything else

Doing the guild quests(especially Dark Brotherhood) in Oblivion is probably the comfiest memory I have of a ESO game.
Fuck now I want to reinstall it.

If you like Oblivion your opinion is shit and is therefore invalid.

>Dark Brotherhood
Edgelord shit. If you can stomach it, you have problems.

>The OOO mod is all you need to perfect Oblivion by turning it into a survival game.

Just what does it change, exactly, and what are it's biggest flaws?

I played the shit out of Oblivion and would not mind coming back to it if i have a reason to.

Is it really that good?

What a wonderful argument you make. Really indicative of a keenly critical and insightful mind.

I suspect you're trolling but ESO is actually legitimately a better game than both after the past few expansions.

Player owned housing.
More immersive world.
Actual fucking city sized cities.
Good Stories.

What is means is, you don't have scaled levelling or loot any more, so it brings back a real anxiety as well as thrill to the game. Anywhere you go could kill you, but then if you manage to get through a hard area the rewards also will be immense. It becomes a real exploration and adventuring game since the universal uniformity is replaced by a living breathing world.

I wanted to play Oblivion because Sup Forums constantly sucks its dick.
I'm sure the game has good quests and all, but fuck me the gameplay and general aesthetic of the game turns me off so much. I couldn't make it more than 2 hours in before just playing games with actually enjoyable gameplay.
So in other words I sure got a hell of a lot more enjoyment out of Skyrim

I wasn't trolling, its my favorite game to relax with and just do some quests and explore stuff.

yo honestly, blivio world is better despite the lack of variety relative to skyrim.

just can't get over how rimjob is mostly snow level, and the small parts that arent snow edition are super desaturated looking.

I enjoyed both games but give slight edge to blivio

Getting a Morrowind vibe from that.

Not complaining, though.

>dark brotherhood / black hand questline
>thieve's guild questline
>fighter's guild questline
>FUCKING COLOSSEUM with your own dumbass fan that will literally follow you to death
>shivering isle
>the daedric statue quests were so much better

the main quest sucked dick with oblivion, and some side quests in skyrim I liked more than in oblivion, but oblivion's side quests were out of this fucking world awesome.

oblivion with mods, skyrim otherwise

wat about da quests

>dark brotherhood / black hand questline
>fighter's guild questline
>FUCKING COLOSSEUM with your own dumbass fan that will literally follow you to death
Repetitive and boring
>shivering isle
Reddit shit
>the daedric statue quests were so much better

your bait needs some work, you have to throw in a mention of potato faces and level scaling

The guild quest in Oblivion were better, but Skyrim is pretty awesome. I don't get why the Morrowwind and Oblivion peeps can't get on board with Skyrim. It's not a bad game by any count. I don't get all the hate.

sort yourself out

I actually believe that as I do the same.

I treat the game like a single player game.
Combat is done in third person, exploration in first.

What's your favorite relaxation spot?


No (you) for you

most people that like these games like all 3, the discussion is just about which is better. skyrim is disliked due to the lack of quests and rpg elements that made the earlier games so good

Fuck off Peterson. user, you're not cool for knowing who that guy is.

You're in for quite the surprise unfortunately.

>Seyda Neen was built 40 years before Morrowind
>ESO happens 800 years earlier
What a piece of shit

Thank God Skyrim removed Oblivion's "RPG elements". They were so bad they needed to go all out back to Morrowind or discard it entirely. Oblivion didn't work either as an RPG or a casual adventure game. Skyrim at least works as one of those.

Nice trolling, user. Have a (you).

Why do you say the Oblivion RPG elements were bad?


your expectations are too high for modern bethesda

Yeah I play too much ESO but my favourite is Oblivion.

Been too long since I played either of the games to give a fair comparison, but I always look back more fondly on blivio.

I once thought as you do
Now Oblivion looks like a shining example of old school greatness in comparison

They explain why.
Gold Coast Trading Company built it not the empire.

Stay mad.

>Adventure game

they needed reworking to be more like morrowind, instead they just completely gutted it and now we'll never have another truly great elder scrolls game

Because it was an action game that gimped your enjoyment of action with stupid numbers. In Morrowind you managed your stats and in Skyrim you just spam mouse click to win. In Oblivion you spam mouse click to win on bullet sponges because excessive health is the only way to keep rpg numbers relevant. It also feels clunky like an rpg, while obviously being built for real time. Worst of both worlds.

I'd agree with your fighters guild opinion, but the rest of the side quests are fucking great.


With the exception of Thieves Guild, Oblivion's great sidequests can be counted to be around ten in total, which is around the same number Skyrim has.

morrowind was the hole, oblivion was the coffin, and skyrim is the corpse in it for me

the art direction is cohesive and the lore is consistent with established canon but the whole game is bordering on dark souls levels of "world going to shit lmao"

>remove guilds
>terrible, terrible indefensibly awful factions
>literally just unfinished, majority of mainline content cut
>we r the last dork brotherhood haha
>thugs guild aint what it used to be
>empire bows to altmeri dominion
>morrowind is kill lol

somehow they managed to introduce so many new things with skyrim but still make it feel like a death spiral with no content

windhelm had an arena questline, you can still find the arena in the CK
carriage drivers actually drove you across skyrim in real time and were fully voiced with remarks about every village, camp, fort, etc along the way

so much just went straight down the toilet and to make it worse they left all the evidence to taunt us

oblivion had the best mix of action and rpg elements, it was the level scaling that killed it. you clearly haven't tried the game with mods or you wouldn't be saying that

Is that the fucking dominion rod

Fuck off with that ESO shit.

>Craft the perfect, idealized waifu
>Clone self
>Turn clone into loyal follower
>Re-open face menu in console and make yourself into your real character

Skyrim has the graphical edge, but Oblivion was so much more accommodating as a waifu simulator.

if you're saying that skyrim has about 10 sidequests then you'd be right, so those sidequests had better be pretty good. the rest is radiant quest bs.

oblivion had at least 3x the number of sidequests, and i dont even think you played most of them

Yeah, that's the main reason I haven't played it. All the feedback I've read makes it seem like very few of my biggest problems with Oblivion were addressed and even more of them were taken to the extreme, so I'd rather stay in ignorant bliss and just avoid all new Bethesda games.

how does one become invested in a virtual waifu?



That's not true.
>bbut you didn't play it with OOO
No matter what I say, you'll just discard my opinion, you delusional fanboy.

>oblivion had at least 3x the number of sidequests
*breathes in*

All you need do is install OOO (the only mod you will ever really need) and attack sponges will no longer be an issue.

Action does not belong anywhere near this series because the designers have no idea how to do action. All the combat in this series has ever been is spamming attack. All the enemies do is spam attack. There's no commitment, no dodging, no timing, no anything. The only time you ever bother to block or dodge is with those goofy power attacks, and even then you only ever bother when it's an enemy that outlevels you, so pretty much never in the unmodded games.

fuck you and your non canon mods.

Bethesda made or bethesda published, cause if it is the latter, you are missing out

just because beth absolutely shit the bed with their portrayal doesn't mean it isn't canon

or don't you know what that word means

Go fuck yourself ESO fanshitter.

Eh they are good and bad at different things. I'm more biased towards Oblivion, mostly because thats what I played the most as a kid.

Oblivion actually draws you into whats happening and keep you interested until its over, you actually have to worry about how low your health is and conserve potions. You actually have to think a bit.

Skyrim is fun for 45 minuites and then you remember everything can be killed by you in 4 seconds once you get to like level 20 and you turn it off

It's not about becoming invested, it's just something to play around with.

Bethesda doesn't make eso

Just stuff developed by Bethesda Game Studios. I bought and enjoyed both DOOM 2016 and Prey 2017

even better, they give so little shits about the lore of their franchise that they're willing to let another company change it to suit themselves

as long as it makes money they're happy campers

Well if you are not playing a magic focused or stealth archer character then you are playing the games wrong anyway

Ok now for real though?

How come whenever I look up a video it's just standard MMO fare. Show me something slick and thick my Nickie.

My favourite things were being pragmatic about adventuring, stealing things, stealthing, picking flowers and turning them into potions and poisons. Rising in guilds and such.

I don't think they have a choice, they were probably just told that an mmo was being made and they just have to deal with it, bethesda is a game developer so they don't actually make those decisions.

Oblivion is really a love of mine. Skyrim felt too soulless, it wasn't very memorable and I just wanted to leave the game while the quests of Oblivion kept me hooked for hours. Oblivion quests were great short stories that feel like they will change how the characters will live and breathe, Skyrim quests were mindless work. Fallout 4 had the same issue as Skyrim but even worse. After I had completed the story I didn't boot up the game not a single time more, it just was too "safe" instead of unique, it was Skyrim with guns.

Or throwing weapons if you play. What the fuck happned to throwing weapons anyway? Or to spears? I moss those.


this, literally the only appropriate way to approach the game is to summon a dremora death squad and then explore the area after everything is dead. maybe take some pot shots with a soul trapping bow

the first series I've ever encountered where removing the combat is a straight improvement

>Bethesda doesn't have a choice in what companies use their intellectual properties



>those darts you can loot from the robots in tribunal
So fucking satisfying. Anything they don't 1-shot will usually get knocked down.





What I like to do is go full illusion/sneaking. You sneak around making things attack each other/calm them down/backstab with daggers and go invisible to backstab if you need to. It's hella overpowered, especially the invisibility stabbing, but if you chose to only use invisibility as a last resort then it becomes pretty fun.

I wouldn't know, I'm but a lowly argonian maid.


The Oblivion experience is broken by default. Skyrim tones down level scaling to reasonable levels but ruins magic. Also Skyrim Dragonborn dlc for muh Morrowind nostalgia.



magic is great with a few mods


Think you are on point when it comes to the leveling experience. Only reason I was able to enjoy Oblivion so much (other than the great quests) was that I was too young to take advantage of how broken it is when I played it the most



What mods are you using? I'm just using Ordinator because Apocalypse looks like MidasMagic-inspired fanshit.


''Woo work that shame strange lizard woman'' lmao


Transformation fetishists should all transform into corpses

>not wanting your own dragonborn argonian maid
What's wrong with you? Are you a homosexual?

Gameplay: Skyrim
Story: Oblivion
Graphics: Skyrim
Atmosphere: Arguable, Skyrim has a very nice and comfy northern wilderness appeal but Oblivion has more terrain variety
Music: Skyrim
Voice Acting: Oblivion
DLC: Oblivion
Mods: Oblivion

>standard MMO fare
That's because it is. Side quests last at most 15 minutes and while they do have story, the quests are almost all fetch quests or killing mobs. The combat also sucks. It feels like going through a theme park and seeing all the attractions rather than a sandbox game. Honestly it's not that bad for a MMO but it has a lot of the same problems that a good portion of MMOs have.