You getting it Sup Forums?

You getting it Sup Forums?

Yeah, from a torrent site.

Not till it goes down in price A LOT. I liked Stick but that they charged full game price for a game I didn't feel was worth the 15 I paid is just ludicrous

For free, yeah

I would have probably pirated it but it's SJW shit so I wont even bother playing it for free.

>uplay = nopay

If I paid $60 for the previous game I would've felt so fucking ripped off.

There's no way I'm paying full price for this one.

I'm getting it. Just to get the Stick of Truth for the PS4.

Maybe if they fix the issues with the first game. Definitely not at $60 either way.


For free if I get it at all. Probably won't even bother after that retarded skin color difficulty marketing stunt.

When its out?

>wut is google?

>nu-south park

That not answer fuck off, if i wanted to google i would.

I initially thought it was dumb too, but it's either that they're making fun of that trope or that they're intentionally doing it to piss off people, which is just what South Park does. You shouldn't let that deter you from buying the game

yeah probably

I love the humor and the plot, but I can't justify buying these games when the gameplay is so shallow.

He's mad that the difficulty setting also changes your characters skin color, even though that sounds hilarious.

If they don't fix the bleed stacking nonsense, no.

Of course, what other game can my MC be a sissy boi?

what I want it to do is that if you chose a darker skin color you don't get as much money from battle but you get a welfare check that deposits the balance you didn't get from the fights

I'm assuming it will change a lot of dialogue, at the very least.

not after seasons 19, 20 and now 21.

I never liked the changes season 5 brought, but it was ok up until season 16.

then it all went to shit.

You guys realize they made this game much longer as a response to that.

same as choosing the jew class from the first game, I just think it would make some on the left butt blasted and leave the right trying to tolerate whether or not the insinuation they have an easier time is worth the welfare check joke.

They try to piss off everyone, not just one side or the other, so I think that would definitely be something they'd do.

>first game comes out
>uni roommates gets it
>we'd been friends since middle school
>just sit around watching him play for hours
>we're both laughing at the jokes and references
>providing our own commentary as well
>having a real good time
>he finishes it after a weekend of playing
>out of uni, he lives halfway across the state from me
>haven't seen him in months
Someone hold me bros, I wasn't expecting these feels

>the reactionary meme

they're clearly pending more to the left nowadays.

compare the death camp of tolerance (s06e14) to pretty much all of s19.

I'll just watch it from youtube because the gameplay doesn't look worth it

Or maybe! The right can't take a joke and sees everything as biased in favor of the left. Classic victim complex.

the journalists are eating the "difficulty" thing up pretty hard I don't think they'll realize it IF it really turns out to be a welfare check joke

I don't know, the last episode had them claim that minorities claimed they were victims if they were even remotely not white. So that is a pretty fair turnaround from the alexa ep

in the three episodes of season 21 so far, they've missed a ton of opportunities to make fun of the left. plus all 3 the episodes deal with Trump and white people.

how is that not biased?

or more likely they'll just ignore that they were trying to be outraged for clicks. I am hoping that it does turn out that way on the welfare check thing.

>they've missed a ton of opportunities to make fun of the left.
Tell me what specific opportunities you think they've missed. I'm genuinely curious.

Shit has denuvo. Hopewait wont be long.

Probably will a bit skeptical because it was developed internally by Ubisoft instead of just published. Thankfully Matt and Trey seem to have still had full creative control because they wouldn't have worked on it otherwise.

Sure, why not?

I can't really think of any examples of Ubisoft doing a bad job developing something.

Nah. I'm kind of over South Park, and have been at least for the last five years. Stick of Truth was surprisingly good, but I'm not really feeling this one. It's going into the "wait until it's marked down heavily during a sale" bin with Wolfenstein 2 and Evil Within 2.

This month, all I'm getting is Mario Odyssey, and maybe Shadow of War, just because I'm really in a LotR mode right now.

I feel you, I moved about 9 hours away from all my lifelong friends. We "get together" to do the Destiny 2 raid once a week though.

Changing races should change dialogue in an rpg.

Why Wolfenstein 2? That game actually looks pretty awesome.

Uh, it does in The Elder Scrolls.

>South Park
>SJW shit

Proof that righties will be triggered by literally anything.

Politics are dumb

I'm a little burned out on FPSs at the moment, and the whole Nazi thing is getting really played out.

I miss pre-politics in everything era.

Me too, dude. Me too.

>ywn have comfy discussions about things you enjoy without getting flooded by far-left and far-right autists flinging shit at each other while centrists lord over everyone

Pre-9/11 America is the last time I remember everything not being drenched in politics. Before that, the most it would be was Conan portraying Clinton as a good ol' boy womanizer, or Daily Show making fun of Bush for being a poor public speaker. May have just been because I wasn't pay as much attention at the time, though.

Warhammer 2 was cracked after 10 hours or so
Denuvo is finished

I always thought making fun of the president was tradition. It was how you excersised your free speech and all that but holy shit if you make a single joke about Trump.

>but holy shit if you make a single joke about Trump.
I think this has to do with how thin-skinned Trump himself is. People made fun of Bush a LOT but he either took it in stride or just plain didn't acknowledge it. While Trump goes on Twitter rants about SNL like they just sent him death threats.

Maybe seems good. Only thing I'm hesitant about is price and Uplay is the worst DRM.

I don't really want to get into it, but the difference here is that it is a dogpile from 90 percent of all media on Trump. I don't even remember it being this bad with Bush, and that dude basically put us in Vietnam 2.0 based upon a complete lie. They also weren't declaring anyone who disagreed with them a "Nazi" back then, and using that as justification for open violence against dissenters. The political climate is way more fucking volatile now.

That's not to say Trump isn't giving them plenty of material to work with, though.

I want to, I bought the first one at launch, I pirated it initially, but found it too enjoyable as a SP fan pretty quickly so decided to buy it basically right away.

I rarely buy games at launch though, but I will for Odyssey and potentially this. Especially if the reviews are good.

Not him but Wolfenstein 2 will be reduced in the steam sale. Doom was reduced three months after release too.

Yeah, but I am nervous. The last season was so bad, I am hoping all the jokes and stuff was hammered out before it.

>hear this is the spiritual successor to Paper Mario's formula in every way
>not interested in South Park's setting at all

A lot of it has to do with how fucking nuts so many people making fun of Trump are and how normalized it is. No other recent president has had so many celebrities making death threats towards the commander-in-chief and so many people implicitly encouraging vigilante justice against wrongthinkers. Jokes are fine, but it's the hippest thing to do by far so there's a flood of them, and a ton of people take it too far.

It really is just that the climate is way way different. People are really into the sides theyre on.

They sure got inspired by Paper Mario but if you don't care about South Park then you will have no fun with it.
Stick of Truth felt like a 20 hour long South Park episode.

There are crazies on both sides that are causing a lot of problems. We have literal Republican politicians body slamming reporters and tweeting out that it should be okay to run over protesters. I can kind of understand being a little concerned that the two parties are uneven.

I was genuinely surprised by the first one, and I barely enjoy games anymore, so yes, I will buy it quite quickly after release depending on what I'm playing at the moment.

Unfortunately both sides keep escalating and making the other dig their heels even more and the media only cares about showcasing the extremists, so it's only going to get worst before it gets better.

They're living in a world where they are not allowed or able to take a step back from it all and take in the whole picture. They can't stop screaming because they think the other side will keep on screaming and win the screaming match, no matter how illogical and dangerous it is.

They talk in wide-sweeping philosophical ways that make it seem like they know the whole picture. But then they can only address it in extremely black-and-white terms that don't take into account any of the nuances and complications that arise in a complex, modern, diverse society.

It's a step back into tribalism and scapegoating that has plagued societies for centuries, except in the past, the voices of the nut-jobs haven't been able to multiply so easily and artificially. Twitter bot-nets and artificial echo chambers have left them thinking that the masses actually agree with them, and that they're leading a huge rebellion against some sort of tyranny. They've been protected from hearing opposing viewpoints for so long that their world view doesn't take them into account. They don't consider anything on the other side as valid because it's not real to them.

It has 2 forms of cancer on it. I don't like paying for things that make me feel like I'm on parole.

It wasn't about the game's length, SoT's combat was repetitive as hell and "spam the same ability" as fuck.

Just drive out to his place, crash for the weekend and hang out like old times.

What the fuck does this mean? Parole?

>SoT's combat was repetitive as hell and "spam the same ability" as fuck.
I cannot think of any JRPGs that cannot be described this way.

>it should be okay to run over protesters

To be fair, they shouldn't be illegally blocking public roads. That doesn't fall under Constitutionally protected peaceful protest, and I honestly don't get why the cops don't get a little more proactive in preventing that. There could be someone caught in the ensuing traffic jam trying to get to the hospital, with the passenger bleeding out.

The Patriots warned us but we didn't listen.

>it requires uplay

noun: parole
1.the release of a prisoner temporarily (for a special purpose) or permanently before the completion of a sentence, on the promise of good behavior

How the fuck does that relate to this game? Parole?

DRM is temporary freedom based on maintaining good behavior. They don't trust the customer to purchase it legitimately so they have to check on you regularly that your copy is legit.

Oh, I thought you meant the game itself, not the DRM. That makes sense. That's why I shall be pirating it.

And may I add that I find it immensely stupid that they keep trying to do DRM when DRM only inconveniences legitimate buyers. Like I remember that stupid always online DRM they tried for AC2. People who paid for the game had to suffer while people who pirated it were completely unaffected by it.

The only time DRM was remotely successful was with Denuvo, and only because it took an unusually long time for people to figure out how to crack it. But that is now over and there is literally no justification for any DRM.

Some of the most sensible shit i have seen in a while.

Thank you, but I will admit I got it from a comment on /r/politics.

Stick of truth was easily worth more than $15 you fucking moron.

my man.

>SJW shit

It's time to turn off the PC and finish your homework son.

Season 20 is the only bad season.