>The creator of Cuphead is literally named Chad
Holy fuck, have memes gone too far?
>the virgin japanese AAA open world
>the chad indie hardcore shoot em up
>The creator of Cuphead is literally named Chad
Holy fuck, have memes gone too far?
>the virgin japanese AAA open world
>the chad indie hardcore shoot em up
>naming your kid Chad turns him into a buff michael fassbender lookalike
Why doesn't everyone just name their kid Chad?
Incels probably have bad memories of Chad stealing their crush in HS and don't want to remember.
t. Bryan
Lel idk, creativity?
virgin chad meme with cuphead nao
I’m glad I pirated this game
>Chads are taking over gaming too
Just kill me.
>the virgin memers
and thank GOD. I'm fucking sick to death of half assed, uninspired, low energy weebshit like borderlands and yakuza
>the chad contrarian
If any of you clowns actually breed someone has to test this
The name Chad was around before memes, so no
Can you 14 year olds go the fuck to sleep you have school tomorrow
I'm gonna name my first son Roma, and the second Mikhail, and the third Chad.
If I have a daughter im gonna drown her and go for another son
>Chad becomes the most popular name for baby boys over the next 10 years
>turns out it was genetics all along and we end up with a generation of beta virgins named Chad
Posts like this must be the product of North Korean propaganda, because it makes me want them to press the button.
I worked with a guy named Chad before but he kind of fat and ugly.
>the virgin "chad"
>the chad "chad"
More like the increase in Chad names siphons more Chad power than the Chad arcane pool has in reserves, thus permanently locking away the power of Chad forever.
>not wanting to make alpha females
Are you a gypsy rat?
There was a dorky guy in my highschool named Chad, everyone liked him though and he got along well with others, but he wasnt what you first think when 'Chad' comes to mind.
Brayan,Brittany were names prestige in UK, but poor people start name sons and daughters as Brayan and Brittany, now Brayan are criminal,jobless or marginal men, Brittany are prostitutes,strip dancers or single mother women.
> gay enabler ruskie
Roman is a very common Russian name, the shortened version/nickname is "Roma".
The only autistic russian names are boris, pavel, and igor.
There are real people named Freddy Kruger and Jason Vorhees, too. I"m not sure what your point is.
>implying Chad uses greentext
>This Chad is making a mockery of video game journalists and their bullshit and BTFO a bunch of babby streamers
>All of this because he wanted to make his dream game amd it played off in many ways
The Chad we need need but don't deserve.
Stay mad normalshit.
What was the real origin of the chad meme?
Like was there some specific high school movie that sparked it off?
I've never encountered anyone named Chad in my life yet I instantly understood the meme when started being posted.
In Russia zemen is last name.
Ah, you are Murican.
ahj fuck i cant lol this early in the morning
>no real chads left in the world
>still doesn't make women care about the beta
>birth rates decline rapidly
>women still remember and are forever questing for the real chad as western civilization dies out
>beta's are still too beta to do what needs to be done
oh yes, I sure love the idea of putting all my parenting effort into a girl only to have her turn 16 and take twenty five dicks. sounds great
Happily pirated Chad's game. Prime for a physical release but they decided to go digital only.
using the word implying in green text is redundant you dumb fuck
not me, by the way. user is LARPing.
roma is just a cool sounding name, haters need not apply.
>t. virgin poster
>Not naming your future daughter Chad
>Not having an alpha daughter where guys and girls both want her
>th-that's now how you greentext
Stay mad virgin.
> Chadquanda
What's wrong with alpha girl fucking many guys?
Started in Africa during the colonial period. There's a country named Chad where all the white women from Europe went to get down with hung men.
>Chad makes a more interesting and harder game than 99% self identifying gamer turds that inhabit gaymezjurnalizm
Alpha girl is an oxymoron.
>alpha females
What the fuck is this meme
What about taking in 20 vaginas instead?
I hope you'll get robbed and stabbed in the street.
You can't be an "alpha girl". You either have a slut in that sense, or a strong independent business woman then ends up miserable and alone.
how the fuck do incels have children if they're incel?
It can't be helped user. Its Chads destiny to dominate and conquer. He's taken Stacy, he's taken videogames. Before long he'll take your waifu too.
Why do Chads keep putting out pure gameplay games while self-proclaimed nerds and geeks put out shitty walking simulators and shallow multiplayer games with gambling mechanics?
Even worse, honestly. God giving you a girl is the ultimate sign of nature cuckoldry. I just pray I never get one.
>a strong independent business woman then ends up miserable and alone.
This is my fetish
not an argument
Kill yourself faggot, you will never have kids anyway you degenerate hedonist.
they adopt kids and then abuse them
Chads don't play games for emotional faggots, they want to rip and tear
Ask my parents
>Implying Chads can be Artists
Chads are alpha as fuck enough to fuck hot Stacys and when they're done cumming buckets, they then go play videogames for gameplay and to have fun instead of playing pretentious garbage that faggots, numales and cu.cks try to pretend is deep and meaningful to fill in the hole that Tyrone is currently occupying.
The average suburban married couple is incel as fuck. If you're white and middle class you probably grew up with them as your neighbors.
I have no idea where the Chads go. They either end up bottom of the barrel after high school, or they end up super rich business field guys. either way, they sure as shit dont go in middle class.
You can't be incel and have children. To make a child, you need to make fuck user.
doesn't he browse neogaf?
>Implying Chads can be Artists
*blocks your path*
I think he is saying they were incel during high school, college, or significantly well into their adult life
Whats an incel
what a sexy motherfucker
it's not fair
>makes great game with almost no negative critique
>named Chad
>is actually a chad
This fucking timeline man.
Involuntarily celibate
This dude always acts like he's wearing goofy clothes "ironically" but you can tell he loves playing dress-up.
You know, this is actually a complete meme and false hope for betas.
In the old days when art was actually respectable and not a fucking numale laughing stock, it took severe dedication and a strong will/mind to be a good artist. It was a strictly masculine thing, it required dedication and passion - both masculine features.
Those days are long gone now though, as pitchfork garbage is considered "art". That's why for some reason there's this false idea that "Artsy" guys have to be skinny, effeminate weak little betas making whiny accoustic songs.
Isn't this the guy that shot all those people with a machinegun from a hotel in las vegas?
you mean to tell me you don't like playing dress up?
>Guy in a Bloodborne t-shirt
>Fable Legends demo kiosk in the background
>OG Xbone
Thanks for the reminder of HOW FUCKING LONG this game took to come out
/r9k/ betas
>tfw the best animators in the business are fucking buff cut destroying Chads
What is virginity even worth?
Chad is the virgin and Zun the Chad.
Nothing restricts Chad but his whim. He could produce a painting twice the quality of a master incel painter acquiring the skill to do so in a fraction of the time.
The artists over at DC comics are called DChads for a reason.
Dont be fooled. Just because someone lifts DOES NOT make them a chad.
>pic related
involuntarily celibate
a term used to describe those bitter, disgusting, unlovable nerds that are unwilling to blame themselves for anything.
I doubt that DaVinci was masculine
>beta males aren't a product of shitty upbringings meme
every once in a while youll some attractive/built dudes and be like 'thats totally a chad' only to later find out theyre unconfident, awkward, etc
it really is not even their fault half the time. and even if they try to get out of that pit, its x50 harder than for those that were raised well.
The Virgin RPG dev vs the Chad run and gun
there is a correlation to your name and how you grow up. Your name in a way can control your destiny of self success.
A kid named chad has good odds of becoming a chad
It's a girl that will make your son into a slut.
>Cuphead guys make a fun and satisfying game with no bullshit "deep" ideas.
>sells like hotcakes
>YIIK guys getting their game shat on way before release
When your job involves drawing buff as fuck speciMEN like Bats and Supes, you're gonna start emulating them.
scary how true is this. Fucking hipster fucks focus on "muh emotion, muh suppressed sufferings" instead of gameplay.