Games where the previous antagonist becomes the good guy

Games where the previous antagonist becomes the good guy

Other urls found in this thread:

You do not have the right to express hate speech.

If you consider your self a white nationalist, you literally do not have the right to speak. Ever.

Just shut your mouth or we will shut it for you.

Blow it out your ass.

Tales of the Abyss

Lunar 2: Eternal Blue. Kind of.


Halo 2

>Felix switches from a loud obnoxious 'kiddie' persona to a loud obnoxious 'cynical' one
>gullible idiots take the bait and praise him not realizing they're pretty much in the same boat as the kids who idolized him before

We? Is your mother joining us?

baldur's gate 2: throne of bhaal

Pretty much yeah. His videos just fucking suck anyway. He doesn't do anything interesting.

>muh alt right boogieman

Thanks for the laugh user

Trails in the Sky the 3rd.

He was pretty good in that new diss track desu


>hate speech defined as "Immediate" call for violence
Nice try, but people smarter and better than you wrote a good document two-three centuries ago
You know what else is in that document?
Ability to posses assault weapons

lol nice thread OP but seriously: would you fuck a pokemon if they were rreal aND anthro??? lol i think it'd be fucked up but kind of horny, too? Thinks for your thoughts on this idea :)


He didn't do anything

>Agree with user
>Even though they're probably joking, they're so fucking right
Sup Forumsways bet on Sup Forums to blow itself out.

All 9 supreme court justices disagree with you 100%.

That might be nice, do you know any good ones for fucking I'm asking for a friend haha

Shut up fag

Why do you hate Sup Forums if you both have fascist ideals?

He's a eurocrat most likely. Muzzies dindu nuffin

any could be good when you think about it, like a pikachu because it's like a person too it's like renamon, the sexy digimon, but a pikachu now, if you see what I say

salazzle is for cute not lewd

>try to talk about my favorite video game in a thread with OP asking for a somewhat rare occurrence

>thread is just political shitposting

I hate you guys sometimes. I'm sure this was OPs intent all along, too.

That Vegas shooter turned out to be a Sup Forumsllack

Why am I not surprised?

2012 me would have never believed i wouldnt hate pewdiepie

i still think hes a faggot but hes getting better


>like a pikachu because it's like a person too it's like renamon, the sexy digimon, but a pikachu now, any pics?



is there any about a braixen who is laying an egg, and maybe the braixen is boy?

its okay if girl though

I'm fine with that if the same exact rules apply to black nationalists and nationalists of all other types.

I'd like to fuck a pikachu but a sexy woman

Source: your cute ass.

not really, but there are plenty of guys you expect to be bad turned out to be REALLY bad

>he was always seen at anti-trump rallies
>b-but he was a Sup Forumstard!

*games with guys



I like to whiskey a lot, and heard of his whiskey videos. I couldn't finish them. I'll admit, he used to be worse, but his humor is still targeted towards kindergartners.


PewDiePie was better when he was more like himself but still played video games. Hes not that stupid hyperactive persona like he was in his older days. He would still shit on greedy developers and shit. Now he just comes off as boring because he is doing reaction videos, and just not as fun to watch as oppose to H3H3.

Does Pewdiepie, dare I say, have good taste in anime?


also any about braixen's feet?

maybe she uses (or her trainer (master) does) her stick to scratch them, and you can see the fur shedding into a little pile?

only thebottoms though, the tops are gross

We've had our laughs in this thread but I gotta say I need to fuck a braixen

>>he was always seen at anti-trump rallies

The nigga lived in Mesquite, Nevada and would drive down to Las Vegas to gamble. He was a VIP at Ceasar's Palace, in fact in their highest tier, and was a big player at other properties. He regularly bought and collected guns.

He never went to "rallies", pro or Anti-Trump. He had a Philipino girlfriend and is registered as a republican, but neither of those make him ANTIFA or MAGA.

It's pathetic how the immediate kneejerk reaction to finding out he wasn't a muslim is to make him about Trump.

Why would a rich guy be anti-Trump?

this is "hate speech" faggot

>>he was always seen at anti-trump rallies

No he wasn't. And the shooting wasn't political. He received a diagnosis and was going to kill himself but decided to kill a bunch of people to be remembered because he was a psychopath like his father.

>b-but he had a non-white girlfriend!!
Yes, this totally means he hates Drumpf and is an Antifa assassin....


Where else would he murder anti-trump people in mass, user?

>He talks about Berserk

He was a VIP at the Trump owned casino too. It's crazy how because he's not a muslim terrorist Sup Forums and t_d NEED him to be an anti-Trump antifa stormtrooper.

imagine being this butthurt

Stephen Paddock was FBI who got killed in sting op selling weapons to ISIS. Framed by agency to prevent embarrassment.

Be smarter, people. Be aware. The truth is out there.

>blame manga

top tier

I've read this one before. The ISIS members shot him and afterwards were the ones shooting the crowd right?

sure thing gaywad havefun fapping to mens penises you you big gay person. whew! now no one will know im a gay my self!

Imagine falling for such easy bait that derails and entire thread.


Why can't I just be agnostic to politics just like it's possible to be to a god? We keep trying to elevate one power the same way after all.

what did pewds do this time
didn't he apologize for saying nigger already
also what happened in nevada I don't watch the news



You can be agnostic to politics, just as you can be with god. You'll be a fenceshitter who has no interest in anything and others will continue to discuss religion/politics no matter what your beliefs are.

>Jet propulsion lab
>Jet fuel melting steel beams experiments
Just how deep does this go?

He is not /ourguy/
He is swine

And yet the "you're either with me or against me" mentality of society will attempt to either berate me or convert me for such a stance, so that's why I'm wishing this was acceptable.

Nobody likes a centrist, user. You can be neutral but you won't be liked.

Absolutely no RPing allowed.
