What is the 1984 of videogames?

What is the 1984 of videogames?

Half life 2

Pretty much this

Zoe Quinn

every single AAA game coming out for the last 7 years

The Metal Gear Solid Series

>tfw Orwell's hyperbole fanfiction about the entire world deciding to turn communist shitholes is becoming more and more reality with each day, except with neon colors

There is a good change that we living the last days of life as we know it.

A good work that is overhyped but fundamentally solid, classic, and impacted the medium greatly?

Papers Please.

The gaming press


>there are people who don't understand 1984 was a heavy handed parody of stalinism and that Orwell was a hard left socialist
Read his essays people, christ

>Ministry of Truth
>gaming press
>Ministry of Peace
>Ministry of Plenty
>AAA developers
>Ministry of Love
>Sup Forums

You're wasting your posts, people only absorb what conforms to their worldview
Orwell was pretty based though, wish I could have fought for the international Spanish brigades

this and Animal Farm are basicaly Orwell going ''IT'S NOT REAL SOCIALISM GUYS'', the only salvageable aspect being that it's basicaly Communism for Dummies with a different title, so much that they adapted both books in the 50's.

>Communism for Dummies with a different title
You sound like an idiot.

Every MMO Games
Every Online Games

>Doesn't know Orwell became disillusioned with socialism after learning Stalin atrocity

He was an ancom, but still his messages about Stalinism and Nazism are true. Bla bla, death of the author. I take it as a cautionary tale, that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

This still doesn't dispute the fact that the government and society from his books and ours are becoming more and more similar day by day

The demlibs don't get it. This is why we lie through our teeth and fight so hard to make everyone miserable. It's all over soon, so we may as well have fun on the way out.

>die a slow, pointless, sexless death at the hands of SJW
>die in a nuclear holocaust that we tricked our retard president into starting for the lulz

Which sounds more fun?

Don't tell me you actually think NK is a real threat

You are aware this mentality just makes you look like an asshole and give them more power, right?

You should read A Brave New World, it's closer to our society than 1984

we want you big brother
big brother

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Daily reminder that there's no such thing as a perfect government or country because there's no "perfect people" to run them.

>Inb4 "but what about [random videogame stream whores, communist dictators, random anime character, random tv show character, random videogame character]
>Inb4 Putin
>Inb4 Hitler
>Inb4 Stalin
>Inb4 Genghis Khan

Also this is the last generation who will live full lives without every single moment of their day being monitored. If you have a child, by the time they are in their 40s big brother will become very real.

mgs2 had some similar themes

i hate when people say this. as if one low resolution approximation of what the future might hold is more valid than another, especially as if they are in contradiction to one another. our current reality is far more horrifying than the realities of either of the books presented, yet both had accurate insights into what the future holds.

most people are already being heavily monitored. at least in developed countries. but, i'm not too worried. when order becomes totalitarianism, chaos will emerge to settle things out. there may be hard times. but there will be good times after that.

>missing the point of the book THIS much

>He was an ancom
He was a democratic socialist.

He became disillusioned with socialism during the red terror of the Spanish Civil War.

The cuckold camarilla exposed by gamergate

>democratic socialism
You mean like North Korea and China where the people think they are free with fake election?

From his 1946 essay, "Why I Write."
>The Spanish war and other events in 1936-37 turned the scale and thereafter I knew where I stood. Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, as I understand it.


Not wanting to give up on the dream I see.

Sup Forums-posting on Sup Forums

1984 was way off the mark, don't be stupid. You want something a lot closer to how shit actually turned out? Read Brave New World.

hard mode: Sup Forums-posting under the guise of either Sup Forums, /jp/, Sup Forums or /lit/ on Sup Forums


Unironically this. Read the fucking book or go back to /lit/

Yeah, we've all seen that stupid comic. Fuck off.

Animal Farm > 1984

>1984 being the only book you've ever read