Have a great day on job

>have a great day on job
>go home straight to bed
>get sleep with girlfriend
>playing vidya from bed

just doing comfy properly also let's have a comfy thread.

>get sleep with girlfriend
>playing vidya from bed
Aren't these mutually exclusive?

You could play in so much more peace if she wasn't there

>wake up at 5 am
>clock in at factory at 6 am
>8h a day, 6 days a week
>come home
>too tired to do anything, literally
>rinse and repeat
>was a neet for a few years
>it was a hell too, just of a different kind

There's no winning in life is there?

I do three 12 hour shifts a week, the remaining time i just play games. Its ok. I work in security and we're all fat bastards who stand around, talk shit and then never leave the hovel until the next shift.

Still poor as fuck but at least i can play games

A girlfriend is a human being who slowly drains you of your cash, cucks you, then fucks off. No thanks.

What comfy games you playing?

>have a pretty shitty day at work
>eat a shitty late lunch of KFC because starving
>drag myself home via a train and two buses
>come home to shitty post-war era queenslander in Vietnamese drug gangs part of Brisbane
>too tired to be alive, let alone play videogames
>sprawl on couch and watch TV
>don't want dinner because of late lunch, boyfriend is a fitness freak who teases me about the evils of KFC
>too tired for sex
>shitpost on Sup Forums
>hope i don't wake up tomorrow
>know that i will

>have a great day on job
>go home straight to bed
>get sleep with girlfriend
>Be told to be quiet because you're being too loud
>Be told NOT to wake her up when you get to an exciting bit in the story
>Be told not to call little kids "niggers, faggots and cunt" online

Nah, user. I play in my office now.

No poofters allowed m8. See yaself out.

Modded Oblivion is my go-to comfy game, I've modded it so that I'm not the chosen one but a random guy who is just trying to get by. ...Until Goblins kill my wife, and it becomes a revenge story, of a mad man driven by obsession and hatred.

I was awarded a poofter pass back in 2005 by m00t himself.


Who hurt you, user?

You're a faggot and I hope your girlfriend dies

I laughed at your comment, but only because I imagined you typing it with cheeto stained fingers from the confines of your mothers basement.

Whatever helps you sleep. Doesn't change anything.

>night shift
>come home to gf being asleep
>play vidya for an hour
>move her around and snuggle close to her because she sleeps like a bear
>fall asleep while smelling her hair
Feels good

>Go to work
>Friendly banter with co-workers
>Friendly banter with customers
>Get home
>Friendly banter with girlfriend
>Go to computer
>Yell expletives at 12 year olds in online games.
I have a nice balance going.

Kill yourselves normalfags.

you people disgust me

Also I'd shoot you in the face irl

I don't want to feel this sad

>having a significant other
I hate you I'm jealous

Mine pays for her half of everything, doesn't want kids or to get married, never complains about gaming and doesn't try to fuck with my hobbies, comes straight home from work unless we go out together and hangs out with my mates - both guys and girls - with no issues. We've been together 4 years now and it's glorious. I didn't think this existed and I know if/when it ends, I will never love again nor probably feel much of anything but that standard feel of life being a pretty short ride until you cark it.

hey, a fellow brisbane gayfag. Just how many of us are there on this board?

>tfw 27yo kissless virgin reading this thread

hey fag, did you consider that poster may be a chick before you reveal to the whole world that you are a degenerate cock sucking fudge packer?

sucked in loser

At least two.

There are no girls on the internet.

I just told my girlfriend of a couple months that I have a kid from a previous relationship, and she hasn't spoken to me all day.

So now I'm playing my snes classic trying not to think about it. New F-Zero when?

>on Sup Forums

well's there's you two, you count as girls

>Last Uni semester
>Professional Practices and a web page well payed
>Work on those 3 from home
>Can sleep and wake up whenever my lazy ass wants.
>Show progress once a week
>Several freelance jobs offers
>My gf comes out of work at 6pm
>We live close
>Everyday after work she comes to say hi and give me hot kisses
>Play Project Reality with friends
>Go see my gf later because she lives 5 mins walking from me
>Repeat this everyday

Holy shit am i blessed.

Only thing missing is a bit of excercise but i can do that after i finish college.

>Work 10 grueling hours at dead-end job to support family
>Wife stays home to look after the kids
>Get home
>Daughter tells me she's converting to Islam after a college professor spoke at her class about the virtues of being Muslim and how she is inherently racist as a white person
>Calls me a bigot
>Want to play vidya
>Wife's son is playing CoD
>Wife is being bred by her black bull so no time to cook me dinner
>Watch the news
>CNN tells me I, a white male, am cancer on society and my existence is violence against other races
>Go on the internet and watch the porn that keeps my penis flaccid and impotent.

Second normalfag I saw today just making a brag thread about their jobs or gfs. What is going on?

Did you fucks forget that this is Sup Forums video games? This isn't even a comfy vidya thread, just a comfy thread.
Oh yeah I forgot, we don't talk about vidya on Sup Forums.

What is this from

you sound like a normie fag loser

uni is for mega cucks, and no I don't want to hear about you taking photos of Spider-Man for J. Jonah Jameson or how much you get paid IF you actually get a job with your try hard degree (still would be a middle class peasant)

ps ham planets don't count as gfs

>falling for the global narrative that easily
The absolute STATE of cuckoldry of the mind.

Stop projecting yourself m8. I'm sorry you aren't happy with your life.

So new that you haven't come to the realization that anons are from all walks of life, the only basement dwelling troglodytes are the ones that the media paints us to be and yourselves.

Oh I am happy. I believe it is YOU who are not happy, your life story reads like fight club.

>This isn't even a comfy vidya thread, just a comfy thread.
Nothing wrong with that every once in a while. No need to act so upset over something so trivial.

don't worry, you're a troglodyte fag

I don't give a fuck who you are or where your from, that's the point

Just broke up with my gf. Couldn't even fuck anymore near the end because the attraction was gone. Still it hurts like hell to suddenly stop seeing someone you've been with for the past four years.

>not telling her up front
Reach out to her my man. Own up to your mistake.

Also never.


>didn't have to do shit today
>started off the day with some Yugioh dub
>switched over to Paladins, get some good streaks as Andro and Buck
>play a few races of Hydro Thunder Hurricane with my brother
>finally decide it's time to pick up an inide game of my own because everyone and their nephew on my friends list is on Cuphead
>start up Hyoer Light Drifter, get lost and take a break then come back to beat the first boss
>currently drinking and listening to my chill/wave playlist on Youtube
And it was raining all day too, unexpected bonus

Normies t. thread.

> been trying to get a job for the last 2 months and failing
>get home from night class at 11pm
>stay up for several hours thinking of how I am 30 and living at home
>shower and go to bed while thinking of the ex who left me 2 years ago

get cancer. you and all your family

>a mistake to have a relationship before current relationship

this is what bitches want you to believe

>fat bastards
Get swole and all of your contracts will treat u better
T. Security

Maybe its time to blow your brains out normalfag.

You believe so much thing user.

What do they pay you hourly?

All she's said "We do need to talk. I don't know what to do, but we should meet, but I need more time"

So basically I'm single again. Unless she decides to man up and accept she's not my first. Anything could happen, but I'm not hopeful. I thought by 26 people would be more mature, but I guess my daughter is the only girl I need in my life.

>tfw I hate my wife

No you're envious. You can't be jealous if you don't have a girlfriend.

ah so, yess I believe you have mastered the ancient arts, young grasshoppaaah

>Have a great day sleeping until 4PM
>Mom gets home from work and cooks me tendies
>Play vidya until 1AM
>Finish off the day with five hours of masturbation to anime porn before bed

This is comfy.

I don't care about anyone's "walks of life" here. If I did I would go to the respective boards /soc/ /r9k/ /lgbt/ Sup Forums and Sup Forums to talk with everyone about real life shit. I come here to talk about vidya.
I don't go to /ck/ and start talking about new fancy cars.

I'm just saying if you want to talk about this shit, there are places for it.

I've been in your shoes. A no gf virgin who scoffs at those who complain about their relationship problems. You think to yourself "If I had a girlfriend I'd be so good to her and everything would be perfect". Stay single.

>tfw divorced my wife because I hated her
>shes now pregnant with some other dude's kid
>I haven't had a date since

So close this thread and go to one of the other 149 video game threads you fucking retard

>40 year old degenerate lives with mum eating tendies and jerking off to badly drawn "porn"


today I got home from work and went straight to bed, slept for an hour then woke up and thought I was late for work. I worked for two hours before I realized it was getting darker outside instead of getting lighter. I noticed I was getting dumber a year ago but something is causing the process to speed up and I do not think I can fix it in time.

> gf got to know that I was cheating on her with 18yo skank
> remorse causes me tons of pain, her not letting go but becoming passively aggresive does not help
> i have to balance my difficult job and writing thesis with that + fact that I try to quit porn & smoking
> I end up being nervous wreck that can't focus on anything and can't even play vidya

I lived too comfy (low maintenance gf, lover, no responsibilities, lots of cash, pandering to my addictions).
> breaking out of comfy zone hurts but it is important

Mate, modern anime porn is drawn really well. It is superior to imperfect 3D with their pimples and blemishes and shit.


>normalcucks think their opinions matter
lmaoing at your life right now, you pathetic normalslime
get some sleep, you have to go work for schlomo shekelstein in the morning to make more money for us enlightened NEETs


Yeah, you should be more mature, you impure slut.

fuck off normalshit

>if you don't like the fact that i'm shitting on my desk and inviting over all my friends to come shit on my desk why don't you just go into a different room?

My dick has led me places I wouldn't go even with a gun. Should have opted for the wizard class.

Comfy is destroying you.
Stop sedating yourself with porn, trash food and virtual things.
That's why our generation is dying.

Please die.

fuck off, retard

Well why don't you? It's not like you're capable of changing anything. All you do is complain.

You've reproduced user. You've succeeded at the only game that matters, desu.

I'm trying.

THIS FAGGOT HAS THE RIGHT IDEA. Ever since I switched from watching to reading porn my life has completely turned around, in fact, I just graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>It's not like you're capable of changing anything.
That's simply not true though. Create a caustic enough atmosphere and the only thing that will be left in it is acid.

So fuck off cunt, nobody wants you here.

oh sorry, did i make you mad? poor normie
you'll never be anything more than a pathetic worker drone that marries a 30 year old stacy fresh off the cock carousel
sorry the truth hurts, poor normie

Don't feel bad about that women don't even have to try when it comes to relationships

LMAO that was epic!

Well if you're delusional enough to think you're accomplishing that I'll just leave you to it.

What if I draw porn for a living?

go back to shitting in the woods varg

i feel you buddy
>27yo kissless virgin
>live at home
>no job
>no education
>no future
>no hope

I'm just waiting to die at this point.

>play videogames in bed
>gf didn't immediately leave you

Enjoy your morbidly obese hambeast

>replying to it

What makes you think he's 40

>go to uni
>have hollow conversations at best
>come home to my empty apartment
>shitpost and play video games
>go to bed

how's that any different from a 30 year old manlet fresh off the internet pussy carousel?

Yeah, and when women get older and find themselves single without children, they get desperate and will go for any man. Suddenly the insipid beta faggots they ignored for the last couple of decades will be good enough and are, of course, available so they make sure to tie one down with their kid and latch onto the profit his career as a code monkey yields. She'll attempt to keep herself looking young enough to entice a black buck once she's shat out a kid or two.

What compels you people to come to this website where you clearly don't fit in? Is it just so that you can brag to other people with the comforting security blanked of knowing that you won't be upstaged? Doesn't that strike you as objectionable conduct? Or are you so far gone in your narcissism and arrogance that you actually think you're "helping" someone by denigrating and insulting and mocking people who only want to be left alone while they wither.

Go find somewhere else.

She's probably afraid your previous gf is going to affect her life with you. Explain that she's not going to disturb her.

there are people who go through far, far, far worse than any of the slightly socially retarded imbeciles on this site, and they recover and lead happy lives specifically BECAUSE they dont just sit around jerking each other off over "boohoo no gf :((((("

gfs and couples in general are overrated
Fight me