Who is the queen of Sup Forums?

Why is it Stefanie Joosten

I want to impregnate the Joost


Anyone have any dancing Joost?

Did the Joost and Kojibra diddle?


Bump for cuties

I'm not into bestiality.

Who cares when we have the Goddess?

2d girls are for the fags on Sup Forums

Literally who? We're discussing Japanese games for men

You are both wrong

Who let the 2D fags in?

They better fix my waifu in Super/S3

2d?? Bitch Lightning is 3d

An real horse could never win over Sup Forumss virtual waifus.

> antijooster posts a gay wizard

Fucking dangerous. Remember Brandon Lee?

We can only hope

She's beautiful and saying any different proves you're a virgin

She'll have her revenge

our kween

Back to rebbit, kiddos.

What a low hanging fruit of an insult

What happened to that old weird looking girl with FAS you guys used to obsess over in like 2011? Rose I think?

future mass shooter if i ever saw one

I just want to fuck her mouth. I've never seen a more fuckable mouth.

Why would nature create a mouth that fuckable? Mouths aren't even meant for fucking but that one went ahead and became the most fuckable ones.